// NOTICE!! DO NOT USE ANY OF THIS JAVASCRIPT // IT'S ALL JUST JUNK FOR OUR DOCS! // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /*! * JavaScript for Bootstrap's docs (https://getbootstrap.com/) * Copyright 2011-2019 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. * For details, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. */ /* global ClipboardJS: false, anchors: false, bootstrap: false, bsCustomFileInput: false */ (function () { 'use strict' // Tooltip and popover demos bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('.tooltip-demo')) .forEach(function (tooltip) { new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltip, { selector: '[data-toggle="tooltip"]' }) }) bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('[data-toggle="popover"]')) .forEach(function (popover) { new bootstrap.Popover(popover) }) bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('.toast')) .forEach(function (toastNode) { var toast = new bootstrap.Toast(toastNode, { autohide: false }) toast.show() }) // Demos within modals bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('.tooltip-test')) .forEach(function (tooltip) { new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltip) }) bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('.popover-test')) .forEach(function (popover) { new bootstrap.Popover(popover) }) // Indeterminate checkbox example bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('.bd-example-indeterminate [type="checkbox"]')) .forEach(function (checkbox) { checkbox.indeterminate = true }) // Disable empty links in docs examples bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('.bd-content [href="#"]')) .forEach(function (link) { link.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault() }) }) // Modal relatedTarget demo var exampleModal = document.getElementById('exampleModal') if (exampleModal) { exampleModal.addEventListener('show.bs.modal', function (event) { var button = event.relatedTarget // Button that triggered the modal var recipient = button.getAttribute('data-whatever') // Extract info from data-* attributes // Update the modal's content. var modalTitle = exampleModal.querySelector('.modal-title') var modalBodyInput = exampleModal.querySelector('.modal-body input') modalTitle.innerHTML = 'New message to ' + recipient modalBodyInput.value = recipient }) } // Activate animated progress bar bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('.bd-toggle-animated-progress > .progress-bar-striped')) .forEach(function (progressBar) { progressBar.addEventListener('click', function () { if (progressBar.classList.contains('progress-bar-animated')) { progressBar.classList.remove('progress-bar-animated') } else { progressBar.classList.add('progress-bar-animated') } }) }) // Insert copy to clipboard button before .highlight var btnHtml = '
' bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('figure.highlight, div.highlight')) .forEach(function (element) { element.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', btnHtml) }) bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('.btn-clipboard')) .forEach(function (btn) { var tooltipBtn = new bootstrap.Tooltip(btn) btn.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () { // Explicitly hide tooltip, since after clicking it remains // focused (as it's a button), so tooltip would otherwise // remain visible until focus is moved away tooltipBtn.hide() }) }) var clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.btn-clipboard', { target: function (trigger) { return trigger.parentNode.nextElementSibling } }) clipboard.on('success', function (e) { var tooltipBtn = bootstrap.Tooltip._getInstance(e.trigger) e.trigger.setAttribute('title', 'Copied!') tooltipBtn._fixTitle() tooltipBtn.show() e.trigger.setAttribute('title', 'Copy to clipboard') tooltipBtn._fixTitle() e.clearSelection() }) clipboard.on('error', function (e) { var modifierKey = /Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? '\u2318' : 'Ctrl-' var fallbackMsg = 'Press ' + modifierKey + 'C to copy' var tooltipBtn = bootstrap.Tooltip._getInstance(e.trigger) e.trigger.setAttribute('title', fallbackMsg) tooltipBtn._fixTitle() tooltipBtn.show() e.trigger.setAttribute('title', 'Copy to clipboard') tooltipBtn._fixTitle() }) anchors.options = { icon: '#' } anchors.add('.bd-content > h2, .bd-content > h3, .bd-content > h4, .bd-content > h5') // Wrap inner bootstrap.Util.makeArray(document.querySelectorAll('.bd-content > h2, .bd-content > h3, .bd-content > h4, .bd-content > h5')) .forEach(function (hEl) { hEl.innerHTML = '' + hEl.innerHTML + '' }) bsCustomFileInput.init() }())