mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 13:29:00 +01:00
start markdowning getting started and moving things to separate pages
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markdown: kramdown
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# Permalinks
permalink: pretty
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
- title: Getting started
- title: Quick start
- title: Download
- title: Precompiled
- title: Source
- title: Bower
- title: npm
- title: Contents
- title: Compiling
- title: Browser and device support
- title: Third aprty support
- title: Accessibility
- title: License FAQs
- title: Translations
- title: Examples
- title: Components
- title: Scaffolding
- title: Grid
- title: Overview
- title: Typography
- title: Scale
- title: Body copy
- title: Headings
- title: Images
- title: Code
- title: Inline code
- title: Preformatted text
- title: Variables
- title: User input
- title: Sample output
- title: Tables
- title: Forms
- title: Buttons
- title: Button groups
# - title: Button dropdowns
- title: Input groups
# - title: Dropdowns
- title: Navigation
- title: Navbar
- title: Breadcrumb
- title: Pagination
- title: Alert
- title: Progress
- title: Media
- title: List
- title: Responsive embed
- title: Helpers
- title: Responsive utilities
- title: Viewports
- title: Print
- title: Test cases
- title: JavaScript
- title: Overview
- title: Transititons
- title: Modal
- title: Dropdown
- title: Scrollspy
- title: Tab
- title: Tooltip
- title: Popover
- title: Alert
- title: Button
- title: Collapse
- title: Carousel
- title: Affix
- title: Learn & Extend
- title: Approach
@ -32,19 +32,19 @@
<!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster -->
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
{% if site.github %}
<script src="../dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
{% else %}
<script src="../dist/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}dist/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
{% endif %}
{% if site.github %}
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<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}assets/js/docs.min.js"></script>
{% else %}
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<script src="../assets/js/vendor/ZeroClipboard.min.js"></script>
<script src="../assets/js/src/application.js"></script>
<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}assets/js/vendor/holder.js"></script>
<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}assets/js/vendor/ZeroClipboard.min.js"></script>
<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}assets/js/src/application.js"></script>
{% endif %}
{% if page.slug == "customize" %}
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<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}assets/js/customize.min.js"></script>
{% endif %}
{% comment %}
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
<div class="bs-docs-section">
<h1 id="grunt" class="page-header">Compiling CSS and JavaScript</h1>
<p class="lead">Bootstrap uses <a href="http://gruntjs.com">Grunt</a> for its build system, with convenient methods for working with the framework. It's how we compile our code, run tests, and more.</p>
<h2 id="grunt-installing">Installing Grunt</h2>
<p>To install Grunt, you must <strong>first <a href="http://nodejs.org/download/">download and install node.js</a></strong> (which includes npm). npm stands for <a href="http://npmjs.org/">node packaged modules</a> and is a way to manage development dependencies through node.js.</p>
Then, from the command line:
<li>Install <code>grunt-cli</code> globally with <code>npm install -g grunt-cli</code>.</li>
<li>Navigate to the root <code>/bootstrap/</code> directory, then run <code>npm install</code>. npm will look at the <a href="https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/package.json"><code>package.json</code></a> file and automatically install the necessary local dependencies listed there.</li>
<p>When completed, you'll be able to run the various Grunt commands provided from the command line.</p>
<h2 id="grunt-commands">Available Grunt commands</h2>
<h3><code>grunt dist</code> (Just compile CSS and JavaScript)</h3>
<p>Regenerates the <code>/dist/</code> directory with compiled and minified CSS and JavaScript files. As a Bootstrap user, this is normally the command you want.</p>
<h3><code>grunt watch</code> (Watch)</h3>
<p>Watches the Less source files and automatically recompiles them to CSS whenever you save a change.</p>
<h3><code>grunt test</code> (Run tests)</h3>
<p>Runs <a href="http://jshint.com">JSHint</a> and runs the <a href="http://qunitjs.com">QUnit</a> tests headlessly in <a href="http://phantomjs.org">PhantomJS</a>.</p>
<h3><code>grunt</code> (Build absolutely everything and run tests)</h3>
<p>Compiles and minifies CSS and JavaScript, builds the documentation website, runs the HTML5 validator against the docs, regenerates the Customizer assets, and more. Usually only necessary if you're hacking on Bootstrap itself.</p>
<h2 id="grunt-troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</h2>
<p>Should you encounter problems with installing dependencies or running Grunt commands, first delete the <code>/node_modules/</code> directory generated by npm. Then, rerun <code>npm install</code>.</p>
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
<div class="bs-docs-section">
<h1 id="whats-included" class="page-header">What's included</h1>
<p class="lead">Bootstrap is downloadable in two forms, within which you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common resources and providing both compiled and minified variations.</p>
<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-warning" id="jquery-required">
<h4>jQuery required</h4>
<p>Please note that <strong>all JavaScript plugins require jQuery</strong> to be included, as shown in the <a href="#template">starter template</a>. <a href="{{ site.repo }}/blob/v{{ site.current_version }}/bower.json">Consult our <code>bower.json</code></a> to see which versions of jQuery are supported.</p>
<h2 id="whats-included-precompiled">Precompiled Bootstrap</h2>
<p>Once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder to see the structure of (the compiled) Bootstrap. You'll see something like this:</p>
<!-- NOTE: This info is intentionally duplicated in the README.
Copy any changes made here over to the README too. -->
{% highlight bash %}
├── css/
│ ├── bootstrap.css
│ ├── bootstrap.min.css
│ ├── bootstrap-theme.css
│ └── bootstrap-theme.min.css
└── js/
├── bootstrap.js
└── bootstrap.min.js
{% endhighlight %}
<p>This is the most basic form of Bootstrap: precompiled files for quick drop-in usage in nearly any web project. We provide compiled CSS and JS (<code>bootstrap.*</code>), as well as compiled and minified CSS and JS (<code>bootstrap.min.*</code>). Also included is the optional Bootstrap theme.</p>
<h2 id="whats-included-source">Bootstrap source code</h2>
<p>The Bootstrap source code download includes the precompiled CSS and JavaScript assets, along with source Less, JavaScript, and documentation. More specifically, it includes the following and more:</p>
{% highlight bash %}
├── less/
├── js/
├── dist/
│ ├── css/
│ └── js/
└── docs/
└── examples/
{% endhighlight %}
<p>The <code>less/</code> and <code>js/</code> are the source code for our CSS and JavaScript. The <code>dist/</code> folder includes everything listed in the precompiled download section above. The <code>docs/</code> folder includes the source code for our documentation, and <code>examples/</code> of Bootstrap usage. Beyond that, any other included file provides support for packages, license information, and development.</p>
@ -15,29 +15,29 @@
<!-- Bootstrap core CSS -->
{% if site.github %}
<link href="../dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{{ site.baseurl }}dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
{% else %}
<link href="../dist/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{{ site.baseurl }}dist/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
{% endif %}
{% if page.slug == "css" or page.slug == "components" or page.slug == "js" %}
<!-- Optional Bootstrap Theme -->
{% if site.github %}
<link href="data:text/css;charset=utf-8," data-href="../dist/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bs-theme-stylesheet">
<link href="data:text/css;charset=utf-8," data-href="{{ site.baseurl }}dist/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bs-theme-stylesheet">
{% else %}
<link href="data:text/css;charset=utf-8," data-href="../dist/css/bootstrap-theme.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bs-theme-stylesheet">
<link href="data:text/css;charset=utf-8," data-href="{{ site.baseurl }}dist/css/bootstrap-theme.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bs-theme-stylesheet">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Documentation extras -->
<link href="../assets/css/docs.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{{ site.baseurl }}assets/css/docs.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- IE10 viewport hack for Surface/desktop Windows 8 bug -->
<script src="../assets/js/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js"></script>
<script src="../assets/js/ie-emulation-modes-warning.js"></script>
<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}assets/js/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js"></script>
<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}assets/js/ie-emulation-modes-warning.js"></script>
<!-- Favicons -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="{{ site.baseurl }}apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">
<link rel="icon" href="{{ site.baseurl }}favicon.ico">
@ -7,64 +7,55 @@
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<a href="../" class="navbar-brand">
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}" class="navbar-brand">
<nav class="collapse navbar-collapse bs-sidenav-collapse" role="navigation">
<div class="bs-docs-toc-item{% if page.slug == "getting-started" %} active{% endif %}">
<a class="bs-docs-toc-link" href="../getting-started">Getting started</a>
{% if page.slug == "getting-started" %}
<ul class="nav bs-docs-sidenav">
{% include nav/getting-started.html %}
{% endif %}
{% for group in site.data.nav %}
{% assign link = group.pages | first %}
{% assign slug = group.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' || page.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' %}
{% assign active = nil %}
<div class="bs-docs-toc-item{% if page.slug == "css" %} active{% endif %}">
<a class="bs-docs-toc-link" href="../css">CSS</a>
{% if page.slug == "css" %}
<ul class="nav bs-docs-sidenav">
{% include nav/css.html %}
{% if page.url contains slug %}
{% assign active = 'active' %}
{% endif %}
<div class="bs-docs-toc-item{% if page.slug == "components" %} active{% endif %}">
<a class="bs-docs-toc-link" href="../components">Components</a>
{% if page.slug == "components" %}
<ul class="nav bs-docs-sidenav">
{% include nav/components.html %}
{% endif %}
<div class="bs-docs-toc-item {{ active }}">
<a class="bs-docs-toc-link" href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ group.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' }}/{{ link.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' || page.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' }}">
{{ group.title }}
<div class="bs-docs-toc-item{% if page.slug == "js" %} active{% endif %}">
<a class="bs-docs-toc-link" href="../javascript">JavaScript</a>
{% if page.slug == "js" %}
<ul class="nav bs-docs-sidenav">
{% include nav/javascript.html %}
{% endif %}
<ul class="nav bs-docs-sidenav">
{% for doc in group.pages %}
{% assign slug = doc.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' %}
{% assign active = nil %}
<div class="bs-docs-toc-item{% if page.slug == "customize" %} active{% endif %}">
<a class="bs-docs-toc-link" href="../customize">Customize</a>
{% if page.slug == "customize" %}
<ul class="nav bs-docs-sidenav">
{% include nav/customize.html %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.url contains slug %}
{% assign active = 'active' %}
{% endif %}
<div class="bs-docs-toc-item{% if page.slug == "about" %} active{% endif %}">
<a class="bs-docs-toc-link" href="../about">About</a>
{% if page.slug == "js" %}
<ul class="nav bs-docs-sidenav">
{% include nav/about.html %}
{% endif %}
<li class="{{ active }}">
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ group.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' }}/{{ doc.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' }}">
{{ doc.title }}
{% unless doc.sections == nil %}
<ul class="nav">
{% for section in doc.sections %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ group.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' }}/{{ doc.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' }}#{{ section.title | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' }}">
{{ section.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
@ -9,6 +9,18 @@
{% include nav/docs.html %}
<div class="bs-docs-header" id="content">
<div class="bs-docs-container">
{% if page.url contains "getting-started" %}
<h1>Getting started</h1>
<p class="lead">Learn how to quickly start a new project with Bootstrap with downloads, basic templates and examples, and more.</p>
{% endif %}
{% include ads.html %}
<div class="bs-docs-header" id="content">
<div class="bs-docs-container">
<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
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<div class="bs-docs-container bs-docs-content">
{{ content }}
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{{ content }}
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ var Holder=Holder||{};!function(a,b){function c(a,b,c){b=parseInt(b,10),a=parseI
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// theme toggler
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@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ body {
// Nav: second level (shown on .active)
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display: none; // Hide by default, but at >768px, show it
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padding-bottom: 10px;
.bs-docs-sidebar .nav .nav > li > a {
@ -6,11 +6,8 @@ lead: "Learn how to quickly start a new project with Bootstrap with downloads, b
{% markdown %}
{% include getting-started/download.md %}
{% endmarkdown %}
{% include getting-started/whats-included.html %}
{% include getting-started/grunt.html %}
{% include getting-started/template.html %}
{% include getting-started/examples.html %}
{% include getting-started/community.html %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
layout: page
title: Compiling with Grunt
Bootstrap uses [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com) for its build system, with convenient methods for working with the framework. It's how we compile our code, run tests, and more.
### Install Grunt
**To install Grunt, you must first [download and install node.js](http://nodejs.org/download/)** (which includes npm). npm stands for [node packaged modules](http://npmjs.org/) and is a way to manage development dependencies through node.js.
From the command line:
1. Install `grunt-cli` globally with `npm install -g grunt-cli`.
2. Navigate to the root `/bootstrap` directory, then run `npm install`. npm will look at [package.json](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/package.json) and automatically install the necessary local dependencies listed there.
When completed, you'll be able to run the various Grunt commands provided from the command line.
**Unfamiliar with npm? Don't have node installed?** That's a-okay. npm stands for [node packaged modules](http://npmjs.org/) and is a way to manage development dependencies through node.js. [Download and install node.js](http://nodejs.org/download/) before proceeding.
### Available Grunt commands
#### Build - `grunt`
Run `grunt` to run tests locally and compile the CSS and JavaScript into `/dist`. **Uses [Less](http://lesscss.org/) and [UglifyJS](http://lisperator.net/uglifyjs/).**
#### Only compile CSS and JavaScript - `grunt dist`
`grunt dist` creates the `/dist` directory with compiled files. **Uses [Less](http://lesscss.org/) and [UglifyJS](http://lisperator.net/uglifyjs/).**
#### Tests - `grunt test`
Runs [JSHint](http://jshint.com) and [QUnit](http://qunitjs.com/) tests headlessly in [PhantomJS](http://phantomjs.org/) (used for CI).
#### Watch - `grunt watch`
This is a convenience method for watching just Less files and automatically building them whenever you save.
### Troubleshooting dependencies
Should you encounter problems with installing dependencies or running Grunt commands, uninstall all previous dependency versions (global and local). Then, rerun `npm install`.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
layout: page
title: Contents
Bootstrap is downloadable in two forms, within which you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common resources and providing both compiled and minified variations.
<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-warning" id="jquery-required">
<h4>jQuery required</h4>
<p>Please note that <strong>all JavaScript plugins require jQuery</strong> to be included, as shown in the <a href="#template">starter template</a>. <a href="{{ site.repo }}/blob/v{{ site.current_version }}/bower.json">Consult our <code>bower.json</code></a> to see which versions of jQuery are supported.</p>
### Precompiled Bootstrap
Once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder to see the structure of (the compiled) Bootstrap. You'll see something like this:
<!-- NOTE: This info is intentionally duplicated in the README. Copy any changes made here over to the README too. -->
{% highlight bash %}
├── css/
│ ├── bootstrap.css
│ ├── bootstrap.min.css
│ ├── bootstrap-theme.css
│ └── bootstrap-theme.min.css
└── js/
├── bootstrap.js
└── bootstrap.min.js
{% endhighlight %}
This is the most basic form of Bootstrap: precompiled files for quick drop-in usage in nearly any web project. We provide compiled CSS and JS (`bootstrap.*`), as well as compiled and minified CSS and JS (1bootstrap.min.*1). Also included is the optional Bootstrap theme.
### Bootstrap source code
The Bootstrap source code download includes the precompiled CSS and JavaScript assets, along with source Less, JavaScript, and documentation. More specifically, it includes the following and more:
{% highlight bash %}
├── less/
├── js/
├── dist/
│ ├── css/
│ └── js/
└── docs/
└── examples/
{% endhighlight %}
The `less/` and `js/` are the source code for our CSS and JavaScript. The `dist/` folder includes everything listed in the precompiled download section above. The `docs/` folder includes the source code for our documentation, and `examples/` of Bootstrap usage. Beyond that, any other included file provides support for packages, license information, and development.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
layout: page
title: Download
Bootstrap is available for download via ZIP file in two flavors: precompiled CSS and Javascript, and the complete source code with documentation.
### Precompiled
Compiled and minified CSS and JavaScript. No docs or original source files are included.
<a href="{{ site.download.dist }}" class="btn btn-lg btn-outline" role="button" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Getting started', 'Download', 'Download compiled');">Download Bootstrap</a>
### Download source and docs
Source Less, JavaScript, and documentation. **Requires a Less compiler and [some setup](#grunt).**
<a href="{{ site.download.source }}" class="btn btn-lg btn-outline" role="button" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Getting started', 'Download', 'Download source');">Download source</a>
### Bower
Install and manage Bootstrap's Less, CSS, and JavaScript using [Bower](http://bower.io).
{% highlight bash %}$ bower install bootstrap{% endhighlight %}
### npm
Bootstrap is available as [an npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/bootstrap). Install it into your Node powered apps with:
{% highlight bash %}$ npm install bootstrap{% endhighlight %}
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<a id="quick-start"></a>
# Quick start
layout: page
title: Quick start
Quickly add Bootstrap to your project via the [Bootstrap CDN](http://bootstrapcdn.com), graciously provided by the [MaxCDN](http://www.maxcdn.com/) folks. Copy-paste the stylesheet `<link>` into your `<head>` before all other stylesheets.
@ -41,44 +42,3 @@ Put it all together and your pages should look like this:
{% endhighlight %}
And that's it. Happy Bootstrapping!
<a id="download"></a>
# Download
Bootstrap is available for download via ZIP file in two flavors: precompiled CSS and Javascript, and the complete source code with documentation.
<a id="download-precompiled"></a>
### Precompiled
Compiled and minified CSS and JavaScript. No docs or original source files are included.
<a href="{{ site.download.dist }}" class="btn btn-lg btn-outline" role="button" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Getting started', 'Download', 'Download compiled');">Download Bootstrap</a>
<a id="download-source"></a>
### Source code and docs
Source Less, JavaScript, and documentation. **Requires a Less compiler and [some setup](#grunt).**
<a href="{{ site.download.source }}" class="btn btn-lg btn-outline" role="button" onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Getting started', 'Download', 'Download source');">Download source</a>
<a id="download-bower"></a>
### Bower
Install and manage Bootstrap's Less, CSS, and JavaScript using [Bower](http://bower.io).
{% highlight bash %}$ bower install bootstrap{% endhighlight %}
<a id="download-npm"></a>
### npm
Bootstrap is available as [an npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/bootstrap). Install it into your Node powered apps with:
{% highlight bash %}$ npm install bootstrap{% endhighlight %}
Reference in New Issue
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