mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 13:29:00 +01:00
Simplify sidebar styles
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,73 +1,64 @@
// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
.bd-links {
@include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
@supports (position: sticky) {
position: sticky;
top: 5rem;
height: subtract(100vh, 7rem);
overflow-y: auto;
// Override collapse behaviors
@include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
display: block !important;
.bd-sidenav-group-link {
padding: .25rem .625rem .25rem .5rem;
font-weight: 600;
color: rgba($black, .65);
text-decoration: none;
@include border-radius(.25rem);
> * { pointer-events: none; }
&:focus {
color: rgba($black, .85);
background-color: rgba($bd-purple-bright, .1);
@include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
position: sticky;
top: 5rem;
// Override collapse behaviors
// stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-no-important
display: block !important;
height: subtract(100vh, 7rem);
// Prevent focus styles to be cut off:
padding-left: .25rem;
margin-left: -.25rem;
overflow-y: auto;
.bd-sidenav-group {
&.has-children .bd-sidenav-group-link::before {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: .25rem;
line-height: 0; // Align in the middle
content: escape-svg($sidebar-collapse-icon);
@include transition(transform .35s ease);
[aria-expanded="true"] {
color: rgba($black, .85);
&::before {
transform: rotate(90deg);
// All levels of nav
.bd-sidebar .nav {
flex-flow: column nowrap;
padding-left: 1.25rem;
a {
display: inline-block;
padding: .25rem .5rem;
@include font-size(.875rem);
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
padding: .1875rem .5rem;
margin-top: .125rem;
color: rgba($black, .65);
text-decoration: none;
text-decoration: if($link-decoration == none, null, none);
@include border-radius(.25rem);
&:focus {
color: rgba($black, .85);
text-decoration: if($link-hover-decoration == underline, none, null);
background-color: rgba($bd-purple-bright, .1);
// Indent if there's no submenu
&:only-child {
margin-left: 1.25rem;
// Add chevron if there's a submenu
&:not(:only-child) {
&::before {
width: 1.25em;
line-height: 0; // Align in the middle
content: escape-svg($sidebar-collapse-icon);
@include transition(transform .35s ease);
transform-origin: .5em 50%;
&:not(.collapsed) {
color: rgba($black, .85);
&::before {
transform: rotate(90deg);
// Adjust font size and font weights in submenu
+ ul {
@include font-size(.875rem);
font-weight: 400;
.active {
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<div class="container-xl my-4">
<div class="row flex-xl-nowrap">
<div class="col-md-3 bd-sidebar">
<div class="col-md-3">
{{ partial "docs-sidebar" . }}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{{- $url := split .Permalink "/" -}}
{{- $page_slug := index $url (sub (len $url) 2) -}}
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<ul class="list-unstyled mb-0">
{{- range $group := .Site.Data.sidebar -}}
{{- $link := $group.title -}}
{{- $link_slug := $link | urlize -}}
@ -15,17 +15,16 @@
{{- $group_slug := $group.title | urlize -}}
{{- $active_group := eq $.Page.Params.group $group_slug }}
<li class="bd-sidenav-group my-1{{ if $active_group }} active{{ end }}{{ if $group.pages }} has-children{{ end }}">
<a class="d-inline-flex align-items-center bd-sidenav-group-link" data-toggle="collapse" href="#{{ $group_slug }}-collapse"
role="button" aria-expanded="{{ $active_group }}"{{ if $active_group }} aria-current="true"{{ end }}>
<li class="my-1{{ if $active_group }} active{{ end }}">
<a class="{{ if not $active_group }} collapsed{{ end }}" data-toggle="collapse" href="#{{ $group_slug }}-collapse" role="button" aria-expanded="{{ $active_group }}"{{ if $active_group }} aria-current="true"{{ end }}>
{{ $group.title }}
{{- if $group.pages }}
<ul class="nav bd-sidenav mb-2 collapse{{ if $active_group }} show{{ end }}" id="{{ $group_slug }}-collapse">
<ul class="list-unstyled mb-2 collapse{{ if $active_group }} show{{ end }}" id="{{ $group_slug }}-collapse">
{{- range $doc := $group.pages -}}
{{- $doc_slug := $doc.title | urlize }}
<li{{ if and $active_group (eq $page_slug $doc_slug) }} class="bd-sidenav-active"{{ end }}>
<a href="/docs/{{ $.Site.Params.docs_version }}/{{ $group_slug }}/{{ $doc_slug }}/"{{ if and $active_group (eq $page_slug $doc_slug) }} class="active" aria-current="page"{{ end }}>
{{- $doc.title -}}
@ -37,8 +36,8 @@
{{- end }}
<li class="my-3 mx-4 border-top"></li>
<li class="bd-sidenav-group pl-3">
<a class="d-inline-flex align-items-center bd-sidenav-group-link" href="/docs/{{ $.Site.Params.docs_version }}/migration/">
<li{{ if eq $page_slug "migration" }} class="active"{{ end }}>
<a href="/docs/{{ $.Site.Params.docs_version }}/migration/">
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