/** * hashgrid (jQuery version) * http://github.com/dotjay/hashgrid * Version 5, 3 Nov 2010 * Written by Jon Gibbins, dotjay.co.uk, accessibility.co.uk * Contibutors: * Sean Coates, seancoates.com * Phil Dokas, jetless.org * * // Using a basic #grid setup * var grid = new hashgrid(); * * // Using #grid with a custom id (e.g. #mygrid) * var grid = new hashgrid("mygrid"); * * // Using #grid with additional options * var grid = new hashgrid({ * id: 'mygrid', // id for the grid container * modifierKey: 'alt', // optional 'ctrl', 'alt' or 'shift' * showGridKey: 's', // key to show the grid * holdGridKey: 'enter', // key to hold the grid in place * foregroundKey: 'f', // key to toggle foreground/background * jumpGridsKey: 'd', // key to cycle through the grid classes * numberOfGrids: 2, // number of grid classes used * classPrefix: 'class', // prefix for the grid classes * cookiePrefix: 'mygrid' // prefix for the cookie name * }); */ if (typeof jQuery == "undefined") { alert("Hashgrid: jQuery not loaded. Make sure it's linked to your pages."); } /** * hashgrid overlay */ var hashgrid = function(set) { var options = { id: 'grid', // id for the grid container modifierKey: null, // optional 'ctrl', 'alt' or 'shift' showGridKey: 'g', // key to show the grid holdGridKey: 'h', // key to hold the grid in place foregroundKey: 'f', // key to toggle foreground/background jumpGridsKey: 'j', // key to cycle through the grid classes numberOfGrids: 1, // number of grid classes used classPrefix: 'grid-', // prefix for the grid classes cookiePrefix: 'hashgrid'// prefix for the cookie name }; var overlayOn = false, sticky = false, overlayZState = 'B', overlayZBackground = -1, overlayZForeground = 9999, classNumber = 1; // Apply options if (typeof set == 'object') { var k; for (k in set) options[k] = set[k]; } else if (typeof set == 'string') { options.id = set; } // Remove any conflicting overlay if ($('#' + options.id).length > 0) { $('#' + options.id).remove(); } // Create overlay, hidden before adding to DOM var overlayEl = $('
'); overlayEl .attr('id', options.id) .css({ display: 'none', 'pointer-events': 'none' }); $("body").prepend(overlayEl); var overlay = $('#' + options.id); // Unless a custom z-index is set, ensure the overlay will be behind everything if (overlay.css('z-index') == 'auto') overlay.css('z-index', overlayZBackground); // Override the default overlay height with the actual page height var pageHeight = parseFloat($(document).height()); overlay.height(pageHeight); // Add the first grid line so that we can measure it overlay.append('
'); // Position off-screen and display to calculate height var top = overlay.css("top"); overlay.css({ top: "-999px", display: "block" }); // Calculate the number of grid lines needed var line = $('#' + options.id + '-horiz'), lineHeight = line.outerHeight(); // Hide and reset top overlay.css({ display: "none", top: top }); // Break on zero line height if (lineHeight <= 0) return true; // Add the remaining grid lines var i, numGridLines = Math.floor(pageHeight / lineHeight); for (i = numGridLines - 1; i >= 1; i--) { overlay.append('
'); } // vertical grid overlay.append($('
')); var overlayVert = overlay.children('.vert-container'); var gridWidth = overlay.width(); overlayVert.css({width: gridWidth, position: 'absolute', top: 0}); overlayVert.append('
'); // 30 is an arbitrarily large number... // can't calculate the margin width properly for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { overlayVert.append('
'); } overlayVert.children() .height(pageHeight) .css({display: 'inline-block'}); // Check for saved state var overlayCookie = readCookie(options.cookiePrefix + options.id); if (typeof overlayCookie == 'string') { var state = overlayCookie.split(','); state[2] = Number(state[2]); if ((typeof state[2] == 'number') && !isNaN(state[2])) { classNumber = state[2].toFixed(0); overlay.addClass(options.classPrefix + classNumber); } if (state[1] == 'F') { overlayZState = 'F'; overlay.css('z-index', overlayZForeground); } if (state[0] == '1') { overlayOn = true; sticky = true; showOverlay(); } } else { overlay.addClass(options.classPrefix + classNumber); } // Keyboard controls $(document).bind('keydown', keydownHandler); $(document).bind('keyup', keyupHandler); /** * Helpers */ function getModifier(e) { if (options.modifierKey == null) return true; // Bypass by default var m = true; switch(options.modifierKey) { case 'ctrl': m = (e.ctrlKey ? e.ctrlKey : false); break; case 'alt': m = (e.altKey ? e.altKey : false); break; case 'shift': m = (e.shiftKey ? e.shiftKey : false); break; } return m; } function getKey(e) { var k = false, c = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); // Handle keywords if (c == 13) k = 'enter'; // Handle letters else k = String.fromCharCode(c).toLowerCase(); return k; } function saveState() { createCookie(options.cookiePrefix + options.id, (sticky ? '1' : '0') + ',' + overlayZState + ',' + classNumber, 1); } function showOverlay() { overlay.show(); overlayVert.css({width: overlay.width()}); // hide any vertical blocks that aren't at the top of the viewport overlayVert.children('.vert').each(function () { $(this).css('display','inline-block'); if ($(this).offset().top > 0) { $(this).hide(); } }); } /** * Event handlers */ function keydownHandler(e) { var source = e.target.tagName.toLowerCase(); if ((source == 'input') || (source == 'textarea') || (source == 'select')) return true; var m = getModifier(e); if (!m) return true; var k = getKey(e); if (!k) return true; switch(k) { case options.showGridKey: if (!overlayOn) { showOverlay(); overlayOn = true; } else if (sticky) { overlay.hide(); overlayOn = false; sticky = false; saveState(); } break; case options.holdGridKey: if (overlayOn && !sticky) { // Turn sticky overlay on sticky = true; saveState(); } break; case options.foregroundKey: if (overlayOn) { // Toggle sticky overlay z-index if (overlay.css('z-index') == overlayZForeground) { overlay.css('z-index', overlayZBackground); overlayZState = 'B'; } else { overlay.css('z-index', overlayZForeground); overlayZState = 'F'; } saveState(); } break; case options.jumpGridsKey: if (overlayOn && (options.numberOfGrids > 1)) { // Cycle through the available grids overlay.removeClass(options.classPrefix + classNumber); classNumber++; if (classNumber > options.numberOfGrids) classNumber = 1; overlay.addClass(options.classPrefix + classNumber); showOverlay(); if (/webkit/.test( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() )) { forceRepaint(); } saveState(); } break; } } function keyupHandler(e) { var m = getModifier(e); if (!m) return true; var k = getKey(e); if (!k) return true; if ((k == options.showGridKey) && !sticky) { overlay.hide(); overlayOn = false; } } /** * Cookie functions * * By Peter-Paul Koch: * http://www.quirksmode.org/js/cookies.html */ function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name,"",-1); } /** * Forces a repaint (because WebKit has issues) * http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4538763 * http://www.phpied.com/the-new-game-show-will-it-reflow/ */ function forceRepaint() { var ss = document.styleSheets[0]; try { ss.addRule('.xxxxxx', 'position: relative'); ss.removeRule(ss.rules.length - 1); } catch(e){} } } /** * You can call hashgrid from your own code, but it's loaded here as * an example for your convenience. */ $(document).ready(function() { var grid = new hashgrid({ numberOfGrids: 2 }); });