$(function () { 'use strict' QUnit.module('sanitizer', { afterEach: function () { $('#qunit-fixture').html('') } }) QUnit.test('should export a default white list', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) assert.ok(Sanitizer.DefaultWhitelist) }) QUnit.test('should sanitize template by removing tags with XSS', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var template = [ '<div>', ' <a href="javascript:alert(7)">Click me</a>', ' <span>Some content</span>', '</div>' ].join('') var result = Sanitizer.sanitizeHtml(template, Sanitizer.DefaultWhitelist, null) assert.strictEqual(result.indexOf('script'), -1) }) QUnit.test('should not use native api to sanitize if a custom function passed', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var template = [ '<div>', ' <span>Some content</span>', '</div>' ].join('') function mySanitize(htmlUnsafe) { return htmlUnsafe } var spy = sinon.spy(DOMParser.prototype, 'parseFromString') var result = Sanitizer.sanitizeHtml(template, Sanitizer.DefaultWhitelist, mySanitize) assert.strictEqual(result, template) assert.strictEqual(spy.called, false) spy.restore() }) })