Creating max-width images is not dependent on the display, so setting it is redundant. Cleans up the comments and implementation of the mixin as well.
Makes it so that the container is no longer wider than the breakpoint used in the media query. This was never really an issue in rendering as the max-width handled it appropriately, but the mismatch was still incorrect.
- Fixes issues between float and flex grid systems where container wouldn't fill the available width in Chrome & FF (but would in Safari)
- Fixes#20681
- Fixes#17621 (basically same issue as above issue)
With apologies, copy/paste error following on from trying to fix conflicting Hound/Travis checks for slipped through before I noticed them.
* Fixes#20775 without adding extra width and an important flag
* Since we're now getting the extend, we don't need the extra position relative
* rerrange
* getting min-height from the extend already
- Fixes#20298 for vertical button group spacing
- Fixes#20784 for horizontal (default) button group spacing
- Alternate fix to #20823 which only applied a fix for vertical button groups
* Have same margin for <hN> as a <div> on .card-headers
Related #18726
When you use a `<hN>` as `.card-header` there is `margin-bottom: .5rem` added. The changes set the margin-bottom to 0
* Removed space
- Move and rename .img-rounded to .rounded, .img-circle to .rounded-circle
- Add new .rounded-{direction} utils
- New docs pages for border utils with TBD comments for the border property
- Removes most image examples for rounding from the content/images docs in favor of new docs page
- Rather than mix multiple properties in our color utilities, this splits all color and all background utils into separate classes.
- Adds new .text-white class to help lighten text color for darker backgrounds
* Allow text of custom form labels to wrap like the default ones
* Switch from using after to force line breaks to float/clear combo in stacked custom forms
* Add .img-fluid to card images in columns to ensure proper resizing
* change that variable from regular value to variable
* use calc to figure out a tighter border for card images