{{- /* Usage: `placeholder args` args can be one of the following: title: Used in the SVG `title` tag, default "Placeholder" text: The text to show in the image - default: "width x height" class: default: "bd-placeholder-img" color: The text color (foreground) - default: "#dee2e6" background: The background color - default: "#868e96" width: default: 100% height: default: 180px */ -}} {{- $grays := $.Site.Data.grays -}} {{- $title := .Get "title" | default "Placeholder" -}} {{- $class := .Get "class" -}} {{- $color := .Get "color" | default (index $grays 2).hex -}} {{- $background := .Get "background" | default (index $grays 5).hex -}} {{- $width := .Get "width" | default "100%" -}} {{- $height := .Get "height" | default "180" -}} {{- $text := .Get "text" | default (printf "%sx%s" $width $height) -}} {{- $show_title := not (eq $title "false") -}} {{- $show_text := not (eq $text "false") -}} <svg class="bd-placeholder-img{{ with $class }} {{ . }}{{ end }}" width="{{ $width }}" height="{{ $height }}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"{{ if (or $show_title $show_text) }} aria-label="{{ if $show_title }}{{ $title }}{{ if $show_text }}: {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ if ($show_text) }}{{ $text }}{{ end }}"{{ end }} preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" role="img"> {{- if $show_title -}}<title>{{ $title }}</title>{{- end -}} <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="{{ $background }}"/> {{- if $show_text -}}<text x="50%" y="50%" fill="{{ $color }}" dy=".3em">{{ $text }}</text>{{- end -}} </svg>