#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function, division from sys import argv from os import environ, stat, chdir, remove as _delete_file from os.path import isfile, dirname, basename, abspath, realpath, expandvars from hashlib import sha256 from subprocess import check_call as run from json import load from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection from boto.s3.key import Key from boto.exception import S3ResponseError CONFIG_FILE = './S3Cachefile.json' NEED_TO_UPLOAD_MARKER = '.need-to-upload' BYTES_PER_MB = 1024 * 1024 @contextmanager def timer(): start = datetime.utcnow() yield end = datetime.utcnow() elapsed = end - start print("\tDone. Took", int(elapsed.total_seconds()), "second(s).") def _sha256_of_file(filename): hasher = sha256() with open(filename, 'rb') as input_file: hasher.update(input_file.read()) file_hash = hasher.hexdigest() print('sha256({}) = {}'.format(filename, file_hash)) return file_hash def _delete_file_quietly(filename): try: _delete_file(filename) except (OSError, IOError): pass def _tarball_size(directory): kib = stat(_tarball_filename_for(directory)).st_size // BYTES_PER_MB return "{} MiB".format(kib) def _tarball_filename_for(directory): return abspath('./{}.tar.gz'.format(basename(directory))) def _create_tarball(directory): print("Creating tarball of {}...".format(directory)) with timer(): run(['tar', '-czf', _tarball_filename_for(directory), '-C', dirname(directory), basename(directory)]) def _extract_tarball(directory): print("Extracting tarball of {}...".format(directory)) with timer(): run(['tar', '-xzf', _tarball_filename_for(directory), '-C', dirname(directory)]) def download(directory): _delete_file_quietly(NEED_TO_UPLOAD_MARKER) try: print("Downloading {} tarball from S3...".format(cache_name)) with timer(): key.get_contents_to_filename(_tarball_filename_for(directory)) except S3ResponseError as err: open(NEED_TO_UPLOAD_MARKER, 'a').close() print(err) raise SystemExit("Cached {} download failed!".format(cache_name)) print("Downloaded {}.".format(_tarball_size(directory))) _extract_tarball(directory) print("{} successfully installed from cache.".format(cache_name)) def upload(directory): _create_tarball(directory) print("Uploading {} tarball to S3... ({})".format(cache_name, _tarball_size(directory))) with timer(): key.set_contents_from_filename(_tarball_filename_for(directory)) print("{} cache successfully updated.".format(cache_name)) _delete_file_quietly(NEED_TO_UPLOAD_MARKER) if __name__ == '__main__': # Uses environment variables: # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -- AWS Access Key ID # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -- AWS Secret Access Key argv.pop(0) if len(argv) != 2: raise SystemExit("USAGE: s3_cache.py ") mode, cache_name = argv script_dir = dirname(realpath(__file__)) chdir(script_dir) try: with open(CONFIG_FILE, 'rt') as config_file: config = load(config_file) except (IOError, OSError, ValueError) as config_err: print(config_err) raise SystemExit("Error when trying to load config from JSON file!") try: cache_info = config[cache_name] key_file = expandvars(cache_info["key"]) fallback_cmd = cache_info["generate"] directory = expandvars(cache_info["cache"]) except (TypeError, KeyError) as load_err: print(load_err) raise SystemExit("Config for cache named {!r} is missing or malformed!".format(cache_name)) try: try: BUCKET_NAME = environ['TWBS_S3_BUCKET'] except KeyError: raise SystemExit("TWBS_S3_BUCKET environment variable not set!") conn = S3Connection() bucket = conn.lookup(BUCKET_NAME) if bucket is None: raise SystemExit("Could not access bucket!") key_file_hash = _sha256_of_file(key_file) key = Key(bucket, key_file_hash) key.storage_class = 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY' if mode == 'download': download(directory) elif mode == 'upload': if isfile(NEED_TO_UPLOAD_MARKER): # FIXME upload(directory) else: print("No need to upload anything.") else: raise SystemExit("Unrecognized mode {!r}".format(mode)) except BaseException as exc: if mode != 'download': raise print("Error!:", exc) print("Unable to download from cache.") print("Running fallback command to generate cache directory {!r}: {}".format(directory, fallback_cmd)) with timer(): run(fallback_cmd, shell=True)