- better copy and examples throughout
- callout on flexbug #12 for inline elements like links and images (which is the problem in #20408)
- add order section
* remove the $enable-flex variable option
* remove bootstrap-flex.css dist file and it's grunt task
* remove the separate flex css file for docs; it's all the same now
* remove flexbox docs (porting some to the main grid docs in next commit)
* clean up few grid docs bits to simplify copy, start to mention flexbox
* port relevant flexbox-grid.md content to grid.md
- clean up mixins
- update how it works section
- bring over sizing and alignment sections
* remove the $enable-flex from the options.md page
* update lead paragraph to mention flexbox
* update migration to mention loss of ie9 support
* remove mention of flexbox dist file
* clarify IE support
* making a note
* remove flexbox variant mentions from component docs
- updates docs for media object, navs, list group, and cards to consolidate docs
- no more need to callout flexbox variants since it's now the default
* remove $enable-flex if/else from sass files
* remove flex dist files
* update scss lint property order to account for flex properties
* linting
* change to numberless classes for autosizing, wrap in highlighting div
* bump gruntfile and postcss to ie10
* redo intro sections
* rearrange
* phew, redo hella grid docs
- rearrange all the things
- consolidate some bits
* remove reference to flexbox mode
* more border action for demo
* Make some changes to the .card's in .card-deck's to ensure footers align to the bottom
* Clean up _flex.scss a little
This commit just cleans up the formating of _flex.scss by changing
it so that it uses a single `@include media-breakpoint-up` instead
of multiple. It also aligns all of the CSS properties so it looks
a bit nicer.
* Remove `-xs` from flex classes
* make spacer utils responsive by grid tier
* update scale to add two levels, document them
* change responsive spacing utils to avoid the xs abbreviation in the class name for that tier
* update code snippet to match source
* update usage in our docs
* linter
* docs updates
* descriptions for getting started pages
* descriptions for layout
* add content page descriptions
* more descriptions, updates to some existing ones
* correct site url
* add social stuff to config for twitter cards
* add twitter meta tags; use large image for homepage and regular card for all others
* add the assets
* more site config
* more social shiz to partial, remove existing meta for the partial, remove page title from homepage for simpler if statements
I updated the doc with an example of a flex layout of 3 columns where the center column is specified as a `.col-xs-5` to show that other columns will resize no matter what the width of the center column.
Experienced bootstrap developers will expect to have to use an even number for the center column width when in reality any size will work.
I believe this is quite useful information and doesn't add too much to the docs.
Another option would be to make that initial example a `.col-xs-5` instead of a `.col-xs-6` to highlight this fact in the first place.