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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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Input group
2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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List group
2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< a href = "/docs/4.0/components/modal/" >
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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< a href = "/docs/4.0/components/pagination/" >
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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2017-10-19 12:22:00 -07:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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2017-10-19 12:22:00 -07:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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Close icon
2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< a href = "/docs/4.0/utilities/image-replacement/" >
Image replacement
2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< a href = "/docs/4.0/utilities/position/" >
2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< a href = "/docs/4.0/utilities/screenreaders/" >
2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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Vertical align
2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-10-19 12:22:00 -07:00
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2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
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2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
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< a href = "/docs/4.0/extend/icons/" >
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2017-12-28 09:55:44 -08:00
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2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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< li class = "toc-entry toc-h2" > < a href = "#compiled-css-and-js" > Compiled CSS and JS< / a > < / li >
< li class = "toc-entry toc-h2" > < a href = "#source-files" > Source files< / a > < / li >
2020-12-21 15:32:22 +02:00
< li class = "toc-entry toc-h2" > < a href = "#jsdelivr" > jsDelivr< / a > < / li >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< li class = "toc-entry toc-h2" > < a href = "#package-managers" > Package managers< / a >
< ul >
< li class = "toc-entry toc-h3" > < a href = "#npm" > npm< / a > < / li >
< li class = "toc-entry toc-h3" > < a href = "#rubygems" > RubyGems< / a > < / li >
< li class = "toc-entry toc-h3" > < a href = "#composer" > Composer< / a > < / li >
< li class = "toc-entry toc-h3" > < a href = "#nuget" > NuGet< / a > < / li >
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< main class = "col-12 col-md-9 col-xl-8 py-md-3 pl-md-5 bd-content" role = "main" >
< h1 class = "bd-title" id = "content" > Download< / h1 >
2017-10-19 12:22:00 -07:00
< p class = "bd-lead" > Download Bootstrap to get the compiled CSS and JavaScript, source code, or include it with your favorite package managers like npm, RubyGems, and more.< / p >
2018-06-24 20:44:40 -07:00
< script async src = "https://cdn.carbonads.com/carbon.js?serve=CKYIKKJL&placement=getbootstrapcom" id = "_carbonads_js" > < / script >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< h2 id = "compiled-css-and-js" > Compiled CSS and JS< / h2 >
2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
< p > Download ready-to-use compiled code for < strong > Bootstrap v4.0.0< / strong > to easily drop into your project, which includes:< / p >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< ul >
2017-10-19 12:22:00 -07:00
< li > Compiled and minified CSS bundles (see < a href = "/docs/4.0/getting-started/contents/#comparison-of-css-files" > CSS files comparison< / a > )< / li >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< li > Compiled and minified JavaScript plugins< / li >
< / ul >
< p > This doesn’ t include documentation, source files, or any optional JavaScript dependencies (jQuery and Popper.js).< / p >
2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
< p > < a href = "https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases/download/v4.0.0/bootstrap-4.0.0-dist.zip" class = "btn btn-bd-primary" onclick = "ga('send', 'event', 'Getting started', 'Download', 'Download Bootstrap');" > Download< / a > < / p >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< h2 id = "source-files" > Source files< / h2 >
< p > Compile Bootstrap with your own asset pipeline by downloading our source Sass, JavaScript, and documentation files. This option requires some additional tooling:< / p >
< ul >
< li > Sass compiler (Libsass or Ruby Sass is supported) for compiling your CSS.< / li >
< li > < a href = "https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer" > Autoprefixer< / a > for CSS vendor prefixing< / li >
< / ul >
2017-10-19 12:22:00 -07:00
< p > Should you require < a href = "/docs/4.0/getting-started/build-tools/#tooling-setup" > build tools< / a > , they are included for developing Bootstrap and its docs, but they’ re likely unsuitable for your own purposes.< / p >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
< p > < a href = "https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/archive/v4.0.0.zip" class = "btn btn-bd-primary" onclick = "ga('send', 'event', 'Getting started', 'Download', 'Download source');" > Download source< / a > < / p >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
2020-12-21 15:32:22 +02:00
< h2 id = "jsdelivr" > jsDelivr< / h2 >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
2020-12-21 15:32:22 +02:00
< p > Skip the download with < a href = "https://www.jsdelivr.com/" > jsDelivr< / a > to deliver cached version of Bootstrap’ s compiled CSS and JS to your project.< / p >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
2020-12-21 15:32:22 +02:00
< figure class = "highlight" > < pre > < code class = "language-html" data-lang = "html" > < span class = "nt" > < link< / span > < span class = "na" > rel=< / span > < span class = "s" > "stylesheet"< / span > < span class = "na" > href=< / span > < span class = "s" > "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@4.0.0/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"< / span > < span class = "na" > integrity=< / span > < span class = "s" > "sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+058RXPxPg6fy4IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm"< / span > < span class = "na" > crossorigin=< / span > < span class = "s" > "anonymous"< / span > < span class = "nt" > > < / span >
< span class = "nt" > < script < / span > < span class = "na" > src=< / span > < span class = "s" > "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@4.0.0/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"< / span > < span class = "na" > integrity=< / span > < span class = "s" > "sha384-JZR6Spejh4U02d8jOt6vLEHfe/JQGiRRSQQxSfFWpi1MquVdAyjUar5+76PVCmYl"< / span > < span class = "na" > crossorigin=< / span > < span class = "s" > "anonymous"< / span > < span class = "nt" > > < /script> < / span > < / code > < / pre > < / figure >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< p > If you’ re using our compiled JavaScript, don’ t forget to include CDN versions of jQuery and Popper.js before it.< / p >
< figure class = "highlight" > < pre > < code class = "language-html" data-lang = "html" > < span class = "nt" > < script < / span > < span class = "na" > src=< / span > < span class = "s" > "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js"< / span > < span class = "na" > integrity=< / span > < span class = "s" > "sha384-KJ3o2DKtIkvYIK3UENzmM7KCkRr/rE9/Qpg6aAZGJwFDMVNA/GpGFF93hXpG5KkN"< / span > < span class = "na" > crossorigin=< / span > < span class = "s" > "anonymous"< / span > < span class = "nt" > > < /script> < / span >
2020-12-21 15:39:23 +02:00
< span class = "nt" > < script < / span > < span class = "na" > src=< / span > < span class = "s" > "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/popper.js@1.12.9/dist/umd/popper.min.js"< / span > < span class = "na" > integrity=< / span > < span class = "s" > "sha384-ApNbgh9B+Y1QKtv3Rn7W3mgPxhU9K/ScQsAP7hUibX39j7fakFPskvXusvfa0b4Q"< / span > < span class = "na" > crossorigin=< / span > < span class = "s" > "anonymous"< / span > < span class = "nt" > > < /script> < / span > < / code > < / pre > < / figure >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< h2 id = "package-managers" > Package managers< / h2 >
< p > Pull in Bootstrap’ s < strong > source files< / strong > into nearly any project with some of the most popular package managers. No matter the package manager, Bootstrap will < strong > require a Sass compiler and < a href = "https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer" > Autoprefixer< / a > < / strong > for a setup that matches our official compiled versions.< / p >
< h3 id = "npm" > npm< / h3 >
2017-10-19 12:22:00 -07:00
< p > Install Bootstrap in your Node.js powered apps with < a href = "https://www.npmjs.com/package/bootstrap" > the npm package< / a > :< / p >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
< figure class = "highlight" > < pre > < code class = "language-sh" data-lang = "sh" > npm < span class = "nb" > install < / span > bootstrap< / code > < / pre > < / figure >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< p > < code class = "highlighter-rouge" > require('bootstrap')< / code > will load all of Bootstrap’ s jQuery plugins onto the jQuery object. The < code class = "highlighter-rouge" > bootstrap< / code > module itself does not export anything. You can manually load Bootstrap’ s jQuery plugins individually by loading the < code class = "highlighter-rouge" > /js/*.js< / code > files under the package’ s top-level directory.< / p >
< p > Bootstrap’ s < code class = "highlighter-rouge" > package.json< / code > contains some additional metadata under the following keys:< / p >
< ul >
< li > < code class = "highlighter-rouge" > sass< / code > - path to Bootstrap’ s main < a href = "http://sass-lang.com/" > Sass< / a > source file< / li >
< li > < code class = "highlighter-rouge" > style< / code > - path to Bootstrap’ s non-minified CSS that’ s been precompiled using the default settings (no customization)< / li >
< / ul >
< h3 id = "rubygems" > RubyGems< / h3 >
< p > Install Bootstrap in your Ruby apps using < a href = "https://bundler.io/" > Bundler< / a > (< strong > recommended< / strong > ) and < a href = "https://rubygems.org/" > RubyGems< / a > by adding the following line to your < a href = "https://bundler.io/gemfile.html" > < code class = "highlighter-rouge" > Gemfile< / code > < / a > :< / p >
2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
< figure class = "highlight" > < pre > < code class = "language-ruby" data-lang = "ruby" > < span class = "n" > gem< / span > < span class = "s1" > 'bootstrap'< / span > < span class = "p" > ,< / span > < span class = "s1" > '~> 4.0.0'< / span > < / code > < / pre > < / figure >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< p > Alternatively, if you’ re not using Bundler, you can install the gem by running this command:< / p >
2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
< figure class = "highlight" > < pre > < code class = "language-sh" data-lang = "sh" > gem < span class = "nb" > install < / span > bootstrap < span class = "nt" > -v< / span > 4.0.0< / code > < / pre > < / figure >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< p > < a href = "https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-rubygem/blob/master/README.md" > See the gem’ s README< / a > for further details.< / p >
< h3 id = "composer" > Composer< / h3 >
2017-10-19 12:22:00 -07:00
< p > You can also install and manage Bootstrap’ s Sass and JavaScript using < a href = "https://getcomposer.org/" > Composer< / a > :< / p >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
< figure class = "highlight" > < pre > < code class = "language-sh" data-lang = "sh" > composer require twbs/bootstrap:4.0.0< / code > < / pre > < / figure >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
< h3 id = "nuget" > NuGet< / h3 >
2017-10-19 12:22:00 -07:00
< p > If you develop in .NET, you can also install and manage Bootstrap’ s < a href = "https://www.nuget.org/packages/bootstrap/" > CSS< / a > or < a href = "https://www.nuget.org/packages/bootstrap.sass/" > Sass< / a > and JavaScript using < a href = "https://www.nuget.org/" > NuGet< / a > :< / p >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
< figure class = "highlight" > < pre > < code class = "language-powershell" data-lang = "powershell" > Install-Package bootstrap< / code > < / pre > < / figure >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
2018-01-18 10:32:35 -08:00
< figure class = "highlight" > < pre > < code class = "language-powershell" data-lang = "powershell" > Install-Package bootstrap.sass< / code > < / pre > < / figure >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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2018-04-09 12:48:24 -07:00
< script > window . jQuery || document . write ( '<script src="/docs/4.0/assets/js/vendor/jquery-slim.min.js"><\/script>' ) < / script >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
2018-04-09 13:16:07 -07:00
< script src = "/docs/4.0/assets/js/vendor/popper.min.js" integrity = "sha384-ApNbgh9B+Y1QKtv3Rn7W3mgPxhU9K/ScQsAP7hUibX39j7fakFPskvXusvfa0b4Q" crossorigin = "anonymous" > < / script > < script src = "/docs/4.0/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity = "sha384-JZR6Spejh4U02d8jOt6vLEHfe/JQGiRRSQQxSfFWpi1MquVdAyjUar5+76PVCmYl" crossorigin = "anonymous" > < / script > < script src = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsearch.js@2/dist/cdn/docsearch.min.js" > < / script > < script src = "/docs/4.0/assets/js/docs.min.js" > < / script >
2017-08-10 21:04:59 -07:00
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