Merge pull request #111 from twbs/flex

This commit is contained in:
Mark Otto 2015-04-29 11:28:26 -07:00
commit 9e1c4f0557
6 changed files with 181 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -44,3 +44,87 @@
@include make-grid-columns();
// Flex variation
// Custom styles for additional flex alignment options.
@if $enable-flex {
// Flex column reordering
.col-xs-first { order: -1; }
.col-xs-last { order: 1; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
.col-sm-first { order: -1; }
.col-sm-last { order: 1; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
.col-md-first { order: -1; }
.col-md-last { order: 1; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(lg) {
.col-lg-first { order: -1; }
.col-lg-last { order: 1; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(xl) {
.col-xl-first { order: -1; }
.col-xl-last { order: 1; }
// Alignment for every column in row
.row-xs-top { align-items: flex-start; }
.row-xs-center { align-items: center; }
.row-xs-bottom { align-items: flex-end; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
.row-sm-top { align-items: flex-start; }
.row-sm-center { align-items: center; }
.row-sm-bottom { align-items: flex-end; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
.row-md-top { align-items: flex-start; }
.row-md-center { align-items: center; }
.row-md-bottom { align-items: flex-end; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(lg) {
.row-lg-top { align-items: flex-start; }
.row-lg-center { align-items: center; }
.row-lg-bottom { align-items: flex-end; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(xl) {
.row-xl-top { align-items: flex-start; }
.row-xl-center { align-items: center; }
.row-xl-bottom { align-items: flex-end; }
// Alignment per column
.col-xs-top { align-self: flex-start; }
.col-xs-center { align-self: center; }
.col-xs-bottom { align-self: flex-end; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
.col-sm-top { align-self: flex-start; }
.col-sm-center { align-self: center; }
.col-sm-bottom { align-self: flex-end; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(md) {
.col-md-top { align-self: flex-start; }
.col-md-center { align-self: center; }
.col-md-bottom { align-self: flex-end; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(lg) {
.col-lg-top { align-self: flex-start; }
.col-lg-center { align-self: center; }
.col-lg-bottom { align-self: flex-end; }
@include media-breakpoint-up(xl) {
.col-xl-top { align-self: flex-start; }
.col-xl-center { align-self: center; }
.col-xl-bottom { align-self: flex-end; }

View File

@ -8,22 +8,31 @@
.input-group {
position: relative; // For dropdowns
display: table;
border-collapse: separate; // prevent input groups from inheriting border styles from table cells when placed within a table
position: relative;
@if $enable-flex {
display: flex;
} @else {
display: table;
// Prevent input groups from inheriting border styles from table cells when
// placed within a table.
border-collapse: separate;
.form-control {
// Ensure that the input is always above the *appended* addon button for
// proper border colors.
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
// IE9 fubars the placeholder attribute in text inputs and the arrows on
// select elements in input groups. To fix it, we float the input. Details:
float: left;
width: 100%;
@if $enable-flex {
flex: 1;
} @else {
// IE9 fubars the placeholder attribute in text inputs and the arrows on
// select elements in input groups. To fix it, we float the input. Details:
float: left;
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 0;
@ -31,7 +40,11 @@
.input-group .form-control {
display: table-cell;
@if $enable-flex {
// do nothing
} @else {
display: table-cell;
&:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {
@include border-radius(0);
@ -40,7 +53,11 @@
.input-group-btn {
width: 1%;
@if $enable-flex {
// do nothing
} @else {
width: 1%;
white-space: nowrap;
vertical-align: middle; // Match the inputs

View File

@ -2,29 +2,58 @@
// Media
// --------------------------------------------------
.media {
// Proper spacing between instances of .media
margin-top: 15px;
@if $enable-flex {
.media {
display: flex;
margin-bottom: $spacer;
.media-body {
flex: 1;
} @else {
.media {
margin-top: 15px;
&:first-child {
margin-top: 0;
&:first-child {
margin-top: 0;
.media-body {
overflow: hidden;
zoom: 1;
.media-body {
width: 10000px;
.media-body {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: top;
.media-middle {
vertical-align: middle;
.media-bottom {
vertical-align: bottom;
.media-body {
overflow: hidden;
zoom: 1;
.media-body {
width: 10000px;
// Images/elements as the media anchor
.media-object {
display: block;
// Alignment
.media > .pull-right {
padding-left: 10px;
@ -35,30 +64,21 @@
padding-right: 10px;
.media-body {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: top;
.media-middle {
vertical-align: middle;
// Headings
.media-bottom {
vertical-align: bottom;
// Reset margins on headings for tighter default spacing
.media-heading {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 5px;
// Media list variation
// Undo default ul/ol styles
.media-list {
padding-left: 0;
list-style: none;

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ $link-hover-decoration: underline !default;
// Quickly modify global styling by enabling or disabling features.
$enable-flex: true !default;
$enable-rounded: true !default;
$enable-shadows: false !default;
$enable-gradients: false !default;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,11 @@
@include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
// Work around cross-media @extend (
%grid-column-float-#{$breakpoint} {
float: left;
@if $enable-flex {
// Do nothing
} @else {
float: left;
@for $i from 1 through $columns {
.col-#{$breakpoint}-#{$i} {

View File

@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
@mixin make-row($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
@if $enable-flex {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
margin-left: ($gutter / -2);
margin-right: ($gutter / -2);
@include clearfix();
@ -18,14 +22,22 @@
@mixin make-col($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
position: relative;
float: left;
@if $enable-flex {
// Do nothing
} @else {
float: left;
min-height: 1px;
padding-left: ($gutter / 2);
padding-right: ($gutter / 2);
@mixin make-col-span($size, $columns: $grid-columns) {
width: percentage($size / $columns);
@if $enable-flex {
flex: 0 0 percentage($size / $columns);
} @else {
width: percentage($size / $columns);
@mixin make-col-offset($size, $columns: $grid-columns) {