diff --git a/docs/assets/js/customizer.js b/docs/assets/js/customizer.js
index f96cc8ceaa..e7e592dc62 100644
--- a/docs/assets/js/customizer.js
+++ b/docs/assets/js/customizer.js
@@ -173,20 +173,55 @@ window.onload = function () { // wait for load in a dumb way because B-0
- // Returns an Array of @import'd filenames from 'bootstrap.less' in the order
+ // Returns an Array of @import'd filenames in the order
// in which they appear in the file.
- function bootstrapLessFilenames() {
+ function includedLessFilenames(lessFilename) {
var IMPORT_REGEX = /^@import \"(.*?)\";$/
- var bootstrapLessLines = __less['bootstrap.less'].split('\n')
+ var lessLines = __less[lessFilename].split('\n')
- for (var i = 0, imports = []; i < bootstrapLessLines.length; i++) {
- var match = IMPORT_REGEX.exec(bootstrapLessLines[i])
+ for (var i = 0, imports = []; i < lessLines.length; i++) {
+ var match = IMPORT_REGEX.exec(lessLines[i])
if (match) imports.push(match[1])
return imports
+ function generateLESS(lessFilename, lessFileIncludes, vars) {
+ var lessSource = __less[lessFilename]
+ $.each(includedLessFilenames(lessFilename), function(index, filename) {
+ var fileInclude = lessFileIncludes[filename]
+ // Files not explicitly unchecked are compiled into the final stylesheet.
+ // Core stylesheets like 'normalize.less' are not included in the form
+ // since disabling them would wreck everything, and so their 'fileInclude'
+ // will be 'undefined'.
+ if (fileInclude || (fileInclude == null)) lessSource += __less[filename]
+ // Custom variables are added after Bootstrap variables so the custom
+ // ones take precedence.
+ if (('variables.less' === filename) && vars) lessSource += generateCustomCSS(vars)
+ })
+ lessSource = lessSource.replace(/@import[^\n]*/gi, '') //strip any imports
+ return lessSource
+ }
+ function compileLESS(lessSource, baseFilename, intoResult) {
+ var parser = new less.Parser({
+ paths: ['variables.less', 'mixins.less'],
+ optimization: 0,
+ filename: baseFilename + '.css'
+ }).parse(lessSource, function (err, tree) {
+ if (err) {
+ return showError('Ruh roh! Could not parse less files.', err)
+ }
+ intoResult[baseFilename + '.css'] = cw + tree.toCSS()
+ intoResult[baseFilename + '.min.css'] = cw + tree.toCSS({ compress: true })
+ })
+ }
function generateCSS() {
var oneChecked = false
var lessFileIncludes = {}
@@ -202,43 +237,16 @@ window.onload = function () { // wait for load in a dumb way because B-0
var result = {}
var vars = {}
- var css = ''
$('#less-variables-section input')
.each(function () {
$(this).val() && (vars[$(this).prev().text()] = $(this).val())
- $.each(bootstrapLessFilenames(), function(index, filename) {
- var fileInclude = lessFileIncludes[filename]
- // Files not explicitly unchecked are compiled into the final stylesheet.
- // Core stylesheets like 'normalize.less' are not included in the form
- // since disabling them would wreck everything, and so their 'fileInclude'
- // will be 'undefined'.
- if (fileInclude || (fileInclude == null)) css += __less[filename]
- // Custom variables are added after Bootstrap variables so the custom
- // ones take precedence.
- if (('variables.less' === filename) && vars) css += generateCustomCSS(vars)
- })
- css = css.replace(/@import[^\n]*/gi, '') //strip any imports
+ var bsLessSource = generateLESS('bootstrap.less', lessFileIncludes, vars)
try {
- var parser = new less.Parser({
- paths: ['variables.less', 'mixins.less'],
- optimization: 0,
- filename: 'bootstrap.css'
- }).parse(css, function (err, tree) {
- if (err) {
- return showError('Ruh roh! Could not parse less files.', err)
- }
- result = {
- 'bootstrap.css' : cw + tree.toCSS(),
- 'bootstrap.min.css' : cw + tree.toCSS({ compress: true })
- }
- })
+ compileLESS(bsLessSource, 'bootstrap', result)
} catch (err) {
return showError('Ruh roh! Could not parse less files.', err)