{%- comment -%} Usage: include icons/placeholder.svg args args can be one of the following: title: Used in the SVG `title` tag text: The text to show in the image - default: 'width x height' class: default: 'bd-placeholder-img' color: The text color (foreground) - default: '#ddd' background: The background color - default: '#777' width: default: 100% height: default: 180px {%- endcomment -%} {%- assign title = include.title | default: 'Generic Placeholder Image' -%} {%- assign class = include.class | default: '' -%} {%- assign color = include.color | default: '#ddd' -%} {%- assign background = include.background | default: '#777' -%} {%- assign width = include.width | default: '100%' -%} {%- assign height = include.height | default: '180' -%} {%- if include.text -%} {%- assign text = include.text -%} {%- else -%} {%- assign text = width | append: 'x' | append: height -%} {%- endif -%} {%- capture svg -%} {% if title != ' ' %}{{ title }}{% endif %} {% if text != ' ' %}{{ text }}{% endif %} {%- endcapture -%} {{- svg | replace: ' ', '' | strip_newlines -}}