- group: v1.x
  baseurl: https://getbootstrap.com
  description: Every minor and patch release from v1 is listed below.
    - v: 1.0.0
    - v: 1.1.0
    - v: 1.1.1
    - v: 1.2.0
    - v: 1.3.0
    - v: 1.4.0

- group: v2.x
  baseurl: https://getbootstrap.com
  description: Every minor and patch release from v2 is listed below.
    - v: 2.0.0
    - v: 2.0.1
    - v: 2.0.2
    - v: 2.0.3
    - v: 2.0.4
    - v: 2.1.0
    - v: 2.1.1
    - v: 2.2.0
    - v: 2.2.1
    - v: 2.2.2
    - v: 2.3.0
    - v: 2.3.1
    - v: 2.3.2

- group: v3.x
  baseurl: https://getbootstrap.com/docs
  description: Our previous major release and its minor versions. Last update was v3.4.1.
    - v: 3.3
    - v: 3.4

- group: v4.x
  baseurl: https://getbootstrap.com/docs
  description: Current major release with two minor releases. Last update was v4.3.1.
    - v: 4.0
    - v: 4.1
    - v: 4.2
    - v: 4.3