VERSION=2.0.0 BOOTSTRAP = ./docs/assets/css/bootstrap.css BOOTSTRAP_LESS = ./less/bootstrap.less BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSIVE = ./docs/assets/css/bootstrap-responsive.css BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSIVE_LESS = ./less/responsive.less LESS_COMPRESSOR ?= `which lessc` UGLIFY_JS ?= `which uglifyjs` WATCHR ?= `which watchr` # # Build less files + docs # build: @@if test ! -z ${LESS_COMPRESSOR}; then \ sed -e 's/@VERSION/'"v${VERSION}"'/' -e 's/@DATE/'"`date`"'/' <${BOOTSTRAP_LESS} >${BOOTSTRAP_LESS}.tmp; \ lessc ${BOOTSTRAP_LESS}.tmp > ${BOOTSTRAP}; \ rm -f ${BOOTSTRAP_LESS}.tmp; \ sed -e 's/@VERSION/'"v${VERSION}"'/' -e 's/@DATE/'"`date`"'/' <${BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSIVE_LESS} >${BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSIVE_LESS}.tmp; \ lessc ${BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSIVE_LESS}.tmp > ${BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSIVE}; \ rm -f ${BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSIVE_LESS}.tmp; \ node docs/build; \ echo "Bootstrap successfully built! - `date`"; \ else \ echo "You must have the LESS compiler installed in order to build Bootstrap."; \ echo "You can install it by running: npm install less -g"; \ fi # # Watch less files # watch: @@if test ! -z ${WATCHR}; then \ echo "Watching less files..."; \ watchr -e "watch('less/.*\.less') { system 'make' }"; \ else \ echo "You must have the watchr installed in order to watch Bootstrap Less files."; \ echo "You can install it by running: gem install watchr"; \ fi .PHONY: build watch