BOOTSTRAP = ./docs/assets/css/bootstrap.css BOOTSTRAP_LESS = ./less/bootstrap.less DATE=$(shell date +%I:%M%p) CHECK=\033[32m✔\033[39m HR=\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\# # # BUILD DOCS # build: @echo "\n${HR}" @echo "Building Bootstrap..." @echo "${HR}\n" @jshint js/*.js --config js/.jshintrc @jshint js/tests/unit/*.js --config js/.jshintrc @echo "Running JSHint on javascript... ${CHECK} Done" @recess --compile ${BOOTSTRAP_LESS} > ${BOOTSTRAP} @echo "Compiling LESS with Recess... ${CHECK} Done" @node docs/build @cp img/* docs/assets/img/ @cp js/*.js docs/assets/js/ @cp js/tests/vendor/jquery.js docs/assets/js/ @echo "Compiling documentation... ${CHECK} Done" @cat js/bootstrap-transition.js js/bootstrap-alert.js js/bootstrap-button.js js/bootstrap-carousel.js js/bootstrap-collapse.js js/bootstrap-dropdown.js js/bootstrap-modal.js js/bootstrap-tooltip.js js/bootstrap-popover.js js/bootstrap-scrollspy.js js/bootstrap-tab.js js/bootstrap-typeahead.js js/bootstrap-affix.js > docs/assets/js/bootstrap.js @uglifyjs -nc docs/assets/js/bootstrap.js > docs/assets/js/bootstrap.min.tmp.js @echo "/**\n* Bootstrap.js v2.1.2 by @fat & @mdo\n* Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.\n*\n*/" > docs/assets/js/copyright.js @cat docs/assets/js/copyright.js docs/assets/js/bootstrap.min.tmp.js > docs/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js @rm docs/assets/js/copyright.js docs/assets/js/bootstrap.min.tmp.js @echo "Compiling and minifying javascript... ${CHECK} Done" @echo "\n${HR}" @echo "Bootstrap successfully built at ${DATE}." @echo "${HR}\n" @echo "Thanks for using Bootstrap," @echo "<3 @mdo and @fat\n" # # RUN JSHINT & QUNIT TESTS IN PHANTOMJS # test: jshint js/*.js --config js/.jshintrc jshint js/tests/unit/*.js --config js/.jshintrc node js/tests/server.js & phantomjs js/tests/phantom.js "http://localhost:3000/js/tests" kill -9 `cat js/tests/pid.txt` rm js/tests/pid.txt # # CLEANS THE ROOT DIRECTORY OF PRIOR BUILDS # clean: rm -r bootstrap # # BUILD SIMPLE BOOTSTRAP DIRECTORY # recess & uglifyjs are required # bootstrap: mkdir -p bootstrap/img mkdir -p bootstrap/css mkdir -p bootstrap/js cp img/* bootstrap/img/ recess --compile ${BOOTSTRAP_LESS} > bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css recess --compress ${BOOTSTRAP_LESS} > bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css cat js/bootstrap-transition.js js/bootstrap-alert.js js/bootstrap-button.js js/bootstrap-carousel.js js/bootstrap-collapse.js js/bootstrap-dropdown.js js/bootstrap-modal.js js/bootstrap-tooltip.js js/bootstrap-popover.js js/bootstrap-scrollspy.js js/bootstrap-tab.js js/bootstrap-typeahead.js js/bootstrap-affix.js > bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js uglifyjs -nc bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js > bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.tmp.js echo "/*!\n* Bootstrap.js by @fat & @mdo\n* Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.\n*\n*/" > bootstrap/js/copyright.js cat bootstrap/js/copyright.js bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.tmp.js > bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js rm bootstrap/js/copyright.js bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.tmp.js # # MAKE FOR GH-PAGES 4 FAT & MDO ONLY (O_O ) # gh-pages: bootstrap docs rm -f docs/assets/ zip -r docs/assets/ bootstrap rm -r bootstrap rm -f ../bootstrap-gh-pages/assets/ node docs/build production cp -r docs/* ../bootstrap-gh-pages # # WATCH LESS FILES # watch: echo "Watching less files..."; \ watchr -e "watch('less/.*\.less') { system 'make' }" # # HAUNT GITHUB ISSUES 4 FAT & MDO ONLY (O_O ) # haunt: @haunt .issue-guidelines.js .PHONY: docs watch gh-pages