diff --git a/docs/assets/js/jquery/chili/css.js b/docs/assets/js/jquery/chili/css.js deleted file mode 100755 index e86e882240..0000000000 --- a/docs/assets/js/jquery/chili/css.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -/* -=============================================================================== -Chili is the jQuery code highlighter plugin -............................................................................... -LICENSE: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php -WEBSITE: http://noteslog.com/chili/ - - Copyright 2008 / Andrea Ercolino -=============================================================================== -*/ - -{ - _name: 'css' - , _case: true - , _main: { - comment: { - _match: /\/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^\/][^*]*\*+)*\// - , _style: "color: olive;" - } - , directive: { - _match: /@\w+/ - , _style: "color: fuchsia;" - } - , url: { - _match: /\b(url\s*\()([^)]+)(\))/ - , _replace: "$1$2$3" - , _style: "color: fuchsia;" - } - , block: { - _match: /\{([\w\W]*?)\}/ - , _replace: function( all, pairs ) { - return '{' + this.x( pairs, '/definition' ) + '}'; - } - } - , 'class': { - _match: /\.\w+/ - , _style: "color: #CC0066;" - } - , id: { - _match: /#\w+/ - , _style: "color: IndianRed;" - } - , pseudo: { - _match: /:\w+/ - , _style: "color: #CC9900;" - } - , element: { - _match: /\w+/ - , _style: "color: Purple;" - } - } - , definition: { - comment: { - _match: /\/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^\/][^*]*\*+)*\// - } - , property: { - _match: /\b(?:zoom|z-index|writing-mode|word-wrap|word-spacing|word-break|width|widows|white-space|volume|voice-family|visibility|vertical-align|unicode-bidi|top|text-underline-position|text-transform|text-shadow|text-overflow|text-kashida-space|text-justify|text-indent|text-decoration|text-autospace|text-align-last|text-align|table-layout|stress|speech-rate|speak-punctuation|speak-numeral|speak-header|speak|size|scrollbar-track-color|scrollbar-shadow-color|scrollbar-highlight-color|scrollbar-face-color|scrollbar-dark-shadow-color|scrollbar-base-color|scrollbar-arrow-color|scrollbar-3d-light-color|ruby-position|ruby-overhang|ruby-align|right|richness|quotes|position|play-during|pitch-range|pitch|pause-before|pause-after|pause|page-break-inside|page-break-before|page-break-after|page|padding-top|padding-right|padding-left|padding-bottom|padding|overflow-Y|overflow-X|overflow|outline-width|outline-style|outline-color|outline|orphans|min-width|min-height|max-width|max-height|marks|marker-offset|margin-top|margin-right|margin-left|margin-bottom|margin|list-style-type|list-style-position|list-style-image|list-style|line-height|line-break|letter-spacing|left|layout-grid-type|layout-grid-mode|layout-grid-line|layout-grid-char-spacing|layout-grid-char|layout-grid|layout-flow|layer-background-image|layer-background-color|include-source|ime-mode|height|font-weight|font-variant|font-style|font-stretch|font-size-adjust|font-size|font-family|font|float|filter|empty-cells|elevation|display|direction|cursor|cue-before|cue-after|cue|counter-reset|counter-increment|content|color|clip|clear|caption-side|bottom|border-width|border-top-width|border-top-style|border-top-color|border-top|border-style|border-spacing|border-right-width|border-right-style|border-right-color|border-right|border-left-width|border-left-style|border-left-color|border-left|border-color|border-collapse|border-bottom-width|border-bottom-style|border-bottom-color|border-bottom|border|behavior|background-repeat|background-position-y|background-position-x|background-position|background-image|background-color|background-attachment|background|azimuth|accelerator)\s*:/ - , _style: "color: #330066;" - } - , special: { - _match: /\b(?:-use-link-source|-set-link-source|-replace|-moz-user-select|-moz-user-modify|-moz-user-input|-moz-user-focus|-moz-outline-width|-moz-outline-style|-moz-outline-color|-moz-outline|-moz-opacity|-moz-border-top-colors|-moz-border-right-colors|-moz-border-radius-topright|-moz-border-radius-topleft|-moz-border-radius-bottomright|-moz-border-radius-bottomleft|-moz-border-radius|-moz-border-left-colors|-moz-border-bottom-colors|-moz-binding)\s*:/ - , _style: "color: #330066; text-decoration: underline;" - } - , url: { - _match: /\b(url\s*\()([^)]+)(\))/ - , _replace: "$1$2$3" - } - , value: { - _match: /\b(?:xx-small|xx-large|x-soft|x-small|x-slow|x-low|x-loud|x-large|x-high|x-fast|wider|wait|w-resize|visible|url|uppercase|upper-roman|upper-latin|upper-alpha|underline|ultra-expanded|ultra-condensed|tv|tty|transparent|top|thin|thick|text-top|text-bottom|table-row-group|table-row|table-header-group|table-footer-group|table-column-group|table-column|table-cell|table-caption|sw-resize|super|sub|status-bar|static|square|spell-out|speech|solid|soft|smaller|small-caption|small-caps|small|slower|slow|silent|show|separate|semi-expanded|semi-condensed|se-resize|scroll|screen|s-resize|run-in|rtl|rightwards|right-side|right|ridge|rgb|repeat-y|repeat-x|repeat|relative|projection|print|pre|portrait|pointer|overline|outside|outset|open-quote|once|oblique|nw-resize|nowrap|normal|none|no-repeat|no-open-quote|no-close-quote|ne-resize|narrower|n-resize|move|mix|middle|message-box|medium|marker|ltr|lowercase|lower-roman|lower-latin|lower-greek|lower-alpha|lower|low|loud|local|list-item|line-through|lighter|level|leftwards|left-side|left|larger|large|landscape|justify|italic|invert|inside|inset|inline-table|inline|icon|higher|high|hide|hidden|help|hebrew|handheld|groove|format|fixed|faster|fast|far-right|far-left|fantasy|extra-expanded|extra-condensed|expanded|embossed|embed|e-resize|double|dotted|disc|digits|default|decimal-leading-zero|decimal|dashed|cursive|crosshair|cross|crop|counters|counter|continuous|condensed|compact|collapse|code|close-quote|circle|center-right|center-left|center|caption|capitalize|braille|bottom|both|bolder|bold|block|blink|bidi-override|below|behind|baseline|avoid|auto|aural|attr|armenian|always|all|absolute|above)\b/ - , _style: "color: #3366FF;" - } - , string: { - _match: /(?:\'[^\'\\\n]*(?:\\.[^\'\\\n]*)*\')|(?:\"[^\"\\\n]*(?:\\.[^\"\\\n]*)*\")/ - , _style: "color: teal;" - } - , number: { - _match: /(?:\b[+-]?(?:\d*\.?\d+|\d+\.?\d*))(?:%|(?:(?:px|pt|em|)\b))/ - , _style: "color: red;" - } - , color : { - _match: /(?:\#[a-fA-F0-9]{3,6})|\b(?:yellow|white|teal|silver|red|purple|olive|navy|maroon|lime|green|gray|fuchsia|blue|black|aqua|YellowGreen|Yellow|WhiteSmoke|White|Wheat|Violet|Turquoise|Tomato|Thistle|Teal|Tan|SteelBlue|SpringGreen|Snow|SlateGrey|SlateGray|SlateBlue|SkyBlue|Silver|Sienna|SeaShell|SeaGreen|SandyBrown|Salmon|SaddleBrown|RoyalBlue|RosyBrown|Red|Purple|PowderBlue|Plum|Pink|Peru|PeachPuff|PapayaWhip|PaleVioletRed|PaleTurquoise|PaleGreen|PaleGoldenRod|Orchid|OrangeRed|Orange|OliveDrab|Olive|OldLace|Navy|NavajoWhite|Moccasin|MistyRose|MintCream|MidnightBlue|MediumVioletRed|MediumTurquoise|MediumSpringGreen|MediumSlateBlue|MediumSeaGreen|MediumPurple|MediumOrchid|MediumBlue|MediumAquaMarine|Maroon|Magenta|Linen|LimeGreen|Lime|LightYellow|LightSteelBlue|LightSlateGrey|LightSlateGray|LightSkyBlue|LightSeaGreen|LightSalmon|LightPink|LightGrey|LightGreen|LightGray|LightGoldenRodYellow|LightCyan|LightCoral|LightBlue|LemonChiffon|LawnGreen|LavenderBlush|Lavender|Khaki|Ivory|Indigo|IndianRed|HotPink|HoneyDew|Grey|GreenYellow|Green|Gray|GoldenRod|Gold|GhostWhite|Gainsboro|Fuchsia|ForestGreen|FloralWhite|FireBrick|DodgerBlue|DimGrey|DimGray|DeepSkyBlue|DeepPink|Darkorange|DarkViolet|DarkTurquoise|DarkSlateGrey|DarkSlateGray|DarkSlateBlue|DarkSeaGreen|DarkSalmon|DarkRed|DarkOrchid|DarkOliveGreen|DarkMagenta|DarkKhaki|DarkGrey|DarkGreen|DarkGray|DarkGoldenRod|DarkCyan|DarkBlue|Cyan|Crimson|Cornsilk|CornflowerBlue|Coral|Chocolate|Chartreuse|CadetBlue|BurlyWood|Brown|BlueViolet|Blue|BlanchedAlmond|Black|Bisque|Beige|Azure|Aquamarine|Aqua|AntiqueWhite|AliceBlue)\b/ - , _style: "color: green;" - } - } -} diff --git a/docs/assets/js/jquery/chili/html.js b/docs/assets/js/jquery/chili/html.js deleted file mode 100755 index 69f43a86d2..0000000000 --- a/docs/assets/js/jquery/chili/html.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -/* -=============================================================================== -Chili is the jQuery code highlighter plugin -............................................................................... -LICENSE: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php -WEBSITE: http://noteslog.com/chili/ - - Copyright 2008 / Andrea Ercolino -=============================================================================== -*/ - -{ - _name: 'html' - , _case: false - , _main: { - doctype: { - _match: // - , _style: "color: #CC6600;" - } - , ie_style: { - _match: /()/ - , _replace: function( all, open, content, close ) { - return "" + this.x( open ) + "" - + this.x( content, '//style' ) - + "" + this.x( close ) + ""; - } - , _style: "color: DarkSlateGray; font-weight: bold;" - } - , comment: { - _match: // - , _style: "color: #4040c2;" - } - , script: { - _match: /(]*>)([\w\W]*?)(<\/script\s*>)/ - , _replace: function( all, open, content, close ) { - return this.x( open, '//tag_start' ) - + this.x( content, 'js' ) - + this.x( close, '//tag_end' ); - } - } - , style: { - _match: /(]*>)([\w\W]*?)(<\/style\s*>)/ - , _replace: function( all, open, content, close ) { - return this.x( open, '//tag_start' ) - + this.x( content, 'css' ) - + this.x( close, '//tag_end' ); - } - } - // matches a starting tag of an element (with attrs) - // like "
" or "" - , tag_start: { - _match: /(<\w+)((?:[?%]>|[\w\W])*?)(\/>|>)/ - , _replace: function( all, open, content, close ) { - return "" + this.x( open ) + "" - + this.x( content, '/tag_attrs' ) - + "" + this.x( close ) + ""; - } - , _style: "color: navy; font-weight: bold;" - } - // matches an ending tag - // like "
" - , tag_end: { - _match: /<\/\w+\s*>|\/>/ - , _style: "color: navy;" - } - , entity: { - _match: /&\w+?;/ - , _style: "color: blue;" - } - } - , tag_attrs: { - // matches a name/value pair - attr: { - // before in $1, name in $2, between in $3, value in $4 - _match: /(\W*?)([\w-]+)(\s*=\s*)((?:\'[^\']*(?:\\.[^\']*)*\')|(?:\"[^\"]*(?:\\.[^\"]*)*\"))/ - , _replace: "$1$2$3$4" - , _style: { attr_name: "color: green;", attr_value: "color: maroon;" } - } - } -} diff --git a/docs/assets/js/jquery/chili/jquery.chili-2.2.js b/docs/assets/js/jquery/chili/jquery.chili-2.2.js deleted file mode 100755 index bb0e4abae3..0000000000 --- a/docs/assets/js/jquery/chili/jquery.chili-2.2.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,704 +0,0 @@ -/* -=============================================================================== -Chili is the jQuery code highlighter plugin -............................................................................... -LICENSE: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php -WEBSITE: http://noteslog.com/chili/ - - Copyright 2008 / Andrea Ercolino -=============================================================================== -*/ - - -( function($) { - -ChiliBook = { //implied global - - version: "2.2" // 2008-07-06 - -// options -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - , automatic: true - , automaticSelector: "pre" - - , lineNumbers: !true - - , codeLanguage: function( el ) { - var recipeName = $( el ).attr( "class" ); - return recipeName ? recipeName : ''; - } - - , recipeLoading: true - , recipeFolder: "" // used like: recipeFolder + recipeName + '.js' - - // IE and FF convert   to " ", Safari and Opera do not - , replaceSpace: " " - , replaceTab: "    " - , replaceNewLine: " 
" - - , selectionStyle: [ "position:absolute; z-index:3000; overflow:scroll;" - , "width:16em;" - , "height:9em;" - , "border:1px solid gray;" - , "padding:15px;" - , "background-color:yellow;" - ].join( ' ' ) - -// ------------------------------------------------------------- end of options - - , defaultReplacement: '$$' // TODO: make this an option again - , recipes: {} //repository - , queue: {} //registry - - , unique: function() { - return (new Date()).valueOf(); - } -}; - - - -$.fn.chili = function( options ) { - var book = $.extend( {}, ChiliBook, options || {} ); - - function cook( ingredients, recipe, blockName ) { - - function prepareBlock( recipe, blockName ) { - var steps = []; - for( var stepName in recipe[ blockName ] ) { - steps.push( prepareStep( recipe, blockName, stepName ) ); - } - return steps; - } // prepareBlock - - function prepareStep( recipe, blockName, stepName ) { - var step = recipe[ blockName ][ stepName ]; - var exp = ( typeof step._match == "string" ) ? step._match : step._match.source; - return { - recipe: recipe - , blockName: blockName - , stepName: stepName - , exp: "(" + exp + ")" - , length: 1 // add 1 to account for the newly added parentheses - + (exp // count number of submatches in here - .replace( /\\./g, "%" ) // disable any escaped character - .replace( /\[.*?\]/g, "%" ) // disable any character class - .match( /\((?!\?)/g ) // match any open parenthesis, not followed by a ? - || [] // make sure it is an empty array if there are no matches - ).length // get the number of matches - , replacement: step._replace ? step._replace : book.defaultReplacement - }; - } // prepareStep - - function knowHow( steps ) { - var prevLength = 1; - var exps = []; - for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) { - var exp = steps[ i ].exp; - // adjust backreferences - exp = exp.replace( /\\\\|\\(\d+)/g, function( m, aNum ) { - return !aNum ? m : "\\" + ( prevLength + 1 + parseInt( aNum, 10 ) ); - } ); - exps.push( exp ); - prevLength += steps[ i ].length; - } - var prolog = '((?:\\s|\\S)*?)'; - var epilog = '((?:\\s|\\S)+)'; - var source = '(?:' + exps.join( "|" ) + ')'; - source = prolog + source + '|' + epilog; - return new RegExp( source, recipe._case ? "g" : "gi" ); - } // knowHow - - function escapeHTML( str ) { - return str.replace( /&/g, "&" ).replace( /' + filter( subject ) + ''; - } - return filter( subject ); - } - else { - return filter( subject ); - } - } - } // applyModule - - function addPrefix( prefix, replacement ) { - var aux = replacement.replace( /()/ig, "$1" + prefix + "__$3" ); - return aux; - } // addPrefix - - function chef() { - if (! arguments[ 0 ]) { - return ''; - } - var steps = this.steps; - var i = 0; // iterate steps - var j = 2; // iterate chef's arguments - var prolog = arguments[ 1 ]; - var epilog = arguments[ arguments.length - 3 ]; - if (! epilog) { - var step; - while( step = steps[ i++ ] ) { - var aux = arguments; // this unmasks chef's arguments inside the next function - if( aux[ j ] ) { - var replacement = ''; - if( $.isFunction( step.replacement ) ) { - var matches = []; //Array.slice.call( aux, j, step.length ); - for (var k = 0, kTop = step.length; k < kTop; k++) { - matches.push( aux[ j + k ] ); - } - matches.push( aux[ aux.length - 2 ] ); - matches.push( aux[ aux.length - 1 ] ); - replacement = step.replacement - .apply( { - x: function() { - var subject = arguments[0]; - var module = arguments[1]; - var context = { - recipe: step.recipe - , blockName: step.blockName - }; - return applyModule( subject, module, context ); - } - }, matches ); - } - else { //we expect step.replacement to be a string - replacement = step.replacement - .replace( /(\\\$)|(?:\$\$)|(?:\$(\d+))/g, function( m, escaped, K ) { - if( escaped ) { /* \$ */ - return "$"; - } - else if( !K ) { /* $$ */ - return filter( aux[ j ] ); - } - else if( K == "0" ) { /* $0 */ - return step.stepName; - } - else { /* $K */ - return filter( aux[ j + parseInt( K, 10 ) ] ); - } - } ); - } - replacement = addPrefix( step.recipe._name, replacement ); - return filter( prolog ) + replacement; - } - else { - j+= step.length; - } - } - } - else { - return filter( epilog ); - } - } // chef - - if( ! blockName ) { - blockName = '_main'; - checkSpices( recipe ); - } - if( ! (blockName in recipe) ) { - return filter( ingredients ); - } - var replaceSpace = book.replaceSpace; - var steps = prepareBlock( recipe, blockName ); - var kh = knowHow( steps ); - var perfect = ingredients.replace( kh, function() { - return chef.apply( { steps: steps }, arguments ); - } ); - return perfect; - - } // cook - - function loadStylesheetInline( sourceCode ) { - if( document.createElement ) { - var e = document.createElement( "style" ); - e.type = "text/css"; - if( e.styleSheet ) { // IE - e.styleSheet.cssText = sourceCode; - } - else { - var t = document.createTextNode( sourceCode ); - e.appendChild( t ); - } - document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0].appendChild( e ); - } - } // loadStylesheetInline - - function checkSpices( recipe ) { - var name = recipe._name; - if( ! book.queue[ name ] ) { - - var content = ['/* Chili -- ' + name + ' */']; - for (var blockName in recipe) { - if( blockName.search( /^_(?!main\b)/ ) < 0 ) { - for (var stepName in recipe[ blockName ]) { - var step = recipe[ blockName ][ stepName ]; - if( '_style' in step ) { - if( step[ '_style' ].constructor == String ) { - content.push( '.' + name + '__' + stepName + ' { ' + step[ '_style' ] + ' }' ); - } - else { - for (var className in step[ '_style' ]) { - content.push( '.' + name + '__' + className + ' { ' + step[ '_style' ][ className ] + ' }' ); - } - } - } - } - } - } - content = content.join('\n'); - - loadStylesheetInline( content ); - - book.queue[ name ] = true; - } - } // checkSpices - - function askDish( el ) { - var recipeName = book.codeLanguage( el ); - if( '' != recipeName ) { - var path = getPath( recipeName ); - if( book.recipeLoading ) { - /* dynamic setups come here */ - if( ! book.queue[ path ] ) { - /* this is a new recipe to download */ - try { - book.queue[ path ] = [ el ]; - $.getJSON( path, function( recipeLoaded ) { - book.recipes[ path ] = recipeLoaded; - var q = book.queue[ path ]; - for( var i = 0, iTop = q.length; i < iTop; i++ ) { - makeDish( q[ i ], path ); - } - } ); - } - catch( recipeNotAvailable ) { - alert( "the recipe for '" + recipeName + "' was not found in '" + path + "'" ); - } - } - else { - /* not a new recipe, so just enqueue this element */ - book.queue[ path ].push( el ); - } - /* a recipe could have been already downloaded */ - makeDish( el, path ); - } - else { - /* static setups come here */ - makeDish( el, path ); - } - } - } // askDish - - function makeDish( el, recipePath ) { - var recipe = book.recipes[ recipePath ]; - if( ! recipe ) { - return; - } - var $el = $( el ); - var ingredients = $el.text(); - if( ! ingredients ) { - return; - } - - //fix for msie: \r (13) is used instead of \n (10) - //fix for opera: \r\n is used instead of \n - ingredients = ingredients.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"); - - //reverse fix for safari: msie, mozilla and opera render the initial \n - if( $el.parent().is('pre') ) { - if( ! $.browser.safari ) { - ingredients = ingredients.replace(/^\n/g, ""); - } - } - - var dish = cook( ingredients, recipe ); // all happens here - - if( book.replaceTab ) { - dish = dish.replace( /\t/g, book.replaceTab ); - } - if( book.replaceNewLine ) { - dish = dish.replace( /\n/g, book.replaceNewLine ); - } - - el.innerHTML = dish; //much faster than $el.html( dish ); - //tried also the function replaceHtml from http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-than-innerhtml - //but it was not faster nor without sideffects (it was not possible to count spans into el) - - //opera and safari select PRE text correctly - if( $.browser.msie || $.browser.mozilla ) { - enableSelectionHelper( el ); - } - - var $that = $el.parent(); - var classes = $that.attr( 'class' ); - var ln = /ln-(\d+)-([\w][\w\-]*)|ln-(\d+)|ln-/.exec( classes ); - if( ln ) { - addLineNumbers( el ); - var start = 0; - if( ln[1] ) { - start = parseInt( ln[1], 10 ); - var $pieces = $( '.ln-' + ln[1] + '-' + ln[2] ); - var pos = $pieces.index( $that[0] ); - $pieces.slice( 0, pos ).each( function() { - start += $( this ).find( 'li' ).length; - } ); - } - else if( ln[3] ) { - start = parseInt( ln[3], 10 ); - } - else { - start = 1; - } - $el.find( 'ol' )[0].start = start; - $('body').width( $('body').width() - 1 ).width( $('body').width() + 1 ); - } - else if( book.lineNumbers ) { - addLineNumbers( el ); - } - - } // makeDish - - function enableSelectionHelper( el ) { - var element = null; - $( el ) - .parents() - .filter( "pre" ) - .bind( "mousedown", function() { - element = this; - if( $.browser.msie ) { - document.selection.empty(); - } - else { - window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); - } - } ) - .bind( "mouseup", function( event ) { - if( element && (element == this) ) { - element = null; - var selected = ''; - if( $.browser.msie ) { - selected = document.selection.createRange().htmlText; - if( '' == selected ) { - return; - } - selected = preserveNewLines( selected ); - var container_tag = '