- category: Starters external: true description: "Functional examples of using Bootstrap in common JS frameworks like Webpack, Parcel, Vite, and more you can edit in StackBlitz." examples: - name: CDN starter description: "Instantly include Bootstrap's compiled CSS and JavaScript via the jsDelivr CDN." url: /examples/tree/main/starter - name: Sass & JS description: "Use npm to import and compile Bootstrap's Sass with Autoprefixer and Stylelint, plus our bundled JavaScript." url: /examples/tree/main/sass-js - name: Sass & ESM JS description: "Import and compile Bootstrap's Sass with Autoprefixer and Stylelint, and compile our source JavaScript with an ESM shim." url: /examples/tree/main/sass-js-esm - name: Bootstrap color modes description: "Import and compile Bootstrap's Sass with Stylelint, and the Bootstrap color modes." url: /examples/tree/main/color-modes - name: Bootstrap Icons description: "Import and compile Bootstrap's Sass with Stylelint, PurgeCSS, and the Bootstrap Icons web font." url: /examples/tree/main/icons-font - name: Parcel description: "Import and bundle Bootstrap's source Sass and JavaScript via Parcel." url: /examples/tree/main/parcel indexPath: src/index.html indexPath: src/index.html - name: React description: "Import and bundle Bootstrap's source Sass and JavaScript with React, Next.js, and React Bootstrap." url: /examples/tree/main/react-nextjs indexPath: src/pages/index.tsx - name: Vite description: "Import and bundle Bootstrap's source Sass and JavaScript with Vite." url: /examples/tree/main/vite - name: Vue description: "Import and bundle Bootstrap's source Sass and JavaScript with Vue and Vite." url: /examples/tree/main/vue - name: Webpack description: "Import and bundle Bootstrap's source Sass and JavaScript with Webpack." url: /examples/tree/main/webpack indexPath: src/index.html - category: Snippets description: "Common patterns for building sites and apps that build on existing components and utilities with custom CSS and more." examples: - name: Headers description: "Display your branding, navigation, search, and more with these header components" - name: Heroes description: "Set the stage on your homepage with heroes that feature clear calls to action." - name: Features description: "Explain the features, benefits, or other details in your marketing content." - name: Sidebars description: "Common navigation patterns ideal for offcanvas or multi-column layouts." - name: Footers description: "Finish every page strong with an awesome footer, big or small." - name: Dropdowns description: "Enhance your dropdowns with filters, icons, custom styles, and more." - name: List groups description: "Extend list groups with utilities and custom styles for any content." - name: Modals description: "Transform modals to serve any purpose, from feature tours to dialogs." - name: Badges description: "Make badges work with custom inner HTML and new looks." - name: Breadcrumbs description: "Integrate custom icons and create stepper components." - name: Buttons description: "Create custom buttons for just about any use case with utilities." - name: Jumbotrons description: "Create modernized versions of the classic Bootstrap component." - category: Custom Components description: "Brand-new components and templates to help folks quickly get started with Bootstrap and demonstrate best practices for adding onto the framework." examples: - name: Album description: "Simple one-page template for photo galleries, portfolios, and more." - name: Pricing description: "Example pricing page built with Cards and featuring a custom header and footer." - name: Checkout description: "Custom checkout form showing our form components and their validation features." - name: Product description: "Lean product-focused marketing page with extensive grid and image work." - name: Cover description: "A one-page template for building simple and beautiful home pages." - name: Carousel description: "Customize the navbar and carousel, then add some new components." - name: Blog description: "Magazine like blog template with header, navigation, featured content." - name: Dashboard description: "Basic admin dashboard shell with fixed sidebar and navbar." - name: Sign-in description: "Custom form layout and design for a simple sign in form." - name: Sticky footer description: "Attach a footer to the bottom of the viewport when page content is short." - name: Sticky footer navbar description: "Attach a footer to the bottom of the viewport with a fixed top navbar." - name: Jumbotron description: "Use utilities to recreate and enhance Bootstrap 4's jumbotron." - category: Framework description: "Examples that focus on implementing uses of built-in components provided by Bootstrap." examples: - name: "Starter template" description: "Nothing but the basics: compiled CSS and JavaScript." - name: Grid description: "Multiple examples of grid layouts with all four tiers, nesting, and more." - name: Cheatsheet description: "Kitchen sink of Bootstrap components." - category: Navbars description: "Taking the default navbar component and showing how it can be moved, placed, and extended." examples: - name: Navbars description: "Demonstration of all responsive and container options for the navbar." - name: Navbars offcanvas description: "Same as the Navbars example, but with our offcanvas component." - name: Navbar static description: "Single navbar example of a static top navbar along with some additional content." - name: Navbar fixed description: "Single navbar example with a fixed top navbar along with some additional content." - name: Navbar bottom description: "Single navbar example with a bottom navbar along with some additional content." - name: Offcanvas navbar description: "Turn your expandable navbar into a sliding offcanvas menu (doesn't use our offcanvas component)." - category: RTL description: "See Bootstrap's RTL version in action with these modified examples from various categories." examples: - name: Album RTL description: "Simple one-page template for photo galleries, portfolios, and more." - name: Checkout RTL description: "Custom checkout form showing our form components and their validation features." - name: Carousel RTL description: "Customize the navbar and carousel, then add some new components." - name: Blog RTL description: "Magazine like blog template with header, navigation, featured content." - name: Dashboard RTL description: "Basic admin dashboard shell with fixed sidebar and navbar." - name: Cheatsheet RTL description: "Kitchen sink of Bootstrap components, RTL." - category: Integrations description: "Integrations with external libraries." examples: - name: "Masonry" description: "Combine the powers of the Bootstrap grid and the Masonry layout."