<li>Docs: major updates across the board to general structure, examples, and code snippets. Also made responsive with new media queries.</li>
<li>Docs: all docs pages are now powered by Mustache templates and strings are wrapped in i18n tags for translation by the Twitter Translation Center. All changes to documentation must be done here and then compiled (similar to our CSS and LESS).</li>
<li>Repo directory structure: removed the compiled CSS from the root in favor of a large direct download link on the docs homepage. Compiled CSS is in <code>/docs/assets/css/</code>.</li>
<li>Docs and repo: one makefile, just type <code>make</code> in the Terminal and get updated docs and CSS.</li>
<li>Two brand new components in 2.0: button groups and button dropdowns</li>
<li>Dependency: button dropdowns are built on button groups, and therefore require all their styles</li>
<li>Button groups, <code>.btn-group</code>, can be grouped one level higher with a button toolbar, <code>.btn-toolbar</code></li>
<li>Tabs and pills now require the use of a new base class, <code>.nav</code>, on their <code><ul></code></li>
<li>New nav list variation added that uses the same base class, <code>.nav</code></li>
<li>Vertical tabs and pills have been added—just add <code>.stacked</code> to the <code><ul></code></li>
<li>Pills were restyled to be less rounded by default</li>
<li>Pills now have dropdown menu support (they share the same markup and styles as tabs)</li>
<h3>Dropdown menus</h3>
<li>Updated the <code>.dropdown-menu</code> to tighten up spacing</li>
<li>Now requires you to add a <code><span class="caret"></span></code> to show the dropdown arrow</li>
<li>The navbar (fixed topbar) has brand new dropdowns. Gone are the dark versions and in their place are the standard white ones with an additional caret at their tops for clarity of position.</li>
<li>Label colors updated to match form state colors</li>
<li>Not only do they match graphically, but they are powered by the same new variables</li>
<li>Formerly <code>.media-grid</code>, now just <code>.thumbnails</code>, we've thoroughly extended this component for more uses while maintaining overall simplicity out of the box.</li>
<li>Individual thumbnails now require <code>.thumbnail</code> class</li>
<li>New base class: <code>.alert</code> instead of <code>.alert-message</code></li>
<li>Class names standardized for other options, now all starting with <code>.alert-</code></li>
<li>Redesigned base alert styles to combine the deafult alerts and block-level alerts into one</li>
<li>Block level alert class changed: <code>.alert-block</code> instead of <code>.block-message</code></li>
<h3>Progress bars</h3>
<li>New in 2.0</li>
<li>Features multiple styles via classes, including striped and animated variations via CSS3</li>
<h3>Miscellaneous components</h3>
<li>Added documentation for the well component and the close icon (used in modals and alerts)</li>
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<p>Designed and built with all the love in the world <ahref="http://twitter.com/twitter"target="_blank">@twitter</a> by <ahref="http://twitter.com/mdo"target="_blank">@mdo</a> and <ahref="http://twitter.com/fat"target="_blank">@fat</a>.</p>
<p>Code licensed under the <ahref="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"target="_blank">Apache License v2.0</a>. Documentation licensed under <ahref="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">CC BY 3.0</a>.</p>
<p>Icons from <ahref="http://glyphicons.com">Glyphicons Free</a>, licensed under <ahref="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">CC BY 3.0</a>.</p>