import Tooltip from '../../src/tooltip' import EventHandler from '../../src/dom/event-handler' import { noop } from '../../src/util/index' import { clearFixture, createEvent, getFixture, jQueryMock } from '../helpers/fixture' describe('Tooltip', () => { let fixtureEl beforeAll(() => { fixtureEl = getFixture() }) afterEach(() => { clearFixture() for (const tooltipEl of document.querySelectorAll('.tooltip')) { tooltipEl.remove() } }) describe('VERSION', () => { it('should return plugin version', () => { expect(Tooltip.VERSION).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)) }) }) describe('Default', () => { it('should return plugin default config', () => { expect(Tooltip.Default).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object)) }) }) describe('NAME', () => { it('should return plugin name', () => { expect(Tooltip.NAME).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)) }) }) describe('DATA_KEY', () => { it('should return plugin data key', () => { expect(Tooltip.DATA_KEY).toEqual('bs.tooltip') }) }) describe('EVENT_KEY', () => { it('should return plugin event key', () => { expect(Tooltip.EVENT_KEY).toEqual('.bs.tooltip') }) }) describe('DefaultType', () => { it('should return plugin default type', () => { expect(Tooltip.DefaultType).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object)) }) }) describe('constructor', () => { it('should take care of element either passed as a CSS selector or DOM element', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" id="tooltipEl" rel="tooltip" title="Nice and short title"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#tooltipEl') const tooltipBySelector = new Tooltip('#tooltipEl') const tooltipByElement = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) expect(tooltipBySelector._element).toEqual(tooltipEl) expect(tooltipByElement._element).toEqual(tooltipEl) }) it('should not take care of disallowed data attributes', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" data-bs-sanitize="false" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) expect(tooltip._config.sanitize).toBeTrue() }) it('should convert title and content to string if numbers', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { title: 1, content: 7 }) expect(tooltip._config.title).toEqual('1') expect(tooltip._config.content).toEqual('7') }) it('should enable selector delegation', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const containerEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const tooltipContainer = new Tooltip(containerEl, { selector: 'a[rel="tooltip"]', trigger: 'click' }) containerEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipInContainerEl = containerEl.querySelector('a') tooltipInContainerEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).not.toBeNull() tooltipContainer.dispose() resolve() }) }) }) it('should create offset modifier when offset is passed as a function', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Offset from function"></a>' const getOffset = jasmine.createSpy('getOffset').and.returnValue([10, 20]) const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { offset: getOffset, popperConfig: { onFirstUpdate(state) { expect(getOffset).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ popper: state.rects.popper, reference: state.rects.reference, placement: state.placement }, tooltipEl) resolve() } } }) const offset = tooltip._getOffset() expect(offset).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)) }) }) it('should create offset modifier when offset option is passed in data attribute', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" data-bs-offset="10,20" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) expect(tooltip._getOffset()).toEqual([10, 20]) }) it('should allow to pass config to Popper with `popperConfig`', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { popperConfig: { placement: 'left' } }) const popperConfig = tooltip._getPopperConfig('top') expect(popperConfig.placement).toEqual('left') }) it('should allow to pass config to Popper with `popperConfig` as a function', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const getPopperConfig = jasmine.createSpy('getPopperConfig').and.returnValue({ placement: 'left' }) const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { popperConfig: getPopperConfig }) const popperConfig = tooltip._getPopperConfig('top') expect(getPopperConfig).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(popperConfig.placement).toEqual('left') }) it('should use original title, if not "data-bs-title" is given', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) expect(tooltip._getTitle()).toEqual('Another tooltip') }) }) describe('enable', () => { it('should enable a tooltip', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltip.enable() tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).not.toBeNull() resolve() }) }) }) }) describe('disable', () => { it('should disable tooltip', () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltip.disable() tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { reject(new Error('should not show a disabled tooltip')) }) setTimeout(() => { expect().nothing() resolve() }, 10) }) }) }) describe('toggleEnabled', () => { it('should toggle enabled', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) expect(tooltip._isEnabled).toBeTrue() tooltip.toggleEnabled() expect(tooltip._isEnabled).toBeFalse() }) }) describe('toggle', () => { it('should do nothing if disabled', () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltip.disable() tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { reject(new Error('should not show a disabled tooltip')) }) tooltip.toggle() setTimeout(() => { expect().nothing() resolve() }, 10) }) }) it('should show a tooltip', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).not.toBeNull() resolve() }) tooltip.toggle() }) }) it('should call toggle and show the tooltip when trigger is "click"', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { trigger: 'click' }) const spy = spyOn(tooltip, 'toggle').and.callThrough() tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() resolve() }) }) }) it('should hide a tooltip', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { tooltip.toggle() }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).toBeNull() resolve() }) tooltip.toggle() }) }) it('should call toggle and hide the tooltip when trigger is "click"', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { trigger: 'click' }) const spy = spyOn(tooltip, 'toggle').and.callThrough() tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() resolve() }) }) }) }) describe('dispose', () => { it('should destroy a tooltip', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const addEventSpy = spyOn(tooltipEl, 'addEventListener').and.callThrough() const removeEventSpy = spyOn(tooltipEl, 'removeEventListener').and.callThrough() const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) expect(Tooltip.getInstance(tooltipEl)).toEqual(tooltip) const expectedArgs = [ ['mouseover', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)], ['mouseout', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)], ['focusin', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)], ['focusout', jasmine.any(Function), jasmine.any(Boolean)] ] expect(addEventSpy.calls.allArgs()).toEqual(expectedArgs) tooltip.dispose() expect(Tooltip.getInstance(tooltipEl)).toBeNull() expect(removeEventSpy.calls.allArgs()).toEqual(expectedArgs) }) it('should destroy a tooltip after it is shown and hidden', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { tooltip.hide() }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { tooltip.dispose() expect(tooltip.tip).toBeNull() expect(Tooltip.getInstance(tooltipEl)).toBeNull() resolve() }) }) }) it('should destroy a tooltip and remove it from the dom', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).not.toBeNull() tooltip.dispose() expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).toBeNull() resolve() }) }) }) it('should destroy a tooltip and reset it\'s initial title', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<span id="tooltipWithTitle" rel="tooltip" title="tooltipTitle"></span>', '<span id="tooltipWithoutTitle" rel="tooltip" data-bs-title="tooltipTitle"></span>' ].join('') const tooltipWithTitleEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#tooltipWithTitle') const tooltip = new Tooltip('#tooltipWithTitle') expect(tooltipWithTitleEl.getAttribute('title')).toBeNull() tooltip.dispose() expect(tooltipWithTitleEl.getAttribute('title')).toBe('tooltipTitle') const tooltipWithoutTitleEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#tooltipWithoutTitle') const tooltip2 = new Tooltip('#tooltipWithTitle') expect(tooltipWithoutTitleEl.getAttribute('title')).toBeNull() tooltip2.dispose() expect(tooltipWithoutTitleEl.getAttribute('title')).toBeNull() }) }) describe('show', () => { it('should show a tooltip', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { const tooltipShown = document.querySelector('.tooltip') expect(tooltipShown).not.toBeNull() expect(tooltipEl.getAttribute('aria-describedby')).toEqual(tooltipShown.getAttribute('id')) expect(tooltipShown.getAttribute('id')).toContain('tooltip') resolve() }) }) }) it('should show a tooltip when hovering a child element', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip">', ' <svg xmlns="" width="50" height="50" viewBox="0 0 100 100">', ' <rect width="100%" fill="#563d7c"/>', ' <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="30" fill="#fff"/>', ' </svg>', '</a>' ].join('') const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) const spy = spyOn(tooltip, 'show') tooltipEl.querySelector('rect').dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseover', { bubbles: true })) setTimeout(() => { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() resolve() }, 0) }) }) it('should show a tooltip on mobile', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) document.documentElement.ontouchstart = noop const spy = spyOn(EventHandler, 'on').and.callThrough() tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).not.toBeNull() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Object), 'mouseover', noop) document.documentElement.ontouchstart = undefined resolve() }) }) }) it('should show a tooltip relative to placement option', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { placement: 'bottom' }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(tooltip._getTipElement()).toHaveClass('bs-tooltip-auto') }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(tooltip._getTipElement()).toHaveClass('bs-tooltip-auto') expect(tooltip._getTipElement().getAttribute('data-popper-placement')).toEqual('bottom') resolve() }) }) }) it('should not error when trying to show a tooltip that has been removed from the dom', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) const firstCallback = () => { tooltipEl.removeEventListener('', firstCallback) let tooltipShown = document.querySelector('.tooltip') tooltipShown.remove() tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { tooltipShown = document.querySelector('.tooltip') expect(tooltipShown).not.toBeNull() resolve() }) } tooltipEl.addEventListener('', firstCallback) }) }) it('should show a tooltip with a dom element container', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { container: fixtureEl }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('.tooltip')).not.toBeNull() resolve() }) }) }) it('should show a tooltip with a jquery element container', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { container: { 0: fixtureEl, jquery: 'jQuery' } }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('.tooltip')).not.toBeNull() resolve() }) }) }) it('should show a tooltip with a selector in container', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { container: '#fixture' }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('.tooltip')).not.toBeNull() resolve() }) }) }) it('should show a tooltip with placement as a function', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const spy = jasmine.createSpy('placement').and.returnValue('top') const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { placement: spy }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).not.toBeNull() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() resolve() }) }) }) it('should show a tooltip without the animation', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { animation: false }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { const tip = document.querySelector('.tooltip') expect(tip).not.toBeNull() expect(tip).not.toHaveClass('fade') resolve() }) }) }) it('should throw an error the element is not visible', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" style="display: none" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) try { } catch (error) { expect(error.message).toEqual('Please use show on visible elements') } }) it('should not show a tooltip if is prevented', () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) const expectedDone = () => { setTimeout(() => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).toBeNull() resolve() }, 10) } tooltipEl.addEventListener('', ev => { ev.preventDefault() expectedDone() }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { reject(new Error('Tooltip should not be shown')) }) }) }) it('should show tooltip if leave event hasn\'t occurred before delay expires', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { delay: 150 }) const spy = spyOn(tooltip, 'show') setTimeout(() => { expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }, 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() resolve() }, 200) tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseover')) }) }) it('should not show tooltip if leave event occurs before delay expires', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { delay: 150 }) const spy = spyOn(tooltip, 'show') setTimeout(() => { expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseover')) }, 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(document.querySelectorAll('.tooltip')).toHaveSize(0) resolve() }, 200) tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseover')) }) }) it('should not hide tooltip if leave event occurs and enter event occurs within the hide delay', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip" data-bs-delay=\'{"show":0,"hide":150}\'>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) expect(tooltip._config.delay).toEqual({ show: 0, hide: 150 }) setTimeout(() => { expect(tooltip._getTipElement()).toHaveClass('show') tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseout')) setTimeout(() => { expect(tooltip._getTipElement()).toHaveClass('show') tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseover')) }, 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(tooltip._getTipElement()).toHaveClass('show') expect(document.querySelectorAll('.tooltip')).toHaveSize(1) resolve() }, 200) }, 10) tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseover')) }) }) it('should not hide tooltip if leave event occurs and interaction remains inside trigger', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip">', '<b>Trigger</b>', 'the tooltip', '</a>' ].join('') const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) const triggerChild = tooltipEl.querySelector('b') const spy = spyOn(tooltip, 'hide').and.callThrough() tooltipEl.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { const moveMouseToChildEvent = createEvent('mouseout') Object.defineProperty(moveMouseToChildEvent, 'relatedTarget', { value: triggerChild }) tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(moveMouseToChildEvent) }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() resolve() }) tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseover')) }) }) it('should properly maintain tooltip state if leave event occurs and enter event occurs during hide transition', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { // Style this tooltip to give it plenty of room for popper to do what it wants fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip" data-bs-placement="top" style="position:fixed;left:50%;top:50%;">Trigger</a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) spyOn(window, 'getComputedStyle').and.returnValue({ transitionDuration: '0.15s', transitionDelay: '0s' }) setTimeout(() => { expect(tooltip._popper).not.toBeNull() expect(tooltip._getTipElement().getAttribute('data-popper-placement')).toEqual('top') tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseout')) setTimeout(() => { expect(tooltip._getTipElement()).not.toHaveClass('show') tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseover')) }, 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(tooltip._popper).not.toBeNull() expect(tooltip._getTipElement().getAttribute('data-popper-placement')).toEqual('top') resolve() }, 200) }, 10) tooltipEl.dispatchEvent(createEvent('mouseover')) }) }) it('should only trigger inserted event if a new tooltip element was created', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) spyOn(window, 'getComputedStyle').and.returnValue({ transitionDuration: '0.15s', transitionDelay: '0s' }) const insertedFunc = jasmine.createSpy() tooltipEl.addEventListener('', insertedFunc) setTimeout(() => { expect(insertedFunc).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) tooltip.hide() setTimeout(() => { }, 100) setTimeout(() => { expect(insertedFunc).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) resolve() }, 200) }, 0) }) }) it('should show a tooltip with custom class provided in data attributes', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip" data-bs-custom-class="custom-class"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { const tip = document.querySelector('.tooltip') expect(tip).not.toBeNull() expect(tip).toHaveClass('custom-class') resolve() }) }) }) it('should show a tooltip with custom class provided as a string in config', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { customClass: 'custom-class custom-class-2' }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { const tip = document.querySelector('.tooltip') expect(tip).not.toBeNull() expect(tip).toHaveClass('custom-class') expect(tip).toHaveClass('custom-class-2') resolve() }) }) }) it('should show a tooltip with custom class provided as a function in config', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const spy = jasmine.createSpy('customClass').and.returnValue('custom-class') const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { customClass: spy }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { const tip = document.querySelector('.tooltip') expect(tip).not.toBeNull() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(tip).toHaveClass('custom-class') resolve() }) }) }) it('should remove `title` attribute if exists', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(tooltipEl.getAttribute('title')).toBeNull() resolve() }) }) }) }) describe('hide', () => { it('should hide a tooltip', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => tooltip.hide()) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).toBeNull() expect(tooltipEl.getAttribute('aria-describedby')).toBeNull() resolve() }) }) }) it('should hide a tooltip on mobile', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) const spy = spyOn(EventHandler, 'off') tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { document.documentElement.ontouchstart = noop tooltip.hide() }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).toBeNull() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Object), 'mouseover', noop) document.documentElement.ontouchstart = undefined resolve() }) }) }) it('should hide a tooltip without animation', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { animation: false }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => tooltip.hide()) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).toBeNull() expect(tooltipEl.getAttribute('aria-describedby')).toBeNull() resolve() }) }) }) it('should not hide a tooltip if hide event is prevented', () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const assertDone = () => { setTimeout(() => { expect(document.querySelector('.tooltip')).not.toBeNull() resolve() }, 20) } const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { animation: false }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => tooltip.hide()) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', event => { event.preventDefault() assertDone() }) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { reject(new Error('should not trigger hidden event')) }) }) }) it('should not throw error running hide if popper hasn\'t been shown', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const tooltip = new Tooltip(div) try { tooltip.hide() expect().nothing() } catch { throw new Error('should not throw error') } }) }) describe('update', () => { it('should call popper update', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { const spy = spyOn(tooltip._popper, 'update') tooltip.update() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() resolve() }) }) }) it('should do nothing if the tooltip is not shown', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltip.update() expect().nothing() }) }) describe('_isWithContent', () => { it('should return true if there is content', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) expect(tooltip._isWithContent()).toBeTrue() }) it('should return false if there is no content', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title=""></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) expect(tooltip._isWithContent()).toBeFalse() }) }) describe('_getTipElement', () => { it('should create the tip element and return it', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) const spy = spyOn(document, 'createElement').and.callThrough() expect(tooltip._getTipElement()).toBeDefined() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should return the created tip element', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) const spy = spyOn(document, 'createElement').and.callThrough() expect(tooltip._getTipElement()).toBeDefined() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() spy.calls.reset() expect(tooltip._getTipElement()).toBeDefined() expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) describe('setContent', () => { it('should set tip content', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { animation: false }) const tip = tooltip._getTipElement() tooltip.setContent(tip) expect(tip).not.toHaveClass('show') expect(tip).not.toHaveClass('fade') expect(tip.querySelector('.tooltip-inner').textContent).toEqual('Another tooltip') }) it('should re-show tip if it was already shown', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" data-bs-title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) const tip = () => tooltip._getTipElement() expect(tip()).toHaveClass('show') tooltip.setContent({ '.tooltip-inner': 'foo' }) expect(tip()).toHaveClass('show') expect(tip().querySelector('.tooltip-inner').textContent).toEqual('foo') }) it('should keep tip hidden, if it was already hidden before', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" data-bs-title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) const tip = () => tooltip._getTipElement() expect(tip()).not.toHaveClass('show') tooltip.setContent({ '.tooltip-inner': 'foo' }) expect(tip()).not.toHaveClass('show') expect(tip().querySelector('.tooltip-inner').textContent).toEqual('foo') }) it('"setContent" should keep the initial template', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltip.setContent({ '.tooltip-inner': 'foo' }) const tip = tooltip._getTipElement() expect(tip).toHaveClass('tooltip') expect(tip).toHaveClass('bs-tooltip-auto') expect(tip.querySelector('.tooltip-arrow')).not.toBeNull() expect(tip.querySelector('.tooltip-inner')).not.toBeNull() }) }) describe('setContent', () => { it('should do nothing if the element is null', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltip.setContent({ '.tooltip': null }) expect().nothing() }) it('should do nothing if the content is a child of the element', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip">', ' <div id="childContent"></div>', '</a>' ].join('') const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const childContent = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { html: true }) tooltip._getTipElement().append(childContent) tooltip.setContent({ '.tooltip': childContent }) expect().nothing() }) it('should add the content as a child of the element for jQuery elements', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip">', ' <div id="childContent"></div>', '</a>' ].join('') const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const childContent = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { html: true }) tooltip.setContent({ '.tooltip': { 0: childContent, jquery: 'jQuery' } }) expect(childContent.parentNode).toEqual(tooltip._getTipElement()) }) it('should add the child text content in the element', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip">', ' <div id="childContent">Tooltip</div>', '</a>' ].join('') const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const childContent = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltip.setContent({ '.tooltip': childContent }) expect(childContent.textContent).toEqual(tooltip._getTipElement().textContent) }) it('should add html without sanitize it', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { sanitize: false, html: true }) tooltip.setContent({ '.tooltip': '<div id="childContent">Tooltip</div>' }) expect(tooltip._getTipElement().querySelector('div').id).toEqual('childContent') }) it('should add html sanitized', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { html: true }) const content = [ '<div id="childContent">', ' <button type="button">test btn</button>', '</div>' ].join('') tooltip.setContent({ '.tooltip': content }) expect(tooltip._getTipElement().querySelector('div').id).toEqual('childContent') expect(tooltip._getTipElement().querySelector('button')).toBeNull() }) it('should add text content', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltip.setContent({ '.tooltip': 'test' }) expect(tooltip._getTipElement().textContent).toEqual('test') }) }) describe('_getTitle', () => { it('should return the title', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) expect(tooltip._getTitle()).toEqual('Another tooltip') }) it('should call title function', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl, { title: () => 'test' }) expect(tooltip._getTitle()).toEqual('test') }) }) describe('getInstance', () => { it('should return tooltip instance', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const alert = new Tooltip(div) expect(Tooltip.getInstance(div)).toEqual(alert) expect(Tooltip.getInstance(div)).toBeInstanceOf(Tooltip) }) it('should return null when there is no tooltip instance', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') expect(Tooltip.getInstance(div)).toBeNull() }) }) describe('aria-label', () => { it('should add the aria-label attribute for referencing original title', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { const tooltipShown = document.querySelector('.tooltip') expect(tooltipShown).not.toBeNull() expect(tooltipEl.getAttribute('aria-label')).toEqual('Another tooltip') resolve() }) }) }) it('should add the aria-label attribute when element text content is a whitespace string', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="A tooltip"><span> </span></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { const tooltipShown = document.querySelector('.tooltip') expect(tooltipShown).not.toBeNull() expect(tooltipEl.getAttribute('aria-label')).toEqual('A tooltip') resolve() }) }) }) it('should not add the aria-label attribute if the attribute already exists', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" aria-label="Different label" title="Another tooltip"></a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { const tooltipShown = document.querySelector('.tooltip') expect(tooltipShown).not.toBeNull() expect(tooltipEl.getAttribute('aria-label')).toEqual('Different label') resolve() }) }) }) it('should not add the aria-label attribute if the element has text content', () => { return new Promise(resolve => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<a href="#" rel="tooltip" title="Another tooltip">text content</a>' const tooltipEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('a') const tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipEl) tooltipEl.addEventListener('', () => { const tooltipShown = document.querySelector('.tooltip') expect(tooltipShown).not.toBeNull() expect(tooltipEl.getAttribute('aria-label')).toBeNull() resolve() }) }) }) }) describe('getOrCreateInstance', () => { it('should return tooltip instance', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const tooltip = new Tooltip(div) expect(Tooltip.getOrCreateInstance(div)).toEqual(tooltip) expect(Tooltip.getInstance(div)).toEqual(Tooltip.getOrCreateInstance(div, {})) expect(Tooltip.getOrCreateInstance(div)).toBeInstanceOf(Tooltip) }) it('should return new instance when there is no tooltip instance', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') expect(Tooltip.getInstance(div)).toBeNull() expect(Tooltip.getOrCreateInstance(div)).toBeInstanceOf(Tooltip) }) it('should return new instance when there is no tooltip instance with given configuration', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') expect(Tooltip.getInstance(div)).toBeNull() const tooltip = Tooltip.getOrCreateInstance(div, { title: () => 'test' }) expect(tooltip).toBeInstanceOf(Tooltip) expect(tooltip._getTitle()).toEqual('test') }) it('should return the instance when exists without given configuration', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const tooltip = new Tooltip(div, { title: () => 'nothing' }) expect(Tooltip.getInstance(div)).toEqual(tooltip) const tooltip2 = Tooltip.getOrCreateInstance(div, { title: () => 'test' }) expect(tooltip).toBeInstanceOf(Tooltip) expect(tooltip2).toEqual(tooltip) expect(tooltip2._getTitle()).toEqual('nothing') }) }) describe('jQueryInterface', () => { it('should create a tooltip', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') jQueryMock.fn.tooltip = Tooltip.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div] expect(Tooltip.getInstance(div)).not.toBeNull() }) it('should not re create a tooltip', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const tooltip = new Tooltip(div) jQueryMock.fn.tooltip = Tooltip.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div] expect(Tooltip.getInstance(div)).toEqual(tooltip) }) it('should call a tooltip method', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const tooltip = new Tooltip(div) const spy = spyOn(tooltip, 'show') jQueryMock.fn.tooltip = Tooltip.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div], 'show') expect(Tooltip.getInstance(div)).toEqual(tooltip) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should throw error on undefined method', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const action = 'undefinedMethod' jQueryMock.fn.tooltip = Tooltip.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div] expect(() => {, action) }).toThrowError(TypeError, `No method named "${action}"`) }) }) })