html overflow-x must be hidden to prevent accidental x-scroll on small screens. This is more apparent with touch screens, where the user often gestures diagonally instead of a true vertical gesture.
Updated text in the jumbotron container to reflect the Bootstrap 3 change from hero unit to jumbotron. (Wasn't sure if it should be 'a Jumbotron' or just 'Jumbotron' though...
Bootstrap break point for tablet portrait 768 keeps the row intact, so it's not appropriate to have off-canvas elements at that width. Custom off-canvas.css should be breakpoint 767px
* Use absolute positioning instead to remove navbar from flow of
* No more negative margin fu
* Flip around padding between container and navbar for proper display
in xs and sm viewports
* Update styling of justified nav links to be more mobile friendly
(with all four rounded corners and some margin between items)
* Add note to docs to callout bogus WebKit rendering on component and
Removed unnecessary ms-linear-gradient prefix. There was never a stable release of IE that supported -ms- prefixed gradients, those were only in preview versions (stable IE10 supports both prefixed and unprefixed gradients). (source:
* Defaults to no rounded corners and full width in the viewport
* When in a container, the jumbotron has extra padding and will have
rounded corners
* Updates default jumbotron example to show the full width default
* Adds new "theme" example
* Adds new theme.less file to provide all the overrides and additional
styles for the theme
* theme.less compiles, via Grunt, to two new files to `dist/css`,
bootstrap-theme.css and bootstrap-theme.min.css
* sticky footer side scrolling
* static and fixed navbar more similar
* min-height on static and fixed navbar examples to illustrate
last two items fix#9702