2023-02-15 05:58:39 +01:00
layout: examples
title: Jumbotrons
- "jumbotrons.css"
body_class: ""
2023-05-02 22:57:48 +02:00
< svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class = "d-none" >
2023-02-15 05:58:39 +01:00
< symbol id = "bootstrap" viewBox = "0 0 118 94" >
< title > Bootstrap< / title >
< path fill-rule = "evenodd" clip-rule = "evenodd" d = "M24.509 0c-6.733 0-11.715 5.893-11.492 12.284.214 6.14-.064 14.092-2.066 20.577C8.943 39.365 5.547 43.485 0 44.014v5.972c5.547.529 8.943 4.649 10.951 11.153 2.002 6.485 2.28 14.437 2.066 20.577C12.794 88.106 17.776 94 24.51 94H93.5c6.733 0 11.714-5.893 11.491-12.284-.214-6.14.064-14.092 2.066-20.577 2.009-6.504 5.396-10.624 10.943-11.153v-5.972c-5.547-.529-8.934-4.649-10.943-11.153-2.002-6.484-2.28-14.437-2.066-20.577C105.214 5.894 100.233 0 93.5 0H24.508zM80 57.863C80 66.663 73.436 72 62.543 72H44a2 2 0 01-2-2V24a2 2 0 012-2h18.437c9.083 0 15.044 4.92 15.044 12.474 0 5.302-4.01 10.049-9.119 10.88v.277C75.317 46.394 80 51.21 80 57.863zM60.521 28.34H49.948v14.934h8.905c6.884 0 10.68-2.772 10.68-7.727 0-4.643-3.264-7.207-9.012-7.207zM49.948 49.2v16.458H60.91c7.167 0 10.964-2.876 10.964-8.281 0-5.406-3.903-8.178-11.425-8.178H49.948z" > < / path >
< / symbol >
< symbol id = "arrow-right-short" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" >
< path fill-rule = "evenodd" d = "M4 8a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h5.793L8.146 5.354a.5.5 0 1 1 .708-.708l3 3a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-3 3a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L10.293 8.5H4.5A.5.5 0 0 1 4 8z" / >
< / symbol >
< symbol id = "check2-circle" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" >
< path d = "M2.5 8a5.5 5.5 0 0 1 8.25-4.764.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.866A6.5 6.5 0 1 0 14.5 8a.5.5 0 0 0-1 0 5.5 5.5 0 1 1-11 0z" / >
< path d = "M15.354 3.354a.5.5 0 0 0-.708-.708L8 9.293 5.354 6.646a.5.5 0 1 0-.708.708l3 3a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l7-7z" / >
< / symbol >
< / svg >
< div class = "container my-5" >
< div class = "p-5 text-center bg-body-tertiary rounded-3" >
< svg class = "bi mt-4 mb-3" style = "color: var(--bs-indigo);" width = "100" height = "100" > < use xlink:href = "#bootstrap" / > < / svg >
< h1 class = "text-body-emphasis" > Jumbotron with icon< / h1 >
< p class = "col-lg-8 mx-auto fs-5 text-muted" >
This is a custom jumbotron featuring an SVG image at the top, some longer text that wraps early thanks to a responsive < code > .col-*< / code > class, and a customized call to action.
< / p >
< div class = "d-inline-flex gap-2 mb-5" >
< button class = "d-inline-flex align-items-center btn btn-primary btn-lg px-4 rounded-pill" type = "button" >
Call to action
2024-08-02 10:18:29 +02:00
< svg class = "bi ms-2" width = "24" height = "24" aria-hidden = "true" > < use xlink:href = "#arrow-right-short" / > < / svg >
2023-02-15 05:58:39 +01:00
< / button >
< button class = "btn btn-outline-secondary btn-lg px-4 rounded-pill" type = "button" >
Secondary link
< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "b-example-divider" > < / div >
< div class = "container my-5" >
< div class = "position-relative p-5 text-center text-muted bg-body border border-dashed rounded-5" >
< button type = "button" class = "position-absolute top-0 end-0 p-3 m-3 btn-close bg-secondary bg-opacity-10 rounded-pill" aria-label = "Close" > < / button >
< svg class = "bi mt-5 mb-3" width = "48" height = "48" > < use xlink:href = "#check2-circle" / > < / svg >
< h1 class = "text-body-emphasis" > Placeholder jumbotron< / h1 >
< p class = "col-lg-6 mx-auto mb-4" >
This faded back jumbotron is useful for placeholder content. It's also a great way to add a bit of context to a page or section when no content is available and to encourage visitors to take a specific action.
< / p >
< button class = "btn btn-primary px-5 mb-5" type = "button" >
Call to action
< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "b-example-divider" > < / div >
< div class = "my-5" >
< div class = "p-5 text-center bg-body-tertiary" >
< div class = "container py-5" >
< h1 class = "text-body-emphasis" > Full-width jumbotron< / h1 >
< p class = "col-lg-8 mx-auto lead" >
This takes the basic jumbotron above and makes its background edge-to-edge with a < code > .container< / code > inside to align content. Similar to above, it's been recreated with built-in grid and utility classes.
< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "b-example-divider" > < / div >
< div class = "container my-5" >
< div class = "p-5 text-center bg-body-tertiary rounded-3" >
< h1 class = "text-body-emphasis" > Basic jumbotron< / h1 >
< p class = "lead" >
This is a simple Bootstrap jumbotron that sits within a < code > .container< / code > , recreated with built-in utility classes.
< / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "b-example-divider" > < / div >