.bd-links { font-weight: 600; @include media-breakpoint-up(md) { position: sticky; top: 5rem; // Override collapse behaviors // stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-no-important display: block !important; height: subtract(100vh, 7rem); // Prevent focus styles to be cut off: padding-left: .25rem; margin-left: -.25rem; overflow-y: auto; } a { display: inline-flex; align-items: center; padding: .1875rem .5rem; margin-top: .125rem; color: rgba($black, .65); text-decoration: if($link-decoration == none, null, none); @include border-radius(.25rem); &:hover, &:focus { color: rgba($black, .85); text-decoration: if($link-hover-decoration == underline, none, null); background-color: rgba($bd-purple-bright, .1); } // Indent if there's no submenu &:only-child { margin-left: 1.25rem; } // Add chevron if there's a submenu &:not(:only-child) { &::before { width: 1.25em; line-height: 0; // Align in the middle content: escape-svg($sidebar-collapse-icon); @include transition(transform .35s ease); transform-origin: .5em 50%; } &:not(.collapsed) { color: rgba($black, .85); &::before { transform: rotate(90deg); } } } // Adjust font size and font weights in submenu + ul { @include font-size(.875rem); font-weight: 400; } } .active { font-weight: 600; color: rgba($black, .85); } }