import { DefaultWhitelist, sanitizeHtml } from '../../../src/util/sanitizer'

describe('Sanitizer', () => {
  describe('sanitizeHtml', () => {
    it('should return the same on empty string', () => {
      const empty = ''

      const result = sanitizeHtml(empty, DefaultWhitelist, null)


    it('should sanitize template by removing tags with XSS', () => {
      const template = [
        '  <a href="javascript:alert(7)">Click me</a>',
        '  <span>Some content</span>',

      const result = sanitizeHtml(template, DefaultWhitelist, null)

      expect(result.indexOf('script') === -1).toEqual(true)

    it('should allow aria attributes and safe attributes', () => {
      const template = [
        '<div aria-pressed="true">',
        '  <span class="test">Some content</span>',

      const result = sanitizeHtml(template, DefaultWhitelist, null)

      expect(result.indexOf('aria-pressed') !== -1).toEqual(true)
      expect(result.indexOf('class="test"') !== -1).toEqual(true)

    it('should remove not whitelist tags', () => {
      const template = [
        '  <script>alert(7)</script>',

      const result = sanitizeHtml(template, DefaultWhitelist, null)

      expect(result.indexOf('<script>') === -1).toEqual(true)

    it('should not use native api to sanitize if a custom function passed', () => {
      const template = [
        '  <span>Some content</span>',

      function mySanitize(htmlUnsafe) {
        return htmlUnsafe

      spyOn(DOMParser.prototype, 'parseFromString')

      const result = sanitizeHtml(template, DefaultWhitelist, mySanitize)
