$(function () { 'use strict' if (typeof bootstrap !== 'undefined') { window.Toast = bootstrap.Toast } QUnit.module('toast plugin') QUnit.test('should be defined on jquery object', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) assert.ok($(document.body).toast, 'toast method is defined') }) QUnit.module('toast', { beforeEach: function () { // Run all tests in noConflict mode -- it's the only way to ensure that the plugin works in noConflict mode $.fn.bootstrapToast = $.fn.toast.noConflict() }, afterEach: function () { $.fn.toast = $.fn.bootstrapToast delete $.fn.bootstrapToast $('#qunit-fixture').html('') } }) QUnit.test('should provide no conflict', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) assert.strictEqual(typeof $.fn.toast, 'undefined', 'toast was set back to undefined (org value)') }) QUnit.test('should return the current version', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) assert.strictEqual(typeof Toast.VERSION, 'string') }) QUnit.test('should throw explicit error on undefined method', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var $el = $('<div/>') $el.bootstrapToast() try { $el.bootstrapToast('noMethod') } catch (err) { assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'No method named "noMethod"') } }) QUnit.test('should return jquery collection containing the element', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $el = $('<div/>') var $toast = $el.bootstrapToast() assert.ok($toast instanceof $, 'returns jquery collection') assert.strictEqual($toast[0], $el[0], 'collection contains element') }) QUnit.test('should auto hide', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var toastHtml = '<div class="toast" data-delay="1">' + '<div class="toast-body">' + 'a simple toast' + '</div>' + '</div>' var $toast = $(toastHtml) .bootstrapToast() .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) $toast.on('hidden.bs.toast', function () { assert.strictEqual($toast.hasClass('show'), false) done() }) .bootstrapToast('show') }) QUnit.test('should not add fade class', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var toastHtml = '<div class="toast" data-delay="1" data-animation="false">' + '<div class="toast-body">' + 'a simple toast' + '</div>' + '</div>' var $toast = $(toastHtml) .bootstrapToast() .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) $toast.on('shown.bs.toast', function () { assert.strictEqual($toast.hasClass('fade'), false) done() }) .bootstrapToast('show') }) QUnit.test('should allow to hide toast manually', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var toastHtml = '<div class="toast" data-delay="1" data-autohide="false">' + '<div class="toast-body">' + 'a simple toast' + '</div>' + '</div>' var $toast = $(toastHtml) .bootstrapToast() .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) $toast .on('shown.bs.toast', function () { $toast.bootstrapToast('hide') }) .on('hidden.bs.toast', function () { assert.strictEqual($toast.hasClass('show'), false) done() }) .bootstrapToast('show') }) QUnit.test('should do nothing when we call hide on a non shown toast', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var $toast = $('<div />') .bootstrapToast() .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) var spy = sinon.spy($toast[0].classList, 'contains') $toast.bootstrapToast('hide') assert.strictEqual(spy.called, true) }) QUnit.test('should allow to destroy toast', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $toast = $('<div />') .bootstrapToast() .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) assert.ok(typeof $toast.data('bs.toast') !== 'undefined') $toast.bootstrapToast('dispose') assert.ok(typeof $toast.data('bs.toast') === 'undefined') }) QUnit.test('should allow to destroy toast and hide it before that', function (assert) { assert.expect(4) var done = assert.async() var toastHtml = '<div class="toast" data-delay="0" data-autohide="false">' + '<div class="toast-body">' + 'a simple toast' + '</div>' + '</div>' var $toast = $(toastHtml) .bootstrapToast() .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) $toast.one('shown.bs.toast', function () { setTimeout(function () { assert.ok($toast.hasClass('show')) assert.ok(typeof $toast.data('bs.toast') !== 'undefined') $toast.bootstrapToast('dispose') assert.ok(typeof $toast.data('bs.toast') === 'undefined') assert.ok($toast.hasClass('show') === false) done() }, 1) }) .bootstrapToast('show') }) QUnit.test('should allow to config in js', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var toastHtml = '<div class="toast">' + '<div class="toast-body">' + 'a simple toast' + '</div>' + '</div>' var $toast = $(toastHtml) .bootstrapToast({ delay: 1 }) .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) $toast.on('shown.bs.toast', function () { assert.strictEqual($toast.hasClass('show'), true) done() }) .bootstrapToast('show') }) QUnit.test('should close toast when close element with data-dismiss attribute is set', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var done = assert.async() var toastHtml = '<div class="toast" data-delay="1" data-autohide="false" data-animation="false">' + '<button type="button" class="ml-2 mb-1 close" data-dismiss="toast">' + 'close' + '</button>' + '</div>' var $toast = $(toastHtml) .bootstrapToast() .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) $toast .on('shown.bs.toast', function () { assert.strictEqual($toast.hasClass('show'), true) var button = $toast.find('.close') button.trigger('click') }) .on('hidden.bs.toast', function () { assert.strictEqual($toast.hasClass('show'), false) done() }) .bootstrapToast('show') }) QUnit.test('should expose default setting to allow to override them', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var defaultDelay = 1000 Toast.Default.delay = defaultDelay var toastHtml = '<div class="toast" data-autohide="false" data-animation="false">' + '<button type="button" class="ml-2 mb-1 close" data-dismiss="toast">' + 'close' + '</button>' + '</div>' var $toast = $(toastHtml) .bootstrapToast() var toast = $toast.data('bs.toast') assert.strictEqual(toast._config.delay, defaultDelay) }) QUnit.test('should not trigger shown if show is prevented', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var toastHtml = '<div class="toast" data-delay="1" data-autohide="false">' + '<div class="toast-body">' + 'a simple toast' + '</div>' + '</div>' var $toast = $(toastHtml) .bootstrapToast() .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) var shownCalled = false function assertDone() { setTimeout(function () { assert.strictEqual(shownCalled, false) done() }, 20) } $toast .on('show.bs.toast', function (event) { event.preventDefault() assertDone() }) .on('shown.bs.toast', function () { shownCalled = true }) .bootstrapToast('show') }) QUnit.test('should not trigger hidden if hide is prevented', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var toastHtml = '<div class="toast" data-delay="1" data-autohide="false">' + '<div class="toast-body">' + 'a simple toast' + '</div>' + '</div>' var $toast = $(toastHtml) .bootstrapToast() .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) var hiddenCalled = false function assertDone() { setTimeout(function () { assert.strictEqual(hiddenCalled, false) done() }, 20) } $toast .on('shown.bs.toast', function () { $toast.bootstrapToast('hide') }) .on('hide.bs.toast', function (event) { event.preventDefault() assertDone() }) .on('hidden.bs.toast', function () { hiddenCalled = true }) .bootstrapToast('show') }) })