$(function () { 'use strict' QUnit.module('button plugin') QUnit.test('should be defined on jquery object', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) assert.ok($(document.body).button, 'button method is defined') }) QUnit.module('button', { beforeEach: function () { // Run all tests in noConflict mode -- it's the only way to ensure that the plugin works in noConflict mode $.fn.bootstrapButton = $.fn.button.noConflict() }, afterEach: function () { $.fn.button = $.fn.bootstrapButton delete $.fn.bootstrapButton $('#qunit-fixture').html('') } }) QUnit.test('should provide no conflict', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) assert.strictEqual(typeof $.fn.button, 'undefined', 'button was set back to undefined (org value)') }) QUnit.test('should return jquery collection containing the element', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $el = $('
') var $button = $el.bootstrapButton() assert.ok($button instanceof $, 'returns jquery collection') assert.strictEqual($button[0], $el[0], 'collection contains element') }) QUnit.test('should toggle active', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $btn = $('') assert.ok(!$btn.hasClass('active'), 'btn does not have active class') $btn.bootstrapButton('toggle') assert.ok($btn.hasClass('active'), 'btn has class active') }) QUnit.test('should toggle active when btn children are clicked', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $btn = $('') var $inner = $('') $btn .append($inner) .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') assert.ok(!$btn.hasClass('active'), 'btn does not have active class') $inner.trigger('click') assert.ok($btn.hasClass('active'), 'btn has class active') }) QUnit.test('should toggle aria-pressed', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $btn = $('') assert.strictEqual($btn.attr('aria-pressed'), 'false', 'btn aria-pressed state is false') $btn.bootstrapButton('toggle') assert.strictEqual($btn.attr('aria-pressed'), 'true', 'btn aria-pressed state is true') }) QUnit.test('should not toggle aria-pressed on buttons with disabled class', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $btn = $('') assert.strictEqual($btn.attr('aria-pressed'), 'false', 'btn aria-pressed state is false') $btn.bootstrapButton('toggle') assert.strictEqual($btn.attr('aria-pressed'), 'false', 'btn aria-pressed state is still false') }) QUnit.test('should not toggle aria-pressed on buttons that are disabled', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $btn = $('') assert.strictEqual($btn.attr('aria-pressed'), 'false', 'btn aria-pressed state is false') $btn.bootstrapButton('toggle') assert.strictEqual($btn.attr('aria-pressed'), 'false', 'btn aria-pressed state is still false') }) QUnit.test('should toggle aria-pressed on buttons with container', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '' + '
' $('#qunit-fixture').append(groupHTML) $('#btn1').bootstrapButton('toggle') assert.strictEqual($('#btn1').attr('aria-pressed'), 'true') }) QUnit.test('should toggle aria-pressed when btn children are clicked', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $btn = $('') var $inner = $('') $btn .append($inner) .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') assert.strictEqual($btn.attr('aria-pressed'), 'false', 'btn aria-pressed state is false') $inner.trigger('click') assert.strictEqual($btn.attr('aria-pressed'), 'true', 'btn aria-pressed state is true') }) QUnit.test('should assign active class on page load to buttons with aria-pressed="true"', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var $btn = $('') $btn.appendTo('#qunit-fixture') $(window).trigger($.Event('load')) setTimeout(function () { assert.ok($btn.hasClass('active'), 'button with aria-pressed="true" has been given class active') done() }, 5) }) QUnit.test('should assign active class on page load to button checkbox with checked attribute', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $btn = $group.children().eq(0) $(window).trigger($.Event('load')) setTimeout(function () { assert.ok($btn.hasClass('active'), 'checked checkbox button has been given class active') done() }, 5) }) QUnit.test('should remove active class on page load from buttons without aria-pressed="true"', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var $btn = $('') $btn.appendTo('#qunit-fixture') $(window).trigger($.Event('load')) setTimeout(function () { assert.ok(!$btn.hasClass('active'), 'button without aria-pressed="true" has had active class removed') done() }, 5) }) QUnit.test('should remove active class on page load from button checkbox without checked attribute', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $btn = $group.children().eq(0) $(window).trigger($.Event('load')) setTimeout(function () { assert.ok(!$btn.hasClass('active'), 'unchecked checkbox button has had active class removed') done() }, 5) }) QUnit.test('should trigger input change event when toggled button has input field', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var done = assert.async() var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') $group.find('input').on('change', function (e) { e.preventDefault() assert.ok(true, 'change event fired') done() }) $group.find('label').trigger('click') }) QUnit.test('should check for closest matching toggle', function (assert) { assert.expect(12) var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $btn1 = $group.children().eq(0) var $btn2 = $group.children().eq(1) assert.ok($btn1.hasClass('active'), 'btn1 has active class') assert.ok($btn1.find('input').prop('checked'), 'btn1 is checked') assert.ok(!$btn2.hasClass('active'), 'btn2 does not have active class') assert.ok(!$btn2.find('input').prop('checked'), 'btn2 is not checked') $btn2.find('input').trigger('click') assert.ok(!$btn1.hasClass('active'), 'btn1 does not have active class') assert.ok(!$btn1.find('input').prop('checked'), 'btn1 is not checked') assert.ok($btn2.hasClass('active'), 'btn2 has active class') assert.ok($btn2.find('input').prop('checked'), 'btn2 is checked') $btn2.find('input').trigger('click') // Clicking an already checked radio should not un-check it assert.ok(!$btn1.hasClass('active'), 'btn1 does not have active class') assert.ok(!$btn1.find('input').prop('checked'), 'btn1 is not checked') assert.ok($btn2.hasClass('active'), 'btn2 has active class') assert.ok($btn2.find('input').prop('checked'), 'btn2 is checked') }) QUnit.test('should not add aria-pressed on labels for radio/checkbox inputs in a data-toggle="buttons" group', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $btn1 = $group.children().eq(0) var $btn2 = $group.children().eq(1) $btn1.find('input').trigger('click') assert.ok($btn1.is(':not([aria-pressed])'), 'label for nested checkbox input has not been given an aria-pressed attribute') $btn2.find('input').trigger('click') assert.ok($btn2.is(':not([aria-pressed])'), 'label for nested radio input has not been given an aria-pressed attribute') }) QUnit.test('should handle disabled attribute on non-button elements', function (assert) { assert.expect(4) var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $btn = $group.children().eq(0) var $input = $btn.children().eq(0) assert.ok($btn.is(':not(.active)'), 'button is initially not active') assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'checkbox is initially not checked') $btn[0].click() // fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click') assert.ok($btn.is(':not(.active)'), 'button did not become active') assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'checkbox did not get checked') }) QUnit.test('should not set active class if inner hidden checkbox is disabled but author forgot to set disabled class on outer button', function (assert) { assert.expect(4) var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $btn = $group.children().eq(0) var $input = $btn.children().eq(0) assert.ok($btn.is(':not(.active)'), 'button is initially not active') assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'checkbox is initially not checked') $btn[0].click() // fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click') assert.ok($btn.is(':not(.active)'), 'button did not become active') assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'checkbox did not get checked') }) QUnit.test('should correctly set checked state on input and active class on label when using structure', function (assert) { assert.expect(4) var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $label = $group.children().eq(0) var $input = $label.children().eq(0) assert.ok($label.is(':not(.active)'), 'label is initially not active') assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'checkbox is initially not checked') $label[0].click() // fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click') assert.ok($label.is('.active'), 'label is active after click') assert.ok($input.prop('checked'), 'checkbox is checked after click') }) QUnit.test('should correctly set checked state on input and active class on the faked button when using
structure', function (assert) { assert.expect(4) var groupHTML = '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $btn = $group.children().eq(0) var $input = $btn.children().eq(0) assert.ok($btn.is(':not(.active)'), '
is initially not active') assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'checkbox is initially not checked') $btn[0].click() // fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click') assert.ok($btn.is('.active'), '
is active after click') assert.ok($input.prop('checked'), 'checkbox is checked after click') }) QUnit.test('should not do anything if the click was just sent to the outer container with data-toggle', function (assert) { assert.expect(4) var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $label = $group.children().eq(0) var $input = $label.children().eq(0) assert.ok($label.is(':not(.active)'), 'label is initially not active') assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'checkbox is initially not checked') $group[0].click() // fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click') assert.ok($label.is(':not(.active)'), 'label is not active after click') assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'checkbox is not checked after click') }) QUnit.test('should not try and set checked property on an input of type="hidden"', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $label = $group.children().eq(0) var $input = $label.children().eq(0) assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'hidden input initially has no checked property') $label[0].click() // fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click') assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'hidden input does not have a checked property') }) QUnit.test('should not try and set checked property on an input that is not a radio button or checkbox', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var groupHTML = '
' + '' + '
' var $group = $(groupHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture') var $label = $group.children().eq(0) var $input = $label.children().eq(0) assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'text input initially has no checked property') $label[0].click() // fire a real click on the DOM node itself, not a click() on the jQuery object that just aliases to trigger('click') assert.ok(!$input.prop('checked'), 'text input does not have a checked property') }) QUnit.test('dispose should remove data and the element', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $el = $('
') var $button = $el.bootstrapButton() assert.ok(typeof $button.data('bs.button') !== 'undefined') $button.data('bs.button').dispose() assert.ok(typeof $button.data('bs.button') === 'undefined') }) QUnit.test('should return button version', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) if (typeof Button !== 'undefined') { assert.ok(typeof Button.VERSION === 'string') } else { assert.notOk() } }) })