{{ "" | safeHTML }}
{{ partial "icons/import.svg" (dict "width" "48" "height" "48") }}


Include Bootstrap’s source Sass and JavaScript files via npm, Composer, or Meteor. Package managed installs don’t include documentation, but do include our build system and readme.

Read installation docs
{{ highlight "npm install bootstrap" "sh" "" }} {{ highlight (printf ("gem install bootstrap -v %s") .Site.Params.current_ruby_version) "sh" "" }}
{{ partial "icons/download.svg" (dict "width" "48" "height" "48") }}


Use the BootstrapCDN to deliver fast, cached, and compiled versions of Bootstrap’s CSS and JavaScript. No jQuery is required, but don't forget to include Popper.js for some components.

Explore the docs
CSS only
{{ highlight (printf (``) .Site.Params.cdn.css (.Site.Params.cdn.css_hash | safeHTMLAttr)) "html" "" }}
JS and Popper.js
{{ highlight (printf (` `) .Site.Params.cdn.popper (.Site.Params.cdn.popper_hash | safeHTMLAttr) .Site.Params.cdn.js (.Site.Params.cdn.js_hash | safeHTMLAttr)) "html" "" }}
{{ partial "icons/lightning.svg" (dict "width" "48" "height" "48") }}

Official Themes

Take Bootstrap 4 to the next level with official premium themes—toolkits built on Bootstrap with new components and plugins, docs, and build tools.

Browse themes
Bootstrap Themes