<h2class="bs-featurette-title">Designed for everyone, everywhere.</h2>
<pclass="lead">Bootstrap is a responsive and mobile first framework for faster and easier web development. It's made for folks of all skill levels, devices of all shapes, and projects of all sizes.</p>
<imgsrc="docs-assets/img/sass-less.png"alt="Sass and Less support"class="img-responsive">
<p>In addition to vanilla CSS, Bootstrap includes support for the two most popular CSS preprocessors, Less and Sass.</p>
<imgsrc="docs-assets/img/devices.png"alt="Responsive across devices"class="img-responsive">
<h3>One framework, every device.</h3>
<p>Bootstrap easily and efficiently scales your project from phones to tablets to desktops with a single CSS file.</p>
<p>With Bootstrap, you get extensive and beautiful documentation with hundreds of live examples, code snippets, and more.</p>
<pclass="lead">Bootstrap is an open source project, hosted and maintained on GitHub.</p>
<ahref="{{ site.repo }}"class="btn btn-outline btn-lg">View the GitHub project</a>
<h2class="bs-featurette-title">Built with Bootstrap.</h2>
<pclass="lead">Millions of amazing sites across the web are being built with Bootstrap. Get started with your own with our growing <ahref="{{ site.url }}/getting-started/#examples">collection of examples</a> or by exploring some of our favorites from <ahref="{{ site.expo }}">the Expo</a>.</p>