// NOTICE!!! Initially embedded in our docs this JavaScript // file contains elements that can help you create reproducible // use cases in StackBlitz for instance. // In a real project please adapt this content to your needs. // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /*! * JavaScript for Bootstrap's docs (https://getbootstrap.com/) * Copyright 2024-2025 The Bootstrap Authors * Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. * For details, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. */ import sdk from '@stackblitz/sdk' // https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/js/#options import { cssCdn, docsVersion, jsBundleCdn, jsSnippetFile, jsColorModeFile } from '@params' // eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved // Open in StackBlitz logic document.querySelectorAll('.btn-edit').forEach(btn => { btn.addEventListener('click', event => { const codeSnippet = event.target.closest('.bd-code-snippet') const exampleEl = codeSnippet.querySelector('.bd-example') const htmlSnippet = exampleEl.innerHTML const jsSnippet = codeSnippet.querySelector('.btn-edit').getAttribute('data-sb-js-snippet') // Get extra classes for this example const classes = Array.from(exampleEl.classList).join(' ') openBootstrapSnippet(htmlSnippet, jsSnippet, classes) }) }) const openBootstrapSnippet = (htmlSnippet, jsSnippet, classes) => { const indexHtml = ` Bootstrap Example <${'script'} defer src="${jsBundleCdn}"> ${htmlSnippet.trimStart().replace(/^/gm, ' ').replace(/^ {4}$/gm, '').trimEnd()} ` const jsColorModeContent = `document.querySelector('body').innerHTML += \` \`; ${jsColorModeFile.replace(/\(\(\) => {.*'use strict'/gms, '').replace(/window.add.*\(\) => {([\S\s]*)}\)([\S\s]}\)\(\))/gm, '$1 $2').replace(/^}\)\(\)/gm, '')}` const jsSnippetContent = `import "./bootstrap-color-mode/color-mode.js";\n\n${jsSnippetFile}` const project = { files: { 'index.html': indexHtml, 'index.js': jsSnippetContent, 'bootstrap-color-mode/color-mode.js': jsColorModeContent }, title: 'Bootstrap Example', description: `Official example from ${window.location.href}`, template: 'javascript', tags: ['bootstrap'] } sdk.openProject(project, { openFile: 'index.html' }) }