{{ range $entry := $.Site.Data.examples -}}

{{ $entry.category }}

{{ $entry.description }}

{{ if eq $entry.category "RTL" -}}

RTL is still experimental and will evolve with feedback. Spotted something or have an improvement to suggest?

Please open an issue.

{{ end -}} {{ range $i, $example := $entry.examples -}} {{- $len := len $entry.examples -}} {{ if (eq $i 0) }}
{{ end }} {{ if $entry.external -}}

{{ $example.name }}

{{ $example.description }}

{{- $indexPath := default "index.html" $example.indexPath -}} {{- $stackBlitzUrl := printf "%s%s%s" (urls.JoinPath "https://stackblitz.com/github/twbs" $example.url) "?file=" ($indexPath | urlquery) }} Edit in StackBlitz

{{ else -}}
{{- $exampleNameUrlized := $example.name | urlize -}} {{- $exampleUrl := urls.JoinPath "/docs" $.Site.Params.docs_version "/examples" $exampleNameUrlized "/" }} {{ $imageBasePath := urls.JoinPath "/docs" $.Site.Params.docs_version "assets/img/examples" -}} {{- $imgPath := urls.JoinPath $imageBasePath (printf "%s.png" $exampleNameUrlized) -}} {{- $imgPath2x := urls.JoinPath $imageBasePath (printf "%s@2x.png" $exampleNameUrlized) -}} {{- with (imageConfig (path.Join "/site/static" $imgPath)) -}} {{- end }}

{{ $example.name }}

{{ $example.description }}

{{- end }} {{ if (eq (add $i 1) $len) }}
{{ end -}} {{ end -}}
{{ end -}}