diff --git a/js/tests/unit/modal.js b/js/tests/unit/modal.js
index 3b028dc100..5b265df158 100644
--- a/js/tests/unit/modal.js
+++ b/js/tests/unit/modal.js
@@ -597,4 +597,40 @@ $(function () {
+ QUnit.test('should not parse target as html', function (assert) {
+ assert.expect(1)
+ var done = assert.async()
+ var $toggleBtn = $('')
+ .appendTo('#qunit-fixture')
+ $toggleBtn.trigger('click')
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ assert.strictEqual($('#modal-test').length, 0, 'target has not been parsed and added to the document')
+ done()
+ }, 1)
+ })
+ QUnit.test('should not execute js from target', function (assert) {
+ assert.expect(0)
+ var done = assert.async()
+ // This toggle button contains XSS payload in its data-target
+ // Note: it uses the onerror handler of an img element to execute the js, because a simple script element does not work here
+ // a script element works in manual tests though, so here it is likely blocked by the qunit framework
+ var $toggleBtn = $('')
+ .appendTo('#qunit-fixture')
+ // The XSS payload above does not have a closure over this function and cannot access the assert object directly
+ // However, it can send a click event to the following control button, which will then fail the assert
+ $('