Mark Otto
add new global styles docs section for mentioning doctype requirements, base body changes, and type/links; also tightened up code styles
2012-02-19 16:28:46 -08:00 |
Mark Otto
bring back checkbox borders to iOS by conditionalizing the border: 0; on it to IE7-9; fix word break on pre in IE
2012-02-16 22:34:30 -08:00 |
Mark Otto
scope th bottom vertical-align to only thead, update code styles to include more comments in less file and scrollable option for pre tag
2012-02-10 23:07:32 -08:00 |
Mark Otto
#1715: strip code of styles when in a pre
2012-02-04 22:23:20 -08:00 |
Jacob Thornton
moving structure around + more work on builder...
2012-01-26 21:48:46 -08:00 |