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/* Copyright 2009-2011 Oleg Mazurov, Circuits At Home, http://www.circuitsathome.com */
/* USB functions */
#ifndef _usb_h_
#define _usb_h_
#include <Max3421e.h>
#include "ch9.h"
/* Common setup data constant combinations */
#define bmREQ_SET USB_SETUP_HOST_TO_DEVICE|USB_SETUP_TYPE_STANDARD|USB_SETUP_RECIPIENT_DEVICE //set request type for all but 'set feature' and 'set interface'
/* HID requests */
#define USB_XFER_TIMEOUT 5000 //USB transfer timeout in milliseconds, per section of USB 2.0 spec
#define USB_NAK_LIMIT 32000 //NAK limit for a transfer. o meand NAKs are not counted
#define USB_RETRY_LIMIT 3 //retry limit for a transfer
#define USB_SETTLE_DELAY 200 //settle delay in milliseconds
#define USB_NAK_NOWAIT 1 //used in Richard's PS2/Wiimote code
#define USB_NUMDEVICES 2 //number of USB devices
/* USB state machine states */
#define USB_STATE_MASK 0xf0
#define USB_STATE_RUNNING 0x90
#define USB_STATE_ERROR 0xa0
/* USB Setup Packet Structure */
typedef struct {
union { // offset description
byte bmRequestType; // 0 Bit-map of request type
struct {
byte recipient: 5; // Recipient of the request
byte type: 2; // Type of request
byte direction: 1; // Direction of data X-fer
byte bRequest; // 1 Request
union {
unsigned int wValue; // 2 Depends on bRequest
struct {
byte wValueLo;
byte wValueHi;
unsigned int wIndex; // 4 Depends on bRequest
unsigned int wLength; // 6 Depends on bRequest
/* Endpoint information structure */
/* bToggle of endpoint 0 initialized to 0xff */
/* during enumeration bToggle is set to 00 */
typedef struct {
byte epAddr; //copy from endpoint descriptor. Bit 7 indicates direction ( ignored for control endpoints )
byte Attr; // Endpoint transfer type.
unsigned int MaxPktSize; // Maximum packet size.
byte Interval; // Polling interval in frames.
byte sndToggle; //last toggle value, bitmask for HCTL toggle bits
byte rcvToggle; //last toggle value, bitmask for HCTL toggle bits
/* not sure if both are necessary */
/* device record structure */
typedef struct {
EP_RECORD* epinfo; //device endpoint information
byte devclass; //device class
class USB : public MAX3421E {
//data structures
/* device table. Filled during enumeration */
/* index corresponds to device address */
/* each entry contains pointer to endpoint structure */
/* and device class to use in various places */
//DEV_RECORD devtable[ USB_NUMDEVICES + 1 ];
//EP_RECORD dev0ep; //Endpoint data structure used during enumeration for uninitialized device
//byte usb_task_state;
USB( void );
byte getUsbTaskState( void );
void setUsbTaskState( byte state );
EP_RECORD* getDevTableEntry( byte addr, byte ep );
void setDevTableEntry( byte addr, EP_RECORD* eprecord_ptr );
byte ctrlReq( byte addr, byte ep, byte bmReqType, byte bRequest, byte wValLo, byte wValHi, unsigned int wInd, unsigned int nbytes, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
/* Control requests */
byte getDevDescr( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte getConfDescr( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, byte conf, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte getStrDescr( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, byte index, unsigned int langid, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte setAddr( byte oldaddr, byte ep, byte newaddr, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte setConf( byte addr, byte ep, byte conf_value, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte setProto( byte addr, byte ep, byte interface, byte protocol, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte getProto( byte addr, byte ep, byte interface, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte getReportDescr( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte setReport( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, byte interface, byte report_type, byte report_id, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte getReport( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, byte interface, byte report_type, byte report_id, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte getIdle( byte addr, byte ep, byte interface, byte reportID, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte setIdle( byte addr, byte ep, byte interface, byte reportID, byte duration, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte ctrlData( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, char* dataptr, boolean direction, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte ctrlStatus( byte ep, boolean direction, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte inTransfer( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, char* data, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
int newInTransfer( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, char* data, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT);
byte outTransfer( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, char* data, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
byte dispatchPkt( byte token, byte ep, unsigned int nak_limit = USB_NAK_LIMIT );
void Task( void );
void init();
//get device descriptor
inline byte USB::getDevDescr( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_GET_DESCR, USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR, 0x00, USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE, 0x0000, nbytes, dataptr, nak_limit ));
//get configuration descriptor
inline byte USB::getConfDescr( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, byte conf, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_GET_DESCR, USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR, conf, USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION, 0x0000, nbytes, dataptr, nak_limit ));
//get string descriptor
inline byte USB::getStrDescr( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, byte index, unsigned int langid, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_GET_DESCR, USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR, index, USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, langid, nbytes, dataptr, nak_limit ));
//set address
inline byte USB::setAddr( byte oldaddr, byte ep, byte newaddr, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( oldaddr, ep, bmREQ_SET, USB_REQUEST_SET_ADDRESS, newaddr, 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0000, NULL, nak_limit ));
//set configuration
inline byte USB::setConf( byte addr, byte ep, byte conf_value, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_SET, USB_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION, conf_value, 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0000, NULL, nak_limit ));
//class requests
inline byte USB::setProto( byte addr, byte ep, byte interface, byte protocol, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_HIDOUT, HID_REQUEST_SET_PROTOCOL, protocol, 0x00, interface, 0x0000, NULL, nak_limit ));
inline byte USB::getProto( byte addr, byte ep, byte interface, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_HIDIN, HID_REQUEST_GET_PROTOCOL, 0x00, 0x00, interface, 0x0001, dataptr, nak_limit ));
//get HID report descriptor
inline byte USB::getReportDescr( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_HIDREPORT, USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR, 0x00, HID_DESCRIPTOR_REPORT, 0x0000, nbytes, dataptr, nak_limit ));
inline byte USB::setReport( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, byte interface, byte report_type, byte report_id, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_HIDOUT, HID_REQUEST_SET_REPORT, report_id, report_type, interface, nbytes, dataptr, nak_limit ));
inline byte USB::getReport( byte addr, byte ep, unsigned int nbytes, byte interface, byte report_type, byte report_id, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit ) { // ** RI 04/11/09
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_HIDIN, HID_REQUEST_GET_REPORT, report_id, report_type, interface, nbytes, dataptr, nak_limit ));
/* returns one byte of data in dataptr */
inline byte USB::getIdle( byte addr, byte ep, byte interface, byte reportID, char* dataptr, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_HIDIN, HID_REQUEST_GET_IDLE, reportID, 0, interface, 0x0001, dataptr, nak_limit ));
inline byte USB::setIdle( byte addr, byte ep, byte interface, byte reportID, byte duration, unsigned int nak_limit ) {
return( ctrlReq( addr, ep, bmREQ_HIDOUT, HID_REQUEST_SET_IDLE, reportID, duration, interface, 0x0000, NULL, nak_limit ));
#endif //_usb_h_