`s are automatically styled to match with a lighter color to help indicate the input's state.
{{< example >}}
Disabled radio
Disabled checked radio
{{< /example >}}
## Switches
A switch has the markup of a custom checkbox but uses the `.form-switch` class to render a toggle switch. Switches also support the `disabled` attribute.
{{< example >}}
Default switch checkbox input
Checked switch checkbox input
Disabled switch checkbox input
Disabled checked switch checkbox input
{{< /example >}}
## Default (stacked)
By default, any number of checkboxes and radios that are immediate sibling will be vertically stacked and appropriately spaced with `.form-check`.
{{< example >}}
Default checkbox
Disabled checkbox
{{< /example >}}
{{< example >}}
Default radio
Second default radio
Disabled radio
{{< /example >}}
## Inline
Group checkboxes or radios on the same horizontal row by adding `.form-check-inline` to any `.form-check`.
{{< example >}}
3 (disabled)
{{< /example >}}
{{< example >}}
3 (disabled)
{{< /example >}}
## Without labels
Omit the wrapping `.form-check` for checkboxes and radios that have no label text. Remember to still provide some form of accessible name for assistive technologies (for instance, using `aria-label`). See the [forms overview accessibility]({{< docsref "/forms/overview#accessibility" >}}) section for details.
{{< example >}}
{{< /example >}}
## Toggle buttons
Create button-like checkboxes and radio buttons by using `.btn` styles rather than `.form-check-label` on the `` elements. These toggle buttons can further be grouped in a [button group]({{< docsref "/components/button-group" >}}) if needed.
### Checkbox toggle buttons
{{< example >}}
Single toggle
{{< /example >}}
{{< example >}}
{{< /example >}}
{{< callout info >}}
Visually, these checkbox toggle buttons are identical to the [button plugin toggle buttons]({{< docsref "/components/buttons#button-plugin" >}}). However, they are conveyed differently by assistive technologies: the checkbox toggles will be announced by screen readers as "checked"/"not checked" (since, despite their appearance, they are fundamentally still checkboxes), whereas the button plugin toggle buttons will be announced as "button"/"button pressed". The choice between these two approaches will depend on the type of toggle you are creating, and whether or not the toggle will make sense to users when announced as a checkbox or as an actual button.
{{< /callout >}}
### Radio toggle buttons
{{< example >}}
{{< /example >}}
### Outlined styles
Different variants of `.btn`, such at the various outlined styles, are supported.
{{< example >}}
Single toggle
Checked success radio
Danger radio
{{< /example >}}