
Gray and brand colors for use across Bootstrap


Settings for some of the most global styles

Background color for <body>

Global text color on <body>

Global textual link color

Link hover color set via darken() function

Link hover decoration


Font, line-height, and color for body text, headings, and more

Default monospace fonts for <code>, <kbd>, and <pre>

Unit-less line-height for use in components like buttons

Computed "line-height" (font-size * line-height) for use with margin, padding, etc

By default, this inherits from the <body>


Specify custom location and filename of the included Glyphicons icon font. Useful for those including Bootstrap via Bower

Load fonts from this directory

File name for all font files

Element ID within SVG icon file


Define common padding and border radius sizes and more. Values based on 14px text and 1.428 line-height (~20px to start)

Global color for active items (e.g., navs or dropdowns)

Global background color for active items (e.g., navs or dropdowns)

Width of the border for generating carets that indicator dropdowns

Carets increase slightly in size for larger components


Customizes the .table component with basic values, each used across all table variations

Padding for <th>s and <td>s

Padding for cells in .table-condensed

Default background color used for all tables

Background color used for .table-striped

Background color used for .table-hover

Border color for table and cell borders


For each of Bootstrap's buttons, define text, background and border color


<input> background colo

<input disabled> background colo

Text color for <input>

<input> border colo

Default .form-control border radiu

Large .form-control border radiu

Small .form-control border radiu

Border color for inputs on focu

Placeholder text colo

Default .form-control heigh

Large .form-control heigh

Small .form-control heigh

Background color for textual input addon

Border color for textual input addon

Disabled cursor for form controls and buttons

Dropdown menu container and contents

Background for the dropdown menu

Dropdown menu border-color

Dropdown menu border-color for IE8

Divider color for between dropdown items

Dropdown link text color

Hover color for dropdown links

Hover background for dropdown links

Active dropdown menu item text color

Active dropdown menu item background color

Disabled dropdown menu item background color

Text color for headers within dropdown menus

Deprecated @dropdown-caret-color as of v3.1.

Media queries breakpoints

Define the breakpoints at which your layout will change, adapting to different screen sizes

Deprecated @screen-xs as of v3.0.

Deprecated @screen-xs-min as of v3.2.

Deprecated @screen-phone as of v3.0.

Deprecated @screen-sm as of v3.0.

Deprecated @screen-tablet as of v3.0.

Deprecated @screen-md as of v3.0.

Deprecated @screen-desktop as of v3.0.

Deprecated @screen-lg as of v3.0.

Deprecated @screen-lg-desktop as of v3.0.

Grid system

Define your custom responsive grid

Number of columns in the grid

Padding between columns. Gets divided in half for the left and right

Point at which the navbar becomes uncollapsed

Point at which the navbar begins collapsing

Container sizes

Define the maximum width of .container for different screen sizes

For @screen-sm-min and up

For @screen-md-min and up

For @screen-lg-min and up

Shared nav styles






Form states and alerts

Define colors for form feedback states and, by default, alerts


Tooltip max widt

Tooltip text colo

Tooltip background colo

Tooltip arrow widt

Tooltip arrow colo


Popover body background colo

Popover maximum widt

Popover border colo

Popover fallback border colo

Popover title background colo

Popover arrow widt

Popover arrow colo

Popover outer arrow widt

Popover outer arrow colo

Popover outer arrow fallback colo


Default label background colo

Primary label background colo

Success label background colo

Info label background colo

Warning label background colo

Danger label background colo

Default label text colo

Default text color of a linked labe


Padding applied to the modal bod

Padding applied to the modal titl

Modal title line-heigh

Background color of modal content are

Modal content border colo

Modal content border color *for IE8

Modal backdrop background colo

Modal backdrop opacit

Modal header border colo

Modal footer border colo


Define alert colors, border radius, and padding

Progress bars

Background color of the whole progress componen

Progress bar text colo

Variable for setting rounded corners on progress bar

Default progress bar colo

Success progress bar colo

Warning progress bar colo

Danger progress bar colo

Info progress bar colo

List group

Background color on `.list-group-item

.list-group-item border colo

List group border radiu

Background color of single list items on hove

Text color of active list item

Background color of active list item

Border color of active list element

Text color for content within active list item

Text color of disabled list item

Background color of disabled list item

Text color for content within disabled list item


Border color for elements within panel


Padding around the thumbnail imag

Thumbnail background colo

Thumbnail border colo

Thumbnail border radiu

Custom text color for thumbnail caption

Padding around the thumbnail captio



Linked badge text color on hove

Badge text color in active nav lin

Badge background color in active nav lin

Breadcrumb background colo

Breadcrumb text colo

Text color of current page in the breadcrum

Textual separator for between breadcrumb element




Horizontal offset for forms and lists

Text muted colo

Abbreviations and acronyms border colo

Headings small colo

Blockquote small colo

Blockquote font siz

Blockquote border colo

Page header border colo

Width of horizontal description list title

Horizontal line color