diff --git a/js/tests/unit/modal.spec.js b/js/tests/unit/modal.spec.js
index ff8102f444..a72e93ca85 100644
--- a/js/tests/unit/modal.spec.js
+++ b/js/tests/unit/modal.spec.js
@@ -649,6 +649,38 @@ describe('Modal', () => {
+ it('should not adjust the inline body padding when it does not overflow, even on a scaled display', done => {
+ fixtureEl.innerHTML = '
+ const modalEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.modal')
+ const modal = new Modal(modalEl)
+ const originalPadding = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).paddingRight
+ // Remove body margins as would be done by Bootstrap css
+ document.body.style.margin = '0'
+ // Hide scrollbars to prevent the body overflowing
+ document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'
+ // Simulate a discrepancy between exact, i.e. floating point body width, and rounded body width
+ // as it can occur when zooming or scaling the display to something else than 100%
+ document.documentElement.style.paddingRight = '.48px'
+ modalEl.addEventListener('shown.bs.modal', () => {
+ const currentPadding = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).paddingRight
+ expect(currentPadding).toEqual(originalPadding, 'body padding should not be adjusted')
+ // Restore overridden css
+ document.body.style.removeProperty('margin')
+ document.body.style.removeProperty('overflow')
+ document.documentElement.style.paddingRight = '16px'
+ done()
+ })
+ modal.show()
+ })
it('should enforce focus', done => {
fixtureEl.innerHTML = ''