mirror of https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git synced 2025-01-30 22:52:24 +01:00

Merge pull request #12570 from XhmikosR/libs

Update docs libs
This commit is contained in:
Mark Otto 2014-02-04 01:23:16 -08:00
commit 952afba70d
4 changed files with 2062 additions and 1260 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* FileSaver.js
* A saveAs() FileSaver implementation.
* 2013-12-27
* 2014-01-24
* By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com
* License: X11/MIT
@ -14,9 +14,15 @@
/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js/blob/master/FileSaver.js */
var saveAs = saveAs
|| (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob.bind(navigator))
// IE 10+ (native saveAs)
|| (navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob.bind(navigator))
// Everyone else
|| (function(view) {
"use strict";
// IE <10 is explicitly unsupported
if (/MSIE [1-9]\./.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
doc = view.document
// only get URL when necessary in case BlobBuilder.js hasn't overridden it yet

View File

@ -1,11 +1,267 @@
(function(e){if("function"==typeof bootstrap)bootstrap("jszip",e);else if("object"==typeof exports)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define(e);else if("undefined"!=typeof ses){if(!ses.ok())return;ses.makeJSZip=e}else"undefined"!=typeof window?window.JSZip=e():global.JSZip=e()})(function(){var define,ses,bootstrap,module,exports;
return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
'use strict';
// private property
var _keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
// public method for encoding
exports.encode = function(input, utf8) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output = output + _keyStr.charAt(enc1) + _keyStr.charAt(enc2) + _keyStr.charAt(enc3) + _keyStr.charAt(enc4);
return output;
// public method for decoding
exports.decode = function(input, utf8) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
while (i < input.length) {
enc1 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
if (enc3 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
if (enc4 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
return output;
'use strict';
function CompressedObject() {
this.compressedSize = 0;
this.uncompressedSize = 0;
this.crc32 = 0;
this.compressionMethod = null;
this.compressedContent = null;
CompressedObject.prototype = {
* Return the decompressed content in an unspecified format.
* The format will depend on the decompressor.
* @return {Object} the decompressed content.
getContent: function() {
return null; // see implementation
* Return the compressed content in an unspecified format.
* The format will depend on the compressed conten source.
* @return {Object} the compressed content.
getCompressedContent: function() {
return null; // see implementation
module.exports = CompressedObject;
'use strict';
exports.STORE = {
magic: "\x00\x00",
compress: function(content) {
return content; // no compression
uncompress: function(content) {
return content; // no compression
compressInputType: null,
uncompressInputType: null
exports.DEFLATE = require('./flate');
'use strict';
var utils = require('./utils');
function DataReader(data) {
this.data = null; // type : see implementation
this.length = 0;
this.index = 0;
DataReader.prototype = {
* Check that the offset will not go too far.
* @param {string} offset the additional offset to check.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the offset is out of bounds.
checkOffset: function(offset) {
this.checkIndex(this.index + offset);
* Check that the specifed index will not be too far.
* @param {string} newIndex the index to check.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the index is out of bounds.
checkIndex: function(newIndex) {
if (this.length < newIndex || newIndex < 0) {
throw new Error("End of data reached (data length = " + this.length + ", asked index = " + (newIndex) + "). Corrupted zip ?");
* Change the index.
* @param {number} newIndex The new index.
* @throws {Error} if the new index is out of the data.
setIndex: function(newIndex) {
this.index = newIndex;
* Skip the next n bytes.
* @param {number} n the number of bytes to skip.
* @throws {Error} if the new index is out of the data.
skip: function(n) {
this.setIndex(this.index + n);
* Get the byte at the specified index.
* @param {number} i the index to use.
* @return {number} a byte.
byteAt: function(i) {
// see implementations
* Get the next number with a given byte size.
* @param {number} size the number of bytes to read.
* @return {number} the corresponding number.
readInt: function(size) {
var result = 0,
for (i = this.index + size - 1; i >= this.index; i--) {
result = (result << 8) + this.byteAt(i);
this.index += size;
return result;
* Get the next string with a given byte size.
* @param {number} size the number of bytes to read.
* @return {string} the corresponding string.
readString: function(size) {
return utils.transformTo("string", this.readData(size));
* Get raw data without conversion, <size> bytes.
* @param {number} size the number of bytes to read.
* @return {Object} the raw data, implementation specific.
readData: function(size) {
// see implementations
* Find the last occurence of a zip signature (4 bytes).
* @param {string} sig the signature to find.
* @return {number} the index of the last occurence, -1 if not found.
lastIndexOfSignature: function(sig) {
// see implementations
* Get the next date.
* @return {Date} the date.
readDate: function() {
var dostime = this.readInt(4);
return new Date(
((dostime >> 25) & 0x7f) + 1980, // year
((dostime >> 21) & 0x0f) - 1, // month
(dostime >> 16) & 0x1f, // day
(dostime >> 11) & 0x1f, // hour
(dostime >> 5) & 0x3f, // minute
(dostime & 0x1f) << 1); // second
module.exports = DataReader;
'use strict';
exports.base64 = false;
exports.binary = false;
exports.dir = false;
exports.date = null;
exports.compression = null;
'use strict';
var USE_TYPEDARRAY = (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') && (typeof Uint16Array !== 'undefined') && (typeof Uint32Array !== 'undefined');
var ZlibDeflate = require('zlibjs/bin/rawdeflate.min').Zlib;
var ZlibInflate = require('zlibjs/bin/rawinflate.min').Zlib;
exports.uncompressInputType = USE_TYPEDARRAY ? "uint8array" : "array";
exports.compressInputType = USE_TYPEDARRAY ? "uint8array" : "array";
exports.magic = "\x08\x00";
exports.compress = function(input) {
var deflate = new ZlibDeflate.RawDeflate(input);
return deflate.compress();
exports.uncompress = function(input) {
var inflate = new ZlibInflate.RawInflate(input);
return inflate.decompress();
'use strict';
JSZip - A Javascript class for generating and reading zip files
(c) 2009-2012 Stuart Knightley <stuart [at] stuartk.com>
Dual licenced under the MIT license or GPLv3. See LICENSE.markdown.
Dual licenced under the MIT license or GPLv3. See https://raw.github.com/Stuk/jszip/master/LICENSE.markdown.
zip = new JSZip();
zip.file("hello.txt", "Hello, World!").file("tempfile", "nothing");
@ -16,100 +272,112 @@ Usage:
base64zip = zip.generate();
// We use strict, but it should not be placed outside of a function because
// the environment is shared inside the browser.
// "use strict";
* Representation a of zip file in js
* @constructor
* @param {String=|ArrayBuffer=|Uint8Array=|Buffer=} data the data to load, if any (optional).
* @param {String=|ArrayBuffer=|Uint8Array=} data the data to load, if any (optional).
* @param {Object=} options the options for creating this objects (optional).
var JSZip = function(data, options) {
function JSZip(data, options) {
// object containing the files :
// {
// "folder/" : {...},
// "folder/data.txt" : {...}
// }
this.files = {};
// Where we are in the hierarchy
this.root = "";
if (data) {
this.load(data, options);
this.clone = function() {
var newObj = new JSZip();
for (var i in this) {
if (typeof this[i] !== "function") {
newObj[i] = this[i];
return newObj;
JSZip.prototype = require('./object');
JSZip.prototype.load = require('./load');
JSZip.support = require('./support');
JSZip.utils = require('./utils');
JSZip.base64 = require('./base64');
JSZip.compressions = require('./compressions');
module.exports = JSZip;
'use strict';
var base64 = require('./base64');
var ZipEntries = require('./zipEntries');
module.exports = function(data, options) {
var files, zipEntries, i, input;
options = options || {};
if (options.base64) {
data = base64.decode(data);
zipEntries = new ZipEntries(data, options);
files = zipEntries.files;
for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
input = files[i];
this.file(input.fileName, input.decompressed, {
binary: true,
optimizedBinaryString: true,
date: input.date,
dir: input.dir
return this;
JSZip.signature = {
LOCAL_FILE_HEADER : "\x50\x4b\x03\x04",
CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER : "\x50\x4b\x01\x02",
CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END : "\x50\x4b\x05\x06",
ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR : "\x50\x4b\x06\x07",
ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END : "\x50\x4b\x06\x06",
DATA_DESCRIPTOR : "\x50\x4b\x07\x08"
'use strict';
var Uint8ArrayReader = require('./uint8ArrayReader');
// Default properties for a new file
JSZip.defaults = {
base64: false,
binary: false,
dir: false,
date: null,
compression: null
function NodeBufferReader(data) {
this.data = data;
this.length = this.data.length;
this.index = 0;
NodeBufferReader.prototype = new Uint8ArrayReader();
* List features that require a modern browser, and if the current browser support them.
* @see DataReader.readData
JSZip.support = {
// contains true if JSZip can read/generate ArrayBuffer, false otherwise.
arraybuffer : (function(){
return typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined" && typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined";
// contains true if JSZip can read/generate nodejs Buffer, false otherwise.
nodebuffer : (function(){
return typeof Buffer !== "undefined";
// contains true if JSZip can read/generate Uint8Array, false otherwise.
uint8array : (function(){
return typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined";
// contains true if JSZip can read/generate Blob, false otherwise.
blob : (function(){
// the spec started with BlobBuilder then replaced it with a construtor for Blob.
// Result : we have browsers that :
// * know the BlobBuilder (but with prefix)
// * know the Blob constructor
// * know about Blob but not about how to build them
// About the "=== 0" test : if given the wrong type, it may be converted to a string.
// Instead of an empty content, we will get "[object Uint8Array]" for example.
if (typeof ArrayBuffer === "undefined") {
return false;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(0);
try {
return new Blob([buffer], { type: "application/zip" }).size === 0;
catch(e) {}
try {
var BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder;
var builder = new BlobBuilder();
return builder.getBlob('application/zip').size === 0;
catch(e) {}
return false;
NodeBufferReader.prototype.readData = function(size) {
var result = this.data.slice(this.index, this.index + size);
this.index += size;
return result;
module.exports = NodeBufferReader;
'use strict';
var support = require('./support');
var utils = require('./utils');
var signature = require('./signature');
var defaults = require('./defaults');
var base64 = require('./base64');
var compressions = require('./compressions');
var CompressedObject = require('./compressedObject');
var nodeBuffer = require('./nodeBuffer');
* Returns the raw data of a ZipObject, decompress the content if necessary.
* @param {ZipObject} file the file to use.
* @return {String|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} the data.
JSZip.prototype = (function () {
var textEncoder, textDecoder;
if (
JSZip.support.uint8array &&
support.uint8array &&
typeof TextEncoder === "function" &&
typeof TextDecoder === "function"
) {
@ -117,18 +385,13 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
textDecoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
* Returns the raw data of a ZipObject, decompress the content if necessary.
* @param {ZipObject} file the file to use.
* @return {String|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} the data.
var getRawData = function(file) {
if (file._data instanceof JSZip.CompressedObject) {
if (file._data instanceof CompressedObject) {
file._data = file._data.getContent();
file.options.binary = true;
file.options.base64 = false;
if (JSZip.utils.getTypeOf(file._data) === "uint8array") {
if (utils.getTypeOf(file._data) === "uint8array") {
var copy = file._data;
// when reading an arraybuffer, the CompressedObject mechanism will keep it and subarray() a Uint8Array.
// if we request a file in the same format, we might get the same Uint8Array or its ArrayBuffer (the original zip file).
@ -148,7 +411,8 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
* @return {String|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} the data.
var getBinaryData = function(file) {
var result = getRawData(file), type = JSZip.utils.getTypeOf(result);
var result = getRawData(file),
type = utils.getTypeOf(result);
if (type === "string") {
if (!file.options.binary) {
// unicode text !
@ -156,8 +420,8 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
if (textEncoder) {
return textEncoder.encode(result);
if (JSZip.support.nodebuffer) {
return new Buffer(result, "utf-8");
if (support.nodebuffer) {
return nodeBuffer(result, "utf-8");
return file.asBinary();
@ -177,19 +441,20 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
// if the data is a base64 string, we decode it before checking the encoding !
if (this.options.base64) {
result = JSZip.base64.decode(result);
result = base64.decode(result);
if (asUTF8 && this.options.binary) {
// JSZip.prototype.utf8decode supports arrays as input
// skip to array => string step, utf8decode will do it.
result = JSZip.prototype.utf8decode(result);
} else {
result = out.utf8decode(result);
else {
// no utf8 transformation, do the array => string step.
result = JSZip.utils.transformTo("string", result);
result = utils.transformTo("string", result);
if (!asUTF8 && !this.options.binary) {
result = JSZip.prototype.utf8encode(result);
result = out.utf8encode(result);
return result;
@ -227,7 +492,7 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
asNodeBuffer: function() {
var result = getBinaryData(this);
return JSZip.utils.transformTo("nodebuffer", result);
return utils.transformTo("nodebuffer", result);
* Returns the content as an Uint8Array.
@ -235,7 +500,7 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
asUint8Array: function() {
var result = getBinaryData(this);
return JSZip.utils.transformTo("uint8array", result);
return utils.transformTo("uint8array", result);
* Returns the content as an ArrayBuffer.
@ -254,7 +519,8 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
* @returns {string} the result.
var decToHex = function(dec, bytes) {
var hex = "", i;
var hex = "",
for (i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
hex += String.fromCharCode(dec & 0xff);
dec = dec >>> 8;
@ -289,12 +555,10 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
var prepareFileAttrs = function(o) {
o = o || {};
/*jshint -W041 */
if (o.base64 === true && o.binary == null) {
if (o.base64 === true && (o.binary === null || o.binary === undefined)) {
o.binary = true;
/*jshint +W041 */
o = extend(o, JSZip.defaults);
o = extend(o, defaults);
o.date = o.date || new Date();
if (o.compression !== null) o.compression = o.compression.toUpperCase();
@ -311,7 +575,8 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
var fileAdd = function(name, data, o) {
// be sure sub folders exist
var parent = parentFolder(name), dataType = JSZip.utils.getTypeOf(data);
var parent = parentFolder(name),
dataType = utils.getTypeOf(data);
if (parent) {
folderAdd.call(this, parent);
@ -322,26 +587,28 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
o.base64 = false;
o.binary = false;
data = null;
} else if (dataType === "string") {
else if (dataType === "string") {
if (o.binary && !o.base64) {
// optimizedBinaryString == true means that the file has already been filtered with a 0xFF mask
if (o.optimizedBinaryString !== true) {
// this is a string, not in a base64 format.
// Be sure that this is a correct "binary string"
data = JSZip.utils.string2binary(data);
data = utils.string2binary(data);
} else { // arraybuffer, uint8array, ...
else { // arraybuffer, uint8array, ...
o.base64 = false;
o.binary = true;
if (!dataType && !(data instanceof JSZip.CompressedObject)) {
if (!dataType && !(data instanceof CompressedObject)) {
throw new Error("The data of '" + name + "' is in an unsupported format !");
// special case : it's way easier to work with Uint8Array than with ArrayBuffer
if (dataType === "arraybuffer") {
data = JSZip.utils.transformTo("uint8array", data);
data = utils.transformTo("uint8array", data);
@ -379,7 +646,9 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
// Does this folder already exist?
if (!this.files[name]) {
fileAdd.call(this, name, null, {dir:true});
fileAdd.call(this, name, null, {
dir: true
return this.files[name];
@ -391,34 +660,38 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
* @return {JSZip.CompressedObject} the compressed result.
var generateCompressedObjectFrom = function(file, compression) {
var result = new JSZip.CompressedObject(), content;
var result = new CompressedObject(),
// the data has not been decompressed, we might reuse things !
if (file._data instanceof JSZip.CompressedObject) {
if (file._data instanceof CompressedObject) {
result.uncompressedSize = file._data.uncompressedSize;
result.crc32 = file._data.crc32;
if (result.uncompressedSize === 0 || file.options.dir) {
compression = JSZip.compressions['STORE'];
compression = compressions['STORE'];
result.compressedContent = "";
result.crc32 = 0;
} else if (file._data.compressionMethod === compression.magic) {
else if (file._data.compressionMethod === compression.magic) {
result.compressedContent = file._data.getCompressedContent();
} else {
else {
content = file._data.getContent();
// need to decompress / recompress
result.compressedContent = compression.compress(JSZip.utils.transformTo(compression.compressInputType, content));
result.compressedContent = compression.compress(utils.transformTo(compression.compressInputType, content));
} else {
else {
// have uncompressed data
content = getBinaryData(file);
if (!content || content.length === 0 || file.options.dir) {
compression = JSZip.compressions['STORE'];
compression = compressions['STORE'];
content = "";
result.uncompressedSize = content.length;
result.crc32 = this.crc32(content);
result.compressedContent = compression.compress(JSZip.utils.transformTo(compression.compressInputType, content));
result.compressedContent = compression.compress(utils.transformTo(compression.compressInputType, content));
result.compressedSize = result.compressedContent.length;
@ -486,9 +759,9 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
header += "\x00\x00";
var fileRecord = JSZip.signature.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER + header + utfEncodedFileName;
var fileRecord = signature.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER + header + utfEncodedFileName;
var dirRecord = JSZip.signature.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER +
var dirRecord = signature.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER +
// version made by (00: DOS)
"\x14\x00" +
// file header (common to file and central directory)
@ -527,7 +800,7 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
* @param {Object} input the content to add.
append: function(input) {
input = JSZip.utils.transformTo("string", input);
input = utils.transformTo("string", input);
@ -555,7 +828,7 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
append: function(input) {
if (input.length !== 0) {
// with an empty Uint8Array, Opera fails with a "Offset larger than array size"
input = JSZip.utils.transformTo("uint8array", input);
input = utils.transformTo("uint8array", input);
this.data.set(input, this.index);
this.index += input.length;
@ -570,7 +843,7 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
// return the actual prototype of JSZip
return {
var out = {
* Read an existing zip and merge the data in the current JSZip object.
* The implementation is in jszip-load.js, don't forget to include it.
@ -591,9 +864,12 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
* @return {Array} An array of matching elements.
filter: function(search) {
var result = [], filename, relativePath, file, fileClone;
var result = [],
filename, relativePath, file, fileClone;
for (filename in this.files) {
if ( !this.files.hasOwnProperty(filename) ) { continue; }
if (!this.files.hasOwnProperty(filename)) {
file = this.files[filename];
// return a new object, don't let the user mess with our internal objects :)
fileClone = new ZipObject(file.name, file._data, extend(file.options));
@ -617,17 +893,19 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
file: function(name, data, o) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
if (JSZip.utils.isRegExp(name)) {
if (utils.isRegExp(name)) {
var regexp = name;
return this.filter(function(relativePath, file) {
return !file.options.dir && regexp.test(relativePath);
} else { // text
else { // text
return this.filter(function(relativePath, file) {
return !file.options.dir && relativePath === name;
})[0] || null;
} else { // more than one argument : we have data !
else { // more than one argument : we have data !
name = this.root + name;
fileAdd.call(this, name, data, o);
@ -644,7 +922,7 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
return this;
if (JSZip.utils.isRegExp(arg)) {
if (utils.isRegExp(arg)) {
return this.filter(function(relativePath, file) {
return file.options.dir && arg.test(relativePath);
@ -680,7 +958,8 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
if (!file.options.dir) {
// file
delete this.files[name];
} else {
else {
// folder
var kids = this.filter(function(relativePath, file) {
return file.name.slice(0, name.length) === name;
@ -709,18 +988,23 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
type: "base64"
var zipData = [], localDirLength = 0, centralDirLength = 0, writer, i;
var zipData = [],
localDirLength = 0,
centralDirLength = 0,
writer, i;
// first, generate all the zip parts.
for (var name in this.files) {
if ( !this.files.hasOwnProperty(name) ) { continue; }
if (!this.files.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var file = this.files[name];
var compressionName = file.options.compression || options.compression.toUpperCase();
var compression = JSZip.compressions[compressionName];
var compression = compressions[compressionName];
if (!compression) {
throw new Error(compressionName + " is not a valid compression method !");
@ -736,7 +1020,7 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
var dirEnd = "";
// end of central dir signature
dirEnd = JSZip.signature.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END +
dirEnd = signature.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END +
// number of this disk
"\x00\x00" +
// number of the disk with the start of the central directory
@ -755,18 +1039,11 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
// we have all the parts (and the total length)
// time to create a writer !
switch(options.type.toLowerCase()) {
case "uint8array" :
case "arraybuffer" :
case "blob" :
case "nodebuffer" :
var typeName = options.type.toLowerCase();
if(typeName==="uint8array"||typeName==="arraybuffer"||typeName==="blob"||typeName==="nodebuffer") {
writer = new Uint8ArrayWriter(localDirLength + centralDirLength + dirEnd.length);
// case "base64" :
// case "string" :
default :
writer = new StringWriter(localDirLength + centralDirLength + dirEnd.length);
for (i = 0; i < zipData.length; i++) {
@ -788,16 +1065,16 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
case "uint8array" :
case "arraybuffer" :
case "nodebuffer" :
return JSZip.utils.transformTo(options.type.toLowerCase(), zip);
return utils.transformTo(options.type.toLowerCase(), zip);
case "blob" :
return JSZip.utils.arrayBuffer2Blob(JSZip.utils.transformTo("arraybuffer", zip));
return utils.arrayBuffer2Blob(utils.transformTo("arraybuffer", zip));
// case "zip is a string"
case "base64" :
return (options.base64) ? JSZip.base64.encode(zip) : zip;
return (options.base64) ? base64.encode(zip) : zip;
default : // case "string" :
return zip;
@ -811,7 +1088,7 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
return 0;
var isArray = JSZip.utils.getTypeOf(input) !== "string";
var isArray = utils.getTypeOf(input) !== "string";
var table = [
0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xEE0E612C, 0x990951BA,
@ -877,18 +1154,19 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
0xBDBDF21C, 0xCABAC28A, 0x53B39330, 0x24B4A3A6,
0xBAD03605, 0xCDD70693, 0x54DE5729, 0x23D967BF,
0xB3667A2E, 0xC4614AB8, 0x5D681B02, 0x2A6F2B94,
0xB40BBE37, 0xC30C8EA1, 0x5A05DF1B, 0x2D02EF8D
0xB40BBE37, 0xC30C8EA1, 0x5A05DF1B, 0x2D02EF8D];
if (typeof(crc) == "undefined") { crc = 0; }
if (typeof(crc) == "undefined") {
crc = 0;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var byte = 0;
var b = 0;
crc = crc ^ (-1);
for (var i = 0, iTop = input.length; i < iTop; i++) {
byte = isArray ? input[i] : input.charCodeAt(i);
y = ( crc ^ byte ) & 0xFF;
b = isArray ? input[i] : input.charCodeAt(i);
y = (crc ^ b) & 0xFF;
x = table[y];
crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ x;
@ -897,16 +1175,6 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
// Inspired by http://my.opera.com/GreyWyvern/blog/show.dml/1725165
clone : function() {
var newObj = new JSZip();
for (var i in this) {
if (typeof this[i] !== "function") {
newObj[i] = this[i];
return newObj;
* http://www.webtoolkit.info/javascript-utf8.html
@ -917,15 +1185,16 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
// On short strings (file names for example), the TextEncoder API is (currently) slower.
if (textEncoder) {
var u8 = textEncoder.encode(string);
return JSZip.utils.transformTo("string", u8);
return utils.transformTo("string", u8);
if (JSZip.support.nodebuffer) {
return JSZip.utils.transformTo("string", new Buffer(string, "utf-8"));
if (support.nodebuffer) {
return utils.transformTo("string", nodeBuffer(string, "utf-8"));
// array.join may be slower than string concatenation but generates less objects (less time spent garbage collecting).
// See also http://jsperf.com/array-direct-assignment-vs-push/31
var result = [], resIndex = 0;
var result = [],
resIndex = 0;
for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
@ -933,10 +1202,12 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
if (c < 128) {
result[resIndex++] = String.fromCharCode(c);
} else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
result[resIndex++] = String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
result[resIndex++] = String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
} else {
else {
result[resIndex++] = String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
result[resIndex++] = String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
result[resIndex++] = String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
@ -951,21 +1222,25 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
* http://www.webtoolkit.info/javascript-utf8.html
utf8decode: function(input) {
var result = [], resIndex = 0;
var type = JSZip.utils.getTypeOf(input);
var result = [],
resIndex = 0;
var type = utils.getTypeOf(input);
var isArray = type !== "string";
var i = 0;
var c = 0, c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0;
var c = 0,
c1 = 0,
c2 = 0,
c3 = 0;
// check if we can use the TextDecoder API
// see http://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#api
if (textDecoder) {
return textDecoder.decode(
JSZip.utils.transformTo("uint8array", input)
utils.transformTo("uint8array", input)
if (JSZip.support.nodebuffer) {
return JSZip.utils.transformTo("nodebuffer", input).toString("utf-8");
if (support.nodebuffer) {
return utils.transformTo("nodebuffer", input).toString("utf-8");
while (i < input.length) {
@ -975,11 +1250,13 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
if (c < 128) {
result[resIndex++] = String.fromCharCode(c);
} else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {
else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {
c2 = isArray ? input[i + 1] : input.charCodeAt(i + 1);
result[resIndex++] = String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
i += 2;
} else {
else {
c2 = isArray ? input[i + 1] : input.charCodeAt(i + 1);
c3 = isArray ? input[i + 2] : input.charCodeAt(i + 2);
result[resIndex++] = String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
@ -991,110 +1268,207 @@ JSZip.prototype = (function () {
return result.join("");
module.exports = out;
* Compression methods
* This object is filled in as follow :
* name : {
* magic // the 2 bytes indentifying the compression method
* compress // function, take the uncompressed content and return it compressed.
* uncompress // function, take the compressed content and return it uncompressed.
* compressInputType // string, the type accepted by the compress method. null to accept everything.
* uncompressInputType // string, the type accepted by the uncompress method. null to accept everything.
* }
* STORE is the default compression method, so it's included in this file.
* Other methods should go to separated files : the user wants modularity.
JSZip.compressions = {
"STORE" : {
magic : "\x00\x00",
compress : function (content) {
return content; // no compression
uncompress : function (content) {
return content; // no compression
compressInputType : null,
uncompressInputType : null
'use strict';
exports.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER = "PK\x03\x04";
exports.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER = "PK\x01\x02";
exports.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END = "PK\x05\x06";
exports.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END = "PK\x06\x06";
exports.DATA_DESCRIPTOR = "PK\x07\x08";
'use strict';
var DataReader = require('./dataReader');
var utils = require('./utils');
function StringReader(data, optimizedBinaryString) {
this.data = data;
if (!optimizedBinaryString) {
this.data = utils.string2binary(this.data);
this.length = this.data.length;
this.index = 0;
StringReader.prototype = new DataReader();
* @see DataReader.byteAt
StringReader.prototype.byteAt = function(i) {
return this.data.charCodeAt(i);
* @see DataReader.lastIndexOfSignature
StringReader.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(sig) {
return this.data.lastIndexOf(sig);
* @see DataReader.readData
StringReader.prototype.readData = function(size) {
// this will work because the constructor applied the "& 0xff" mask.
var result = this.data.slice(this.index, this.index + size);
this.index += size;
return result;
module.exports = StringReader;
(function () {
JSZip.utils = {
var process=require("__browserify_process");'use strict';
exports.base64 = true;
exports.array = true;
exports.string = true;
exports.arraybuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined" && typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined";
// contains true if JSZip can read/generate nodejs Buffer, false otherwise, aka checks if we arn't in a browser.
exports.nodebuffer = !process.browser;
// contains true if JSZip can read/generate Uint8Array, false otherwise.
exports.uint8array = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined";
if (typeof ArrayBuffer === "undefined") {
exports.blob = false;
else {
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(0);
try {
exports.blob = new Blob([buffer], {
type: "application/zip"
}).size === 0;
catch (e) {
try {
var Builder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder;
var builder = new Builder();
exports.blob = builder.getBlob('application/zip').size === 0;
catch (e) {
exports.blob = false;
'use strict';
var DataReader = require('./dataReader');
function Uint8ArrayReader(data) {
if (data) {
this.data = data;
this.length = this.data.length;
this.index = 0;
Uint8ArrayReader.prototype = new DataReader();
* @see DataReader.byteAt
Uint8ArrayReader.prototype.byteAt = function(i) {
return this.data[i];
* @see DataReader.lastIndexOfSignature
Uint8ArrayReader.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(sig) {
var sig0 = sig.charCodeAt(0),
sig1 = sig.charCodeAt(1),
sig2 = sig.charCodeAt(2),
sig3 = sig.charCodeAt(3);
for (var i = this.length - 4; i >= 0; --i) {
if (this.data[i] === sig0 && this.data[i + 1] === sig1 && this.data[i + 2] === sig2 && this.data[i + 3] === sig3) {
return i;
return -1;
* @see DataReader.readData
Uint8ArrayReader.prototype.readData = function(size) {
var result = this.data.subarray(this.index, this.index + size);
this.index += size;
return result;
module.exports = Uint8ArrayReader;
'use strict';
var support = require('./support');
var compressions = require('./compressions');
var nodeBuffer = require('./nodeBuffer');
* Convert a string to a "binary string" : a string containing only char codes between 0 and 255.
* @param {string} str the string to transform.
* @return {String} the binary string.
string2binary : function (str) {
exports.string2binary = function(str) {
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
result += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff);
return result;
* Create a Uint8Array from the string.
* @param {string} str the string to transform.
* @return {Uint8Array} the typed array.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the browser doesn't support the requested feature.
* @deprecated : use JSZip.utils.transformTo instead.
string2Uint8Array : function (str) {
return JSZip.utils.transformTo("uint8array", str);
exports.string2Uint8Array = function(str) {
return exports.transformTo("uint8array", str);
* Create a string from the Uint8Array.
* @param {Uint8Array} array the array to transform.
* @return {string} the string.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the browser doesn't support the requested feature.
* @deprecated : use JSZip.utils.transformTo instead.
uint8Array2String : function (array) {
return JSZip.utils.transformTo("string", array);
* Create a blob from the given ArrayBuffer.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer the buffer to transform.
* @return {Blob} the result.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the browser doesn't support the requested feature.
arrayBuffer2Blob : function (buffer) {
try {
// Blob constructor
return new Blob([buffer], { type: "application/zip" });
catch(e) {}
try {
// deprecated, browser only, old way
var BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder;
var builder = new BlobBuilder();
return builder.getBlob('application/zip');
catch(e) {}
// well, fuck ?!
throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob.");
exports.uint8Array2String = function(array) {
return exports.transformTo("string", array);
* Create a blob from the given string.
* @param {string} str the string to transform.
* @return {Blob} the result.
* @return {Blob} the string.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the browser doesn't support the requested feature.
string2Blob : function (str) {
var buffer = JSZip.utils.transformTo("arraybuffer", str);
return JSZip.utils.arrayBuffer2Blob(buffer);
exports.string2Blob = function(str) {
var buffer = exports.transformTo("arraybuffer", str);
return exports.arrayBuffer2Blob(buffer);
exports.arrayBuffer2Blob = function(buffer) {
try {
// Blob constructor
return new Blob([buffer], {
type: "application/zip"
catch (e) {
try {
// deprecated, browser only, old way
var Builder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder;
var builder = new Builder();
return builder.getBlob('application/zip');
catch (e) {
// well, fuck ?!
throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob.");
* The identity function.
* @param {Object} input the input.
@ -1133,16 +1507,18 @@ JSZip.compressions = {
// This code is inspired by http://jsperf.com/arraybuffer-to-string-apply-performance/2
var chunk = 65536;
var result = [], len = array.length, type = JSZip.utils.getTypeOf(array), k = 0;
var canUseApply = true;
var result = [],
len = array.length,
type = exports.getTypeOf(array),
k = 0,
canUseApply = true;
try {
switch(type) {
case "uint8array":
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(0));
case "nodebuffer":
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Buffer(0));
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, nodeBuffer(0));
} catch(e) {
@ -1158,16 +1534,17 @@ JSZip.compressions = {
return resultStr;
while (k < len && chunk > 1) {
try {
if (type === "array" || type === "nodebuffer") {
result.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.slice(k, Math.min(k + chunk, len))));
} else {
else {
result.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.subarray(k, Math.min(k + chunk, len))));
k += chunk;
} catch (e) {
catch (e) {
chunk = Math.floor(chunk / 2);
@ -1203,7 +1580,7 @@ JSZip.compressions = {
return stringToArrayLike(input, new Uint8Array(input.length));
"nodebuffer": function(input) {
return stringToArrayLike(input, new Buffer(input.length));
return stringToArrayLike(input, nodeBuffer(input.length));
@ -1218,7 +1595,7 @@ JSZip.compressions = {
return new Uint8Array(input);
"nodebuffer": function(input) {
return new Buffer(input);
return nodeBuffer(input);
@ -1235,7 +1612,7 @@ JSZip.compressions = {
return new Uint8Array(input);
"nodebuffer": function(input) {
return new Buffer(new Uint8Array(input));
return nodeBuffer(new Uint8Array(input));
@ -1250,7 +1627,7 @@ JSZip.compressions = {
"uint8array": identity,
"nodebuffer": function(input) {
return new Buffer(input);
return nodeBuffer(input);
@ -1277,7 +1654,7 @@ JSZip.compressions = {
* @param {String|Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} input the input to convert.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the browser doesn't support the requested output type.
JSZip.utils.transformTo = function (outputType, input) {
exports.transformTo = function(outputType, input) {
if (!input) {
// undefined, null, etc
// an empty string won't harm.
@ -1286,8 +1663,8 @@ JSZip.compressions = {
if (!outputType) {
return input;
var inputType = JSZip.utils.getTypeOf(input);
var inputType = exports.getTypeOf(input);
var result = transform[inputType][outputType](input);
return result;
@ -1298,177 +1675,601 @@ JSZip.compressions = {
* @param {Object} input the input to identify.
* @return {String} the (lowercase) type of the input.
JSZip.utils.getTypeOf = function (input) {
exports.getTypeOf = function(input) {
if (typeof input === "string") {
return "string";
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === "[object Array]") {
return "array";
if (JSZip.support.nodebuffer && Buffer.isBuffer(input)) {
if (support.nodebuffer && nodeBuffer.test(input)) {
return "nodebuffer";
if (JSZip.support.uint8array && input instanceof Uint8Array) {
if (support.uint8array && input instanceof Uint8Array) {
return "uint8array";
if (JSZip.support.arraybuffer && input instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
if (support.arraybuffer && input instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
return "arraybuffer";
* Cross-window, cross-Node-context regular expression detection
* @param {Object} object Anything
* @return {Boolean} true if the object is a regular expression,
* false otherwise
JSZip.utils.isRegExp = function (object) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) === "[object RegExp]";
* Throw an exception if the type is not supported.
* @param {String} type the type to check.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the browser doesn't support the requested type.
JSZip.utils.checkSupport = function (type) {
var supported = true;
switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
case "uint8array":
supported = JSZip.support.uint8array;
case "arraybuffer":
supported = JSZip.support.arraybuffer;
case "nodebuffer":
supported = JSZip.support.nodebuffer;
case "blob":
supported = JSZip.support.blob;
exports.checkSupport = function(type) {
var supported = support[type.toLowerCase()];
if (!supported) {
throw new Error(type + " is not supported by this browser");
exports.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = 65535;
exports.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = -1; // well, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" is parsed as -1
(function (){
* Represents an entry in the zip.
* The content may or may not be compressed.
* Prettify a string read as binary.
* @param {string} str the string to prettify.
* @return {string} a pretty string.
exports.pretty = function(str) {
var res = '',
code, i;
for (i = 0; i < (str || "").length; i++) {
code = str.charCodeAt(i);
res += '\\x' + (code < 16 ? "0" : "") + code.toString(16).toUpperCase();
return res;
* Find a compression registered in JSZip.
* @param {string} compressionMethod the method magic to find.
* @return {Object|null} the JSZip compression object, null if none found.
exports.findCompression = function(compressionMethod) {
for (var method in compressions) {
if (!compressions.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
if (compressions[method].magic === compressionMethod) {
return compressions[method];
return null;
* Cross-window, cross-Node-context regular expression detection
* @param {Object} object Anything
* @return {Boolean} true if the object is a regular expression,
* false otherwise
exports.isRegExp = function (object) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) === "[object RegExp]";
'use strict';
var StringReader = require('./stringReader');
var NodeBufferReader = require('./nodeBufferReader');
var Uint8ArrayReader = require('./uint8ArrayReader');
var utils = require('./utils');
var sig = require('./signature');
var ZipEntry = require('./zipEntry');
var support = require('./support');
// class ZipEntries {{{
* All the entries in the zip file.
* @constructor
* @param {String|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} data the binary stream to load.
* @param {Object} loadOptions Options for loading the stream.
JSZip.CompressedObject = function () {
this.compressedSize = 0;
this.uncompressedSize = 0;
this.crc32 = 0;
this.compressionMethod = null;
this.compressedContent = null;
JSZip.CompressedObject.prototype = {
function ZipEntries(data, loadOptions) {
this.files = [];
this.loadOptions = loadOptions;
if (data) {
ZipEntries.prototype = {
* Return the decompressed content in an unspecified format.
* The format will depend on the decompressor.
* @return {Object} the decompressed content.
* Check that the reader is on the speficied signature.
* @param {string} expectedSignature the expected signature.
* @throws {Error} if it is an other signature.
getContent : function () {
return null; // see implementation
checkSignature: function(expectedSignature) {
var signature = this.reader.readString(4);
if (signature !== expectedSignature) {
throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug : unexpected signature " + "(" + utils.pretty(signature) + ", expected " + utils.pretty(expectedSignature) + ")");
* Return the compressed content in an unspecified format.
* The format will depend on the compressed conten source.
* @return {Object} the compressed content.
* Read the end of the central directory.
getCompressedContent : function () {
return null; // see implementation
readBlockEndOfCentral: function() {
this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(4);
this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(4);
this.zipCommentLength = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.zipComment = this.reader.readString(this.zipCommentLength);
* Read the end of the Zip 64 central directory.
* Not merged with the method readEndOfCentral :
* The end of central can coexist with its Zip64 brother,
* I don't want to read the wrong number of bytes !
readBlockZip64EndOfCentral: function() {
this.zip64EndOfCentralSize = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.versionMadeBy = this.reader.readString(2);
this.versionNeeded = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(4);
this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4);
this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.zip64ExtensibleData = {};
var extraDataSize = this.zip64EndOfCentralSize - 44,
index = 0,
while (index < extraDataSize) {
extraFieldId = this.reader.readInt(2);
extraFieldLength = this.reader.readInt(4);
extraFieldValue = this.reader.readString(extraFieldLength);
this.zip64ExtensibleData[extraFieldId] = {
id: extraFieldId,
length: extraFieldLength,
value: extraFieldValue
* Read the end of the Zip 64 central directory locator.
readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator: function() {
this.diskWithZip64CentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4);
this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.disksCount = this.reader.readInt(4);
if (this.disksCount > 1) {
throw new Error("Multi-volumes zip are not supported");
* Read the local files, based on the offset read in the central part.
readLocalFiles: function() {
var i, file;
for (i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) {
file = this.files[i];
* Read the central directory.
readCentralDir: function() {
var file;
while (this.reader.readString(4) === sig.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER) {
file = new ZipEntry({
zip64: this.zip64
}, this.loadOptions);
* Read the end of central directory.
readEndOfCentral: function() {
var offset = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(sig.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END);
if (offset === -1) {
throw new Error("Corrupted zip : can't find end of central directory");
/* extract from the zip spec :
4) If one of the fields in the end of central directory
record is too small to hold required data, the field
should be set to -1 (0xFFFF or 0xFFFFFFFF) and the
ZIP64 format record should be created.
5) The end of central directory record and the
Zip64 end of central directory locator record must
reside on the same disk when splitting or spanning
an archive.
if (this.diskNumber === utils.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.diskWithCentralDirStart === utils.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk === utils.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecords === utils.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirSize === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS || this.centralDirOffset === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
this.zip64 = true;
Warning : the zip64 extension is supported, but ONLY if the 64bits integer read from
the zip file can fit into a 32bits integer. This cannot be solved : Javascript represents
all numbers as 64-bit double precision IEEE 754 floating point numbers.
So, we have 53bits for integers and bitwise operations treat everything as 32bits.
see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Bitwise_Operators
and http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-262.pdf section 8.5
// should look for a zip64 EOCD locator
offset = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(sig.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR);
if (offset === -1) {
throw new Error("Corrupted zip : can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory locator");
// now the zip64 EOCD record
prepareReader: function(data) {
var type = utils.getTypeOf(data);
if (type === "string" && !support.uint8array) {
this.reader = new StringReader(data, this.loadOptions.optimizedBinaryString);
else if (type === "nodebuffer") {
this.reader = new NodeBufferReader(data);
else {
this.reader = new Uint8ArrayReader(utils.transformTo("uint8array", data));
* Read a zip file and create ZipEntries.
* @param {String|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} data the binary string representing a zip file.
load: function(data) {
// }}} end of ZipEntries
module.exports = ZipEntries;
'use strict';
var StringReader = require('./stringReader');
var utils = require('./utils');
var CompressedObject = require('./compressedObject');
var jszipProto = require('./object');
// class ZipEntry {{{
* An entry in the zip file.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options Options of the current file.
* @param {Object} loadOptions Options for loading the stream.
function ZipEntry(options, loadOptions) {
this.options = options;
this.loadOptions = loadOptions;
ZipEntry.prototype = {
* say if the file is encrypted.
* @return {boolean} true if the file is encrypted, false otherwise.
isEncrypted: function() {
// bit 1 is set
return (this.bitFlag & 0x0001) === 0x0001;
* say if the file has utf-8 filename/comment.
* @return {boolean} true if the filename/comment is in utf-8, false otherwise.
useUTF8: function() {
// bit 11 is set
return (this.bitFlag & 0x0800) === 0x0800;
* Prepare the function used to generate the compressed content from this ZipFile.
* @param {DataReader} reader the reader to use.
* @param {number} from the offset from where we should read the data.
* @param {number} length the length of the data to read.
* @return {Function} the callback to get the compressed content (the type depends of the DataReader class).
prepareCompressedContent: function(reader, from, length) {
return function() {
var previousIndex = reader.index;
var compressedFileData = reader.readData(length);
return compressedFileData;
* Prepare the function used to generate the uncompressed content from this ZipFile.
* @param {DataReader} reader the reader to use.
* @param {number} from the offset from where we should read the data.
* @param {number} length the length of the data to read.
* @param {JSZip.compression} compression the compression used on this file.
* @param {number} uncompressedSize the uncompressed size to expect.
* @return {Function} the callback to get the uncompressed content (the type depends of the DataReader class).
prepareContent: function(reader, from, length, compression, uncompressedSize) {
return function() {
var compressedFileData = utils.transformTo(compression.uncompressInputType, this.getCompressedContent());
var uncompressedFileData = compression.uncompress(compressedFileData);
if (uncompressedFileData.length !== uncompressedSize) {
throw new Error("Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch");
return uncompressedFileData;
* Read the local part of a zip file and add the info in this object.
* @param {DataReader} reader the reader to use.
readLocalPart: function(reader) {
var compression, localExtraFieldsLength;
// we already know everything from the central dir !
// If the central dir data are false, we are doomed.
// On the bright side, the local part is scary : zip64, data descriptors, both, etc.
// The less data we get here, the more reliable this should be.
// Let's skip the whole header and dash to the data !
// in some zip created on windows, the filename stored in the central dir contains \ instead of /.
// Strangely, the filename here is OK.
// I would love to treat these zip files as corrupted (see http://www.info-zip.org/FAQ.html#backslashes
// or APPNOTE#, "All slashes MUST be forward slashes '/'") but there are a lot of bad zip generators...
// Search "unzip mismatching "local" filename continuing with "central" filename version" on
// the internet.
// I think I see the logic here : the central directory is used to display
// content and the local directory is used to extract the files. Mixing / and \
// may be used to display \ to windows users and use / when extracting the files.
// Unfortunately, this lead also to some issues : http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Sep/394
this.fileNameLength = reader.readInt(2);
localExtraFieldsLength = reader.readInt(2); // can't be sure this will be the same as the central dir
this.fileName = reader.readString(this.fileNameLength);
if (this.compressedSize == -1 || this.uncompressedSize == -1) {
throw new Error("Bug or corrupted zip : didn't get enough informations from the central directory " + "(compressedSize == -1 || uncompressedSize == -1)");
compression = utils.findCompression(this.compressionMethod);
if (compression === null) { // no compression found
throw new Error("Corrupted zip : compression " + utils.pretty(this.compressionMethod) + " unknown (inner file : " + this.fileName + ")");
this.decompressed = new CompressedObject();
this.decompressed.compressedSize = this.compressedSize;
this.decompressed.uncompressedSize = this.uncompressedSize;
this.decompressed.crc32 = this.crc32;
this.decompressed.compressionMethod = this.compressionMethod;
this.decompressed.getCompressedContent = this.prepareCompressedContent(reader, reader.index, this.compressedSize, compression);
this.decompressed.getContent = this.prepareContent(reader, reader.index, this.compressedSize, compression, this.uncompressedSize);
// we need to compute the crc32...
if (this.loadOptions.checkCRC32) {
this.decompressed = utils.transformTo("string", this.decompressed.getContent());
if (jszipProto.crc32(this.decompressed) !== this.crc32) {
throw new Error("Corrupted zip : CRC32 mismatch");
* Read the central part of a zip file and add the info in this object.
* @param {DataReader} reader the reader to use.
readCentralPart: function(reader) {
this.versionMadeBy = reader.readString(2);
this.versionNeeded = reader.readInt(2);
this.bitFlag = reader.readInt(2);
this.compressionMethod = reader.readString(2);
this.date = reader.readDate();
this.crc32 = reader.readInt(4);
this.compressedSize = reader.readInt(4);
this.uncompressedSize = reader.readInt(4);
this.fileNameLength = reader.readInt(2);
this.extraFieldsLength = reader.readInt(2);
this.fileCommentLength = reader.readInt(2);
this.diskNumberStart = reader.readInt(2);
this.internalFileAttributes = reader.readInt(2);
this.externalFileAttributes = reader.readInt(4);
this.localHeaderOffset = reader.readInt(4);
if (this.isEncrypted()) {
throw new Error("Encrypted zip are not supported");
this.fileName = reader.readString(this.fileNameLength);
this.fileComment = reader.readString(this.fileCommentLength);
// warning, this is true only for zip with madeBy == DOS (plateform dependent feature)
this.dir = this.externalFileAttributes & 0x00000010 ? true : false;
* Parse the ZIP64 extra field and merge the info in the current ZipEntry.
* @param {DataReader} reader the reader to use.
parseZIP64ExtraField: function(reader) {
if (!this.extraFields[0x0001]) {
// should be something, preparing the extra reader
var extraReader = new StringReader(this.extraFields[0x0001].value);
// I really hope that these 64bits integer can fit in 32 bits integer, because js
// won't let us have more.
if (this.uncompressedSize === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
this.uncompressedSize = extraReader.readInt(8);
if (this.compressedSize === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
this.compressedSize = extraReader.readInt(8);
if (this.localHeaderOffset === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
this.localHeaderOffset = extraReader.readInt(8);
if (this.diskNumberStart === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
this.diskNumberStart = extraReader.readInt(4);
* Read the central part of a zip file and add the info in this object.
* @param {DataReader} reader the reader to use.
readExtraFields: function(reader) {
var start = reader.index,
this.extraFields = this.extraFields || {};
while (reader.index < start + this.extraFieldsLength) {
extraFieldId = reader.readInt(2);
extraFieldLength = reader.readInt(2);
extraFieldValue = reader.readString(extraFieldLength);
this.extraFields[extraFieldId] = {
id: extraFieldId,
length: extraFieldLength,
value: extraFieldValue
* Apply an UTF8 transformation if needed.
handleUTF8: function() {
if (this.useUTF8()) {
this.fileName = jszipProto.utf8decode(this.fileName);
this.fileComment = jszipProto.utf8decode(this.fileComment);
module.exports = ZipEntry;
// shim for using process in browser
var process = module.exports = {};
process.nextTick = (function () {
var canSetImmediate = typeof window !== 'undefined'
&& window.setImmediate;
var canPost = typeof window !== 'undefined'
&& window.postMessage && window.addEventListener
if (canSetImmediate) {
return function (f) { return window.setImmediate(f) };
if (canPost) {
var queue = [];
window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) {
if (ev.source === window && ev.data === 'process-tick') {
if (queue.length > 0) {
var fn = queue.shift();
}, true);
return function nextTick(fn) {
window.postMessage('process-tick', '*');
return function nextTick(fn) {
setTimeout(fn, 0);
* Base64 encode / decode
* http://www.webtoolkit.info/
* Hacked so that it doesn't utf8 en/decode everything
JSZip.base64 = (function() {
// private property
var _keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
process.title = 'browser';
process.browser = true;
process.env = {};
process.argv = [];
return {
// public method for encoding
encode : function(input, utf8) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
process.binding = function (name) {
throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
output = output +
_keyStr.charAt(enc1) + _keyStr.charAt(enc2) +
_keyStr.charAt(enc3) + _keyStr.charAt(enc4);
return output;
// public method for decoding
decode : function(input, utf8) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
while (i < input.length) {
enc1 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
if (enc3 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
if (enc4 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
return output;
// TODO(shtylman)
process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
process.chdir = function (dir) {
throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
// enforcing Stuk's coding style
// vim: set shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3:
/** @license zlib.js 2012 - imaya [ https://github.com/imaya/zlib.js ] The MIT License */(function() {'use strict';var n=void 0,u=!0,aa=this;function ba(e,d){var c=e.split("."),f=aa;!(c[0]in f)&&f.execScript&&f.execScript("var "+c[0]);for(var a;c.length&&(a=c.shift());)!c.length&&d!==n?f[a]=d:f=f[a]?f[a]:f[a]={}};var C="undefined"!==typeof Uint8Array&&"undefined"!==typeof Uint16Array&&"undefined"!==typeof Uint32Array;function K(e,d){this.index="number"===typeof d?d:0;this.d=0;this.buffer=e instanceof(C?Uint8Array:Array)?e:new (C?Uint8Array:Array)(32768);if(2*this.buffer.length<=this.index)throw Error("invalid index");this.buffer.length<=this.index&&ca(this)}function ca(e){var d=e.buffer,c,f=d.length,a=new (C?Uint8Array:Array)(f<<1);if(C)a.set(d);else for(c=0;c<f;++c)a[c]=d[c];return e.buffer=a}
K.prototype.a=function(e,d,c){var f=this.buffer,a=this.index,b=this.d,k=f[a],m;c&&1<d&&(e=8<d?(L[e&255]<<24|L[e>>>8&255]<<16|L[e>>>16&255]<<8|L[e>>>24&255])>>32-d:L[e]>>8-d);if(8>d+b)k=k<<d|e,b+=d;else for(m=0;m<d;++m)k=k<<1|e>>d-m-1&1,8===++b&&(b=0,f[a++]=L[k],k=0,a===f.length&&(f=ca(this)));f[a]=k;this.buffer=f;this.d=b;this.index=a};K.prototype.finish=function(){var e=this.buffer,d=this.index,c;0<this.d&&(e[d]<<=8-this.d,e[d]=L[e[d]],d++);C?c=e.subarray(0,d):(e.length=d,c=e);return c};
var ga=new (C?Uint8Array:Array)(256),M;for(M=0;256>M;++M){for(var R=M,S=R,ha=7,R=R>>>1;R;R>>>=1)S<<=1,S|=R&1,--ha;ga[M]=(S<<ha&255)>>>0}var L=ga;function ja(e){this.buffer=new (C?Uint16Array:Array)(2*e);this.length=0}ja.prototype.getParent=function(e){return 2*((e-2)/4|0)};ja.prototype.push=function(e,d){var c,f,a=this.buffer,b;c=this.length;a[this.length++]=d;for(a[this.length++]=e;0<c;)if(f=this.getParent(c),a[c]>a[f])b=a[c],a[c]=a[f],a[f]=b,b=a[c+1],a[c+1]=a[f+1],a[f+1]=b,c=f;else break;return this.length};
ja.prototype.pop=function(){var e,d,c=this.buffer,f,a,b;d=c[0];e=c[1];this.length-=2;c[0]=c[this.length];c[1]=c[this.length+1];for(b=0;;){a=2*b+2;if(a>=this.length)break;a+2<this.length&&c[a+2]>c[a]&&(a+=2);if(c[a]>c[b])f=c[b],c[b]=c[a],c[a]=f,f=c[b+1],c[b+1]=c[a+1],c[a+1]=f;else break;b=a}return{index:e,value:d,length:this.length}};function ka(e,d){this.e=ma;this.f=0;this.input=C&&e instanceof Array?new Uint8Array(e):e;this.c=0;d&&(d.lazy&&(this.f=d.lazy),"number"===typeof d.compressionType&&(this.e=d.compressionType),d.outputBuffer&&(this.b=C&&d.outputBuffer instanceof Array?new Uint8Array(d.outputBuffer):d.outputBuffer),"number"===typeof d.outputIndex&&(this.c=d.outputIndex));this.b||(this.b=new (C?Uint8Array:Array)(32768))}var ma=2,T=[],U;
for(U=0;288>U;U++)switch(u){case 143>=U:T.push([U+48,8]);break;case 255>=U:T.push([U-144+400,9]);break;case 279>=U:T.push([U-256+0,7]);break;case 287>=U:T.push([U-280+192,8]);break;default:throw"invalid literal: "+U;}
ka.prototype.h=function(){var e,d,c,f,a=this.input;switch(this.e){case 0:c=0;for(f=a.length;c<f;){d=C?a.subarray(c,c+65535):a.slice(c,c+65535);c+=d.length;var b=d,k=c===f,m=n,g=n,p=n,v=n,x=n,l=this.b,h=this.c;if(C){for(l=new Uint8Array(this.b.buffer);l.length<=h+b.length+5;)l=new Uint8Array(l.length<<1);l.set(this.b)}m=k?1:0;l[h++]=m|0;g=b.length;p=~g+65536&65535;l[h++]=g&255;l[h++]=g>>>8&255;l[h++]=p&255;l[h++]=p>>>8&255;if(C)l.set(b,h),h+=b.length,l=l.subarray(0,h);else{v=0;for(x=b.length;v<x;++v)l[h++]=
b[v];l.length=h}this.c=h;this.b=l}break;case 1:var q=new K(C?new Uint8Array(this.b.buffer):this.b,this.c);q.a(1,1,u);q.a(1,2,u);var t=na(this,a),w,da,z;w=0;for(da=t.length;w<da;w++)if(z=t[w],K.prototype.a.apply(q,T[z]),256<z)q.a(t[++w],t[++w],u),q.a(t[++w],5),q.a(t[++w],t[++w],u);else if(256===z)break;this.b=q.finish();this.c=this.b.length;break;case ma:var B=new K(C?new Uint8Array(this.b.buffer):this.b,this.c),ra,J,N,O,P,Ia=[16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15],W,sa,X,ta,ea,ia=Array(19),
ua,Q,fa,y,va;ra=ma;B.a(1,1,u);B.a(ra,2,u);J=na(this,a);W=oa(this.j,15);sa=pa(W);X=oa(this.i,7);ta=pa(X);for(N=286;257<N&&0===W[N-1];N--);for(O=30;1<O&&0===X[O-1];O--);var wa=N,xa=O,F=new (C?Uint32Array:Array)(wa+xa),r,G,s,Y,E=new (C?Uint32Array:Array)(316),D,A,H=new (C?Uint8Array:Array)(19);for(r=G=0;r<wa;r++)F[G++]=W[r];for(r=0;r<xa;r++)F[G++]=X[r];if(!C){r=0;for(Y=H.length;r<Y;++r)H[r]=0}r=D=0;for(Y=F.length;r<Y;r+=G){for(G=1;r+G<Y&&F[r+G]===F[r];++G);s=G;if(0===F[r])if(3>s)for(;0<s--;)E[D++]=0,
H[0]++;else for(;0<s;)A=138>s?s:138,A>s-3&&A<s&&(A=s-3),10>=A?(E[D++]=17,E[D++]=A-3,H[17]++):(E[D++]=18,E[D++]=A-11,H[18]++),s-=A;else if(E[D++]=F[r],H[F[r]]++,s--,3>s)for(;0<s--;)E[D++]=F[r],H[F[r]]++;else for(;0<s;)A=6>s?s:6,A>s-3&&A<s&&(A=s-3),E[D++]=16,E[D++]=A-3,H[16]++,s-=A}e=C?E.subarray(0,D):E.slice(0,D);ea=oa(H,7);for(y=0;19>y;y++)ia[y]=ea[Ia[y]];for(P=19;4<P&&0===ia[P-1];P--);ua=pa(ea);B.a(N-257,5,u);B.a(O-1,5,u);B.a(P-4,4,u);for(y=0;y<P;y++)B.a(ia[y],3,u);y=0;for(va=e.length;y<va;y++)if(Q=
e[y],B.a(ua[Q],ea[Q],u),16<=Q){y++;switch(Q){case 16:fa=2;break;case 17:fa=3;break;case 18:fa=7;break;default:throw"invalid code: "+Q;}B.a(e[y],fa,u)}var ya=[sa,W],za=[ta,X],I,Aa,Z,la,Ba,Ca,Da,Ea;Ba=ya[0];Ca=ya[1];Da=za[0];Ea=za[1];I=0;for(Aa=J.length;I<Aa;++I)if(Z=J[I],B.a(Ba[Z],Ca[Z],u),256<Z)B.a(J[++I],J[++I],u),la=J[++I],B.a(Da[la],Ea[la],u),B.a(J[++I],J[++I],u);else if(256===Z)break;this.b=B.finish();this.c=this.b.length;break;default:throw"invalid compression type";}return this.b};
function qa(e,d){this.length=e;this.g=d}
var Fa=function(){function e(a){switch(u){case 3===a:return[257,a-3,0];case 4===a:return[258,a-4,0];case 5===a:return[259,a-5,0];case 6===a:return[260,a-6,0];case 7===a:return[261,a-7,0];case 8===a:return[262,a-8,0];case 9===a:return[263,a-9,0];case 10===a:return[264,a-10,0];case 12>=a:return[265,a-11,1];case 14>=a:return[266,a-13,1];case 16>=a:return[267,a-15,1];case 18>=a:return[268,a-17,1];case 22>=a:return[269,a-19,2];case 26>=a:return[270,a-23,2];case 30>=a:return[271,a-27,2];case 34>=a:return[272,
a-31,2];case 42>=a:return[273,a-35,3];case 50>=a:return[274,a-43,3];case 58>=a:return[275,a-51,3];case 66>=a:return[276,a-59,3];case 82>=a:return[277,a-67,4];case 98>=a:return[278,a-83,4];case 114>=a:return[279,a-99,4];case 130>=a:return[280,a-115,4];case 162>=a:return[281,a-131,5];case 194>=a:return[282,a-163,5];case 226>=a:return[283,a-195,5];case 257>=a:return[284,a-227,5];case 258===a:return[285,a-258,0];default:throw"invalid length: "+a;}}var d=[],c,f;for(c=3;258>=c;c++)f=e(c),d[c]=f[2]<<24|
f[1]<<16|f[0];return d}(),Ga=C?new Uint32Array(Fa):Fa;
function na(e,d){function c(a,c){var b=a.g,d=[],f=0,e;e=Ga[a.length];d[f++]=e&65535;d[f++]=e>>16&255;d[f++]=e>>24;var g;switch(u){case 1===b:g=[0,b-1,0];break;case 2===b:g=[1,b-2,0];break;case 3===b:g=[2,b-3,0];break;case 4===b:g=[3,b-4,0];break;case 6>=b:g=[4,b-5,1];break;case 8>=b:g=[5,b-7,1];break;case 12>=b:g=[6,b-9,2];break;case 16>=b:g=[7,b-13,2];break;case 24>=b:g=[8,b-17,3];break;case 32>=b:g=[9,b-25,3];break;case 48>=b:g=[10,b-33,4];break;case 64>=b:g=[11,b-49,4];break;case 96>=b:g=[12,b-
65,5];break;case 128>=b:g=[13,b-97,5];break;case 192>=b:g=[14,b-129,6];break;case 256>=b:g=[15,b-193,6];break;case 384>=b:g=[16,b-257,7];break;case 512>=b:g=[17,b-385,7];break;case 768>=b:g=[18,b-513,8];break;case 1024>=b:g=[19,b-769,8];break;case 1536>=b:g=[20,b-1025,9];break;case 2048>=b:g=[21,b-1537,9];break;case 3072>=b:g=[22,b-2049,10];break;case 4096>=b:g=[23,b-3073,10];break;case 6144>=b:g=[24,b-4097,11];break;case 8192>=b:g=[25,b-6145,11];break;case 12288>=b:g=[26,b-8193,12];break;case 16384>=
b:g=[27,b-12289,12];break;case 24576>=b:g=[28,b-16385,13];break;case 32768>=b:g=[29,b-24577,13];break;default:throw"invalid distance";}e=g;d[f++]=e[0];d[f++]=e[1];d[f++]=e[2];var k,m;k=0;for(m=d.length;k<m;++k)l[h++]=d[k];t[d[0]]++;w[d[3]]++;q=a.length+c-1;x=null}var f,a,b,k,m,g={},p,v,x,l=C?new Uint16Array(2*d.length):[],h=0,q=0,t=new (C?Uint32Array:Array)(286),w=new (C?Uint32Array:Array)(30),da=e.f,z;if(!C){for(b=0;285>=b;)t[b++]=0;for(b=0;29>=b;)w[b++]=0}t[256]=1;f=0;for(a=d.length;f<a;++f){b=
m=0;for(k=3;b<k&&f+b!==a;++b)m=m<<8|d[f+b];g[m]===n&&(g[m]=[]);p=g[m];if(!(0<q--)){for(;0<p.length&&32768<f-p[0];)p.shift();if(f+3>=a){x&&c(x,-1);b=0;for(k=a-f;b<k;++b)z=d[f+b],l[h++]=z,++t[z];break}0<p.length?(v=Ha(d,f,p),x?x.length<v.length?(z=d[f-1],l[h++]=z,++t[z],c(v,0)):c(x,-1):v.length<da?x=v:c(v,0)):x?c(x,-1):(z=d[f],l[h++]=z,++t[z])}p.push(f)}l[h++]=256;t[256]++;e.j=t;e.i=w;return C?l.subarray(0,h):l}
function Ha(e,d,c){var f,a,b=0,k,m,g,p,v=e.length;m=0;p=c.length;a:for(;m<p;m++){f=c[p-m-1];k=3;if(3<b){for(g=b;3<g;g--)if(e[f+g-1]!==e[d+g-1])continue a;k=b}for(;258>k&&d+k<v&&e[f+k]===e[d+k];)++k;k>b&&(a=f,b=k);if(258===k)break}return new qa(b,d-a)}
function oa(e,d){var c=e.length,f=new ja(572),a=new (C?Uint8Array:Array)(c),b,k,m,g,p;if(!C)for(g=0;g<c;g++)a[g]=0;for(g=0;g<c;++g)0<e[g]&&f.push(g,e[g]);b=Array(f.length/2);k=new (C?Uint32Array:Array)(f.length/2);if(1===b.length)return a[f.pop().index]=1,a;g=0;for(p=f.length/2;g<p;++g)b[g]=f.pop(),k[g]=b[g].value;m=Ja(k,k.length,d);g=0;for(p=b.length;g<p;++g)a[b[g].index]=m[g];return a}
function Ja(e,d,c){function f(a){var b=g[a][p[a]];b===d?(f(a+1),f(a+1)):--k[b];++p[a]}var a=new (C?Uint16Array:Array)(c),b=new (C?Uint8Array:Array)(c),k=new (C?Uint8Array:Array)(d),m=Array(c),g=Array(c),p=Array(c),v=(1<<c)-d,x=1<<c-1,l,h,q,t,w;a[c-1]=d;for(h=0;h<c;++h)v<x?b[h]=0:(b[h]=1,v-=x),v<<=1,a[c-2-h]=(a[c-1-h]/2|0)+d;a[0]=b[0];m[0]=Array(a[0]);g[0]=Array(a[0]);for(h=1;h<c;++h)a[h]>2*a[h-1]+b[h]&&(a[h]=2*a[h-1]+b[h]),m[h]=Array(a[h]),g[h]=Array(a[h]);for(l=0;l<d;++l)k[l]=c;for(q=0;q<a[c-1];++q)m[c-
1][q]=e[q],g[c-1][q]=q;for(l=0;l<c;++l)p[l]=0;1===b[c-1]&&(--k[0],++p[c-1]);for(h=c-2;0<=h;--h){t=l=0;w=p[h+1];for(q=0;q<a[h];q++)t=m[h+1][w]+m[h+1][w+1],t>e[l]?(m[h][q]=t,g[h][q]=d,w+=2):(m[h][q]=e[l],g[h][q]=l,++l);p[h]=0;1===b[h]&&f(h)}return k}
function pa(e){var d=new (C?Uint16Array:Array)(e.length),c=[],f=[],a=0,b,k,m,g;b=0;for(k=e.length;b<k;b++)c[e[b]]=(c[e[b]]|0)+1;b=1;for(k=16;b<=k;b++)f[b]=a,a+=c[b]|0,a<<=1;b=0;for(k=e.length;b<k;b++){a=f[e[b]];f[e[b]]+=1;m=d[b]=0;for(g=e[b];m<g;m++)d[b]=d[b]<<1|a&1,a>>>=1}return d};ba("Zlib.RawDeflate",ka);ba("Zlib.RawDeflate.prototype.compress",ka.prototype.h);var Ka={NONE:0,FIXED:1,DYNAMIC:ma},V,La,$,Ma;if(Object.keys)V=Object.keys(Ka);else for(La in V=[],$=0,Ka)V[$++]=La;$=0;for(Ma=V.length;$<Ma;++$)La=V[$],ba("Zlib.RawDeflate.CompressionType."+La,Ka[La]);}).call(this); //@ sourceMappingURL=rawdeflate.min.js.map
/** @license zlib.js 2012 - imaya [ https://github.com/imaya/zlib.js ] The MIT License */(function() {'use strict';var l=void 0,p=this;function q(c,d){var a=c.split("."),b=p;!(a[0]in b)&&b.execScript&&b.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var e;a.length&&(e=a.shift());)!a.length&&d!==l?b[e]=d:b=b[e]?b[e]:b[e]={}};var r="undefined"!==typeof Uint8Array&&"undefined"!==typeof Uint16Array&&"undefined"!==typeof Uint32Array;function u(c){var d=c.length,a=0,b=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,e,f,g,h,k,m,s,n,t;for(n=0;n<d;++n)c[n]>a&&(a=c[n]),c[n]<b&&(b=c[n]);e=1<<a;f=new (r?Uint32Array:Array)(e);g=1;h=0;for(k=2;g<=a;){for(n=0;n<d;++n)if(c[n]===g){m=0;s=h;for(t=0;t<g;++t)m=m<<1|s&1,s>>=1;for(t=m;t<e;t+=k)f[t]=g<<16|n;++h}++g;h<<=1;k<<=1}return[f,a,b]};function v(c,d){this.g=[];this.h=32768;this.c=this.f=this.d=this.k=0;this.input=r?new Uint8Array(c):c;this.l=!1;this.i=w;this.p=!1;if(d||!(d={}))d.index&&(this.d=d.index),d.bufferSize&&(this.h=d.bufferSize),d.bufferType&&(this.i=d.bufferType),d.resize&&(this.p=d.resize);switch(this.i){case x:this.a=32768;this.b=new (r?Uint8Array:Array)(32768+this.h+258);break;case w:this.a=0;this.b=new (r?Uint8Array:Array)(this.h);this.e=this.u;this.m=this.r;this.j=this.s;break;default:throw Error("invalid inflate mode");
}}var x=0,w=1;
v.prototype.t=function(){for(;!this.l;){var c=y(this,3);c&1&&(this.l=!0);c>>>=1;switch(c){case 0:var d=this.input,a=this.d,b=this.b,e=this.a,f=l,g=l,h=l,k=b.length,m=l;this.c=this.f=0;f=d[a++];if(f===l)throw Error("invalid uncompressed block header: LEN (first byte)");g=f;f=d[a++];if(f===l)throw Error("invalid uncompressed block header: LEN (second byte)");g|=f<<8;f=d[a++];if(f===l)throw Error("invalid uncompressed block header: NLEN (first byte)");h=f;f=d[a++];if(f===l)throw Error("invalid uncompressed block header: NLEN (second byte)");h|=
f<<8;if(g===~h)throw Error("invalid uncompressed block header: length verify");if(a+g>d.length)throw Error("input buffer is broken");switch(this.i){case x:for(;e+g>b.length;){m=k-e;g-=m;if(r)b.set(d.subarray(a,a+m),e),e+=m,a+=m;else for(;m--;)b[e++]=d[a++];this.a=e;b=this.e();e=this.a}break;case w:for(;e+g>b.length;)b=this.e({o:2});break;default:throw Error("invalid inflate mode");}if(r)b.set(d.subarray(a,a+g),e),e+=g,a+=g;else for(;g--;)b[e++]=d[a++];this.d=a;this.a=e;this.b=b;break;case 1:this.j(z,
A);break;case 2:B(this);break;default:throw Error("unknown BTYPE: "+c);}}return this.m()};
var C=[16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15],D=r?new Uint16Array(C):C,E=[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,19,23,27,31,35,43,51,59,67,83,99,115,131,163,195,227,258,258,258],F=r?new Uint16Array(E):E,G=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0,0,0],H=r?new Uint8Array(G):G,I=[1,2,3,4,5,7,9,13,17,25,33,49,65,97,129,193,257,385,513,769,1025,1537,2049,3073,4097,6145,8193,12289,16385,24577],J=r?new Uint16Array(I):I,K=[0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,
13],L=r?new Uint8Array(K):K,M=new (r?Uint8Array:Array)(288),N,O;N=0;for(O=M.length;N<O;++N)M[N]=143>=N?8:255>=N?9:279>=N?7:8;var z=u(M),P=new (r?Uint8Array:Array)(30),Q,R;Q=0;for(R=P.length;Q<R;++Q)P[Q]=5;var A=u(P);function y(c,d){for(var a=c.f,b=c.c,e=c.input,f=c.d,g;b<d;){g=e[f++];if(g===l)throw Error("input buffer is broken");a|=g<<b;b+=8}g=a&(1<<d)-1;c.f=a>>>d;c.c=b-d;c.d=f;return g}
function S(c,d){for(var a=c.f,b=c.c,e=c.input,f=c.d,g=d[0],h=d[1],k,m,s;b<h;){k=e[f++];if(k===l)break;a|=k<<b;b+=8}m=g[a&(1<<h)-1];s=m>>>16;c.f=a>>s;c.c=b-s;c.d=f;return m&65535}
function B(c){function d(a,c,b){var d,f,e,g;for(g=0;g<a;)switch(d=S(this,c),d){case 16:for(e=3+y(this,2);e--;)b[g++]=f;break;case 17:for(e=3+y(this,3);e--;)b[g++]=0;f=0;break;case 18:for(e=11+y(this,7);e--;)b[g++]=0;f=0;break;default:f=b[g++]=d}return b}var a=y(c,5)+257,b=y(c,5)+1,e=y(c,4)+4,f=new (r?Uint8Array:Array)(D.length),g,h,k,m;for(m=0;m<e;++m)f[D[m]]=y(c,3);g=u(f);h=new (r?Uint8Array:Array)(a);k=new (r?Uint8Array:Array)(b);c.j(u(d.call(c,a,g,h)),u(d.call(c,b,g,k)))}
v.prototype.j=function(c,d){var a=this.b,b=this.a;this.n=c;for(var e=a.length-258,f,g,h,k;256!==(f=S(this,c));)if(256>f)b>=e&&(this.a=b,a=this.e(),b=this.a),a[b++]=f;else{g=f-257;k=F[g];0<H[g]&&(k+=y(this,H[g]));f=S(this,d);h=J[f];0<L[f]&&(h+=y(this,L[f]));b>=e&&(this.a=b,a=this.e(),b=this.a);for(;k--;)a[b]=a[b++-h]}for(;8<=this.c;)this.c-=8,this.d--;this.a=b};
v.prototype.s=function(c,d){var a=this.b,b=this.a;this.n=c;for(var e=a.length,f,g,h,k;256!==(f=S(this,c));)if(256>f)b>=e&&(a=this.e(),e=a.length),a[b++]=f;else{g=f-257;k=F[g];0<H[g]&&(k+=y(this,H[g]));f=S(this,d);h=J[f];0<L[f]&&(h+=y(this,L[f]));b+k>e&&(a=this.e(),e=a.length);for(;k--;)a[b]=a[b++-h]}for(;8<=this.c;)this.c-=8,this.d--;this.a=b};
v.prototype.e=function(){var c=new (r?Uint8Array:Array)(this.a-32768),d=this.a-32768,a,b,e=this.b;if(r)c.set(e.subarray(32768,c.length));else{a=0;for(b=c.length;a<b;++a)c[a]=e[a+32768]}this.g.push(c);this.k+=c.length;if(r)e.set(e.subarray(d,d+32768));else for(a=0;32768>a;++a)e[a]=e[d+a];this.a=32768;return e};
v.prototype.u=function(c){var d,a=this.input.length/this.d+1|0,b,e,f,g=this.input,h=this.b;c&&("number"===typeof c.o&&(a=c.o),"number"===typeof c.q&&(a+=c.q));2>a?(b=(g.length-this.d)/this.n[2],f=258*(b/2)|0,e=f<h.length?h.length+f:h.length<<1):e=h.length*a;r?(d=new Uint8Array(e),d.set(h)):d=h;return this.b=d};
v.prototype.m=function(){var c=0,d=this.b,a=this.g,b,e=new (r?Uint8Array:Array)(this.k+(this.a-32768)),f,g,h,k;if(0===a.length)return r?this.b.subarray(32768,this.a):this.b.slice(32768,this.a);f=0;for(g=a.length;f<g;++f){b=a[f];h=0;for(k=b.length;h<k;++h)e[c++]=b[h]}f=32768;for(g=this.a;f<g;++f)e[c++]=d[f];this.g=[];return this.buffer=e};
v.prototype.r=function(){var c,d=this.a;r?this.p?(c=new Uint8Array(d),c.set(this.b.subarray(0,d))):c=this.b.subarray(0,d):(this.b.length>d&&(this.b.length=d),c=this.b);return this.buffer=c};q("Zlib.RawInflate",v);q("Zlib.RawInflate.prototype.decompress",v.prototype.t);var T={ADAPTIVE:w,BLOCK:x},U,V,W,X;if(Object.keys)U=Object.keys(T);else for(V in U=[],W=0,T)U[W++]=V;W=0;for(X=U.length;W<X;++W)V=U[W],q("Zlib.RawInflate.BufferType."+V,T[V]);}).call(this); //@ sourceMappingURL=rawinflate.min.js.map

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long