* Adjust the background-color of bs-callout-info to match danger and
warning in tone
* Convert all the callouts
* Change some callouts to info/warning
* Add new callout
Attached disabled styles to the exact input types rather than all
inputs and reseting the checkbox/radios. If setting `background-color:
transparent;`, iOS renders no background on the disabled control.
If the popover's title contains no text, hide it via JS. Previously was
done via CSS's `:empty` property, but that doesn't work in IE8, so JS
it is.
/cc @fat becaue I probably did this wrong <3
While examples are phenomenally useful and awesome for folks getting
started with Bootstrap, they don't really shine as well being buried in
the main docs. Moreover, having anything that's not core HTML, CSS, JS,
or documentation in the main repo seems to just get in the way.
Therefore, examples gets its own repo.
Specifically, we're doing the following:
* Deletes all example screenshots
* Deletes example layout
* Deletes example files
* Updates Getting Started docs to include only the template and a link
to the new examples project
All the examples and their history will be preserved in the switch.
* Remove plugin file and put JS inline
* Update grid layout to use tablet columns
* Switch from LESS to CSS for transition
* Pad footer sides for better mobile rendering
* Spacing cleanup
* Updates `.table` to always enforce a solid white background
* Update button groups and dropdowns to always use black carets
* Add a 1px solid black border to labels (in the future we should add a
border to these perhaps for better printing)
Instead of clearing the entire `.dl-horizontal`, we've moved the
clearfix mixin to the `dd` level to solve two problems in one: empty
`dd`s mid-list, and empty `dd` as the last child.
Addresses a few old issues, including #2824, #3819, #3821, #4062,
#6707, and #7180.
Sorry that took so long :D.
* Update example sections to include basic, mobile-desktop, and mobile-tablet-desktop implementations
* Add more examples to the grid example page
* Red columns instead of gray for more Bootstrapy aesthetic