import Util from './util' /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bootstrap (v4.0.0): scrollspy.js * Licensed under MIT ( * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const ScrollSpy = (($) => { /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Constants * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ const NAME = 'scrollspy' const VERSION = '4.0.0' const DATA_KEY = 'bs.scrollspy' const JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT = $.fn[NAME] const TRANSITION_DURATION = 150 const Defaults = { offset : 10 } const Event = { ACTIVATE : '', SCROLL : '', LOAD : '' } const ClassName = { DROPDOWN_MENU : 'dropdown-menu', ACTIVE : 'active' } const Selector = { DATA_SPY : '[data-spy="scroll"]', ACTIVE : '.active', LI_DROPDOWN : 'li.dropdown', LI : 'li' } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Class Definition * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ class ScrollSpy { constructor(element, config) { this._scrollElement = element.tagName === 'BODY' ? window : element this._config = $.extend({}, Defaults, config) this._selector = `${ || ''} .nav li > a` this._offsets = [] this._targets = [] this._activeTarget = null this._scrollHeight = 0 $(this._scrollElement).on(Event.SCROLL, this._process.bind(this)) this.refresh() this._process() } // getters static get VERSION() { return VERSION } static get Default() { return Default } // public refresh() { let offsetMethod = 'offset' let offsetBase = 0 if (this._scrollElement !== this._scrollElement.window) { offsetMethod = 'position' offsetBase = this._getScrollTop() } this._offsets = [] this._targets = [] this._scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight() let targets = $.makeArray($(this._selector)) targets .map((element) => { let target let targetSelector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element) if (targetSelector) { target = $(targetSelector)[0] } if (target && (target.offsetWidth || target.offsetHeight)) { // todo (fat): remove sketch reliance on jQuery position/offset return [ $(target)[offsetMethod]().top + offsetBase, targetSelector ] } }) .filter((item) => item) .sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]) .forEach((item) => { this._offsets.push(item[0]) this._targets.push(item[1]) }) } // private _getScrollTop() { return this._scrollElement === window ? this._scrollElement.scrollY : this._scrollElement.scrollTop } _getScrollHeight() { return this._scrollElement.scrollHeight || Math.max( document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight ) } _process() { let scrollTop = this._getScrollTop() + this._config.offset let scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight() let maxScroll = this._config.offset + scrollHeight - this._scrollElement.offsetHeight if (this._scrollHeight !== scrollHeight) { this.refresh() } if (scrollTop >= maxScroll) { let target = this._targets[this._targets.length - 1] if (this._activeTarget !== target) { this._activate(target) } } if (this._activeTarget && scrollTop < this._offsets[0]) { this._activeTarget = null this._clear() return } for (let i = this._offsets.length; i--;) { let isActiveTarget = this._activeTarget !== this._targets[i] && scrollTop >= this._offsets[i] && (this._offsets[i + 1] === undefined || scrollTop < this._offsets[i + 1]) if (isActiveTarget) { this._activate(this._targets[i]) } } } _activate(target) { this._activeTarget = target this._clear() let selector = `${this._selector}[data-target="${target}"],` + `${this._selector}[href="${target}"]` // todo (fat): getting all the raw li's up the tree is not great. let parentListItems = $(selector).parents(Selector.LI) for (let i = parentListItems.length; i--;) { $(parentListItems[i]).addClass(ClassName.ACTIVE) let itemParent = parentListItems[i].parentNode if (itemParent && $(itemParent).hasClass(ClassName.DROPDOWN_MENU)) { let closestDropdown = $(itemParent) .closest(Selector.LI_DROPDOWN)[0] $(closestDropdown).addClass(ClassName.ACTIVE) } } $(this._scrollElement).trigger(Event.ACTIVATE, { relatedTarget: target }) } _clear() { let activeParents = $(this._selector).parentsUntil(, Selector.ACTIVE ) for (let i = activeParents.length; i--;) { $(activeParents[i]).removeClass(ClassName.ACTIVE) } } // static static _jQueryInterface(config) { return this.each(function () { let data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY) let _config = typeof config === 'object' && config || null if (!data) { data = new ScrollSpy(this, _config) $(this).data(DATA_KEY, data) } if (typeof config === 'string') { data[config]() } }) } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Data Api implementation * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ $(window).on(Event.LOAD, function () { let scrollSpys = $.makeArray($(Selector.DATA_SPY)) for (let i = scrollSpys.length; i--;) { let $spy = $(scrollSpys[i])$spy, $ } }) /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * jQuery * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ $.fn[NAME] = ScrollSpy._jQueryInterface $.fn[NAME].Constructor = ScrollSpy $.fn[NAME].noConflict = function () { $.fn[NAME] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT return ScrollSpy._jQueryInterface } return ScrollSpy })(jQuery) export default ScrollSpy