import ScrollSpy from '../../src/scrollspy' import Manipulator from '../../src/dom/manipulator' import EventHandler from '../../src/dom/event-handler' /** Test helpers */ import { getFixture, clearFixture, createEvent, jQueryMock } from '../helpers/fixture' describe('ScrollSpy', () => { let fixtureEl const testElementIsActiveAfterScroll = ({ elementSelector, targetSelector, contentEl, scrollSpy, spy, cb }) => { const element = fixtureEl.querySelector(elementSelector) const target = fixtureEl.querySelector(targetSelector) // add top padding to fix Chrome on Android failures const paddingTop = 5 const scrollHeight = Math.ceil(contentEl.scrollTop + Manipulator.position(target).top) + paddingTop function listener() { expect(element.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(true) contentEl.removeEventListener('scroll', listener) expect(scrollSpy._process).toHaveBeenCalled() spy.calls.reset() cb() } contentEl.addEventListener('scroll', listener) contentEl.scrollTop = scrollHeight } beforeAll(() => { fixtureEl = getFixture() }) afterEach(() => { clearFixture() }) describe('VERSION', () => { it('should return plugin version', () => { expect(ScrollSpy.VERSION).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)) }) }) describe('Default', () => { it('should return plugin default config', () => { expect(ScrollSpy.Default).toEqual(jasmine.any(Object)) }) }) describe('constructor', () => { it('should generate an id when there is not one', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<nav></nav>', '<div class="content"></div>' ].join('') const navEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('nav') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(fixtureEl.querySelector('.content'), { target: navEl }) expect(scrollSpy).toBeDefined() expect(navEl.getAttribute('id')).not.toEqual(null) }) it('should not process element without target', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<nav id="navigation" class="navbar">', ' <ul class="navbar-nav">', ' <li class="nav-item active"><a class="nav-link" id="one-link" href="#">One</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="two-link" href="#two">Two</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="three-link" href="#three">Three</a></li>', ' </ul>', '</nav>', '<div id="content" style="height: 200px; overflow-y: auto;">', ' <div id="two" style="height: 300px;"></div>', ' <div id="three" style="height: 10px;"></div>', '</div>' ].join('') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(fixtureEl.querySelector('#content'), { target: '#navigation' }) expect(scrollSpy._targets.length).toEqual(2) }) it('should only switch "active" class on current target', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<div id="root" class="active" style="display: block">', ' <div class="topbar">', ' <div class="topbar-inner">', ' <div class="container" id="ss-target">', ' <ul class="nav">', ' <li class="nav-item"><a href="#masthead">Overview</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a href="#detail">Detail</a></li>', ' </ul>', ' </div>', ' </div>', ' </div>', ' <div id="scrollspy-example" style="height: 100px; overflow: auto;">', ' <div style="height: 200px;">', ' <h4 id="masthead">Overview</h4>', ' <p style="height: 200px;"></p>', ' </div>', ' <div style="height: 200px;">', ' <h4 id="detail">Detail</h4>', ' <p style="height: 200px;"></p>', ' </div>', ' </div>', '</div>' ].join('') const scrollSpyEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#scrollspy-example') const rootEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#root') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(scrollSpyEl, { target: 'ss-target' }) spyOn(scrollSpy, '_process').and.callThrough() scrollSpyEl.addEventListener('scroll', () => { expect(rootEl.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(true) expect(scrollSpy._process).toHaveBeenCalled() done() }) scrollSpyEl.scrollTop = 350 }) it('should only switch "active" class on current target specified w element', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<div id="root" class="active" style="display: block">', ' <div class="topbar">', ' <div class="topbar-inner">', ' <div class="container" id="ss-target">', ' <ul class="nav">', ' <li class="nav-item"><a href="#masthead">Overview</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a href="#detail">Detail</a></li>', ' </ul>', ' </div>', ' </div>', ' </div>', ' <div id="scrollspy-example" style="height: 100px; overflow: auto;">', ' <div style="height: 200px;">', ' <h4 id="masthead">Overview</h4>', ' <p style="height: 200px;"></p>', ' </div>', ' <div style="height: 200px;">', ' <h4 id="detail">Detail</h4>', ' <p style="height: 200px;"></p>', ' </div>', ' </div>', '</div>' ].join('') const scrollSpyEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#scrollspy-example') const rootEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#root') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(scrollSpyEl, { target: fixtureEl.querySelector('#ss-target') }) spyOn(scrollSpy, '_process').and.callThrough() scrollSpyEl.addEventListener('scroll', () => { expect(rootEl.classList.contains('active')).toEqual(true) expect(scrollSpy._process).toHaveBeenCalled() done() }) scrollSpyEl.scrollTop = 350 }) it('should correctly select middle navigation option when large offset is used', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<div id="header" style="height: 500px;"></div>', '<nav id="navigation" class="navbar">', ' <ul class="navbar-nav">', ' <li class="nav-item active"><a class="nav-link" id="one-link" href="#one">One</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="two-link" href="#two">Two</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="three-link" href="#three">Three</a></li>', ' </ul>', '</nav>', '<div id="content" style="height: 200px; overflow-y: auto;">', ' <div id="one" style="height: 500px;"></div>', ' <div id="two" style="height: 300px;"></div>', ' <div id="three" style="height: 10px;"></div>', '</div>' ].join('') const contentEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#content') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(contentEl, { target: '#navigation', offset: Manipulator.position(contentEl).top }) spyOn(scrollSpy, '_process').and.callThrough() contentEl.addEventListener('scroll', () => { expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('#one-link').classList.contains('active')).toEqual(false) expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('#two-link').classList.contains('active')).toEqual(true) expect(fixtureEl.querySelector('#three-link').classList.contains('active')).toEqual(false) expect(scrollSpy._process).toHaveBeenCalled() done() }) contentEl.scrollTop = 550 }) it('should add the active class to the correct element', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<nav class="navbar">', ' <ul class="nav">', ' <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="a-1" href="#div-1">div 1</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="a-2" href="#div-2">div 2</a></li>', ' </ul>', '</nav>', '<div class="content" style="overflow: auto; height: 50px">', ' <div id="div-1" style="height: 100px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 1</div>', ' <div id="div-2" style="height: 200px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 2</div>', '</div>' ].join('') const contentEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.content') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(contentEl, { offset: 0, target: '.navbar' }) const spy = spyOn(scrollSpy, '_process').and.callThrough() testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#a-1', targetSelector: '#div-1', contentEl, scrollSpy, spy, cb: () => { testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#a-2', targetSelector: '#div-2', contentEl, scrollSpy, spy, cb: () => done() }) } }) }) it('should add the active class to the correct element (nav markup)', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<nav class="navbar">', ' <nav class="nav">', ' <a class="nav-link" id="a-1" href="#div-1">div 1</a>', ' <a class="nav-link" id="a-2" href="#div-2">div 2</a>', ' </nav>', '</nav>', '<div class="content" style="overflow: auto; height: 50px">', ' <div id="div-1" style="height: 100px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 1</div>', ' <div id="div-2" style="height: 200px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 2</div>', '</div>' ].join('') const contentEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.content') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(contentEl, { offset: 0, target: '.navbar' }) const spy = spyOn(scrollSpy, '_process').and.callThrough() testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#a-1', targetSelector: '#div-1', contentEl, scrollSpy, spy, cb: () => { testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#a-2', targetSelector: '#div-2', contentEl, scrollSpy, spy, cb: () => done() }) } }) }) it('should add the active class to the correct element (list-group markup)', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<nav class="navbar">', ' <div class="list-group">', ' <a class="list-group-item" id="a-1" href="#div-1">div 1</a>', ' <a class="list-group-item" id="a-2" href="#div-2">div 2</a>', ' </div>', '</nav>', '<div class="content" style="overflow: auto; height: 50px">', ' <div id="div-1" style="height: 100px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 1</div>', ' <div id="div-2" style="height: 200px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 2</div>', '</div>' ].join('') const contentEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.content') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(contentEl, { offset: 0, target: '.navbar' }) const spy = spyOn(scrollSpy, '_process').and.callThrough() testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#a-1', targetSelector: '#div-1', contentEl, scrollSpy, spy, cb: () => { testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#a-2', targetSelector: '#div-2', contentEl, scrollSpy, spy, cb: () => done() }) } }) }) it('should clear selection if above the first section', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<div id="header" style="height: 500px;"></div>', '<nav id="navigation" class="navbar">', ' <ul class="navbar-nav">', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="one-link" class="nav-link active" href="#one">One</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="two-link" class="nav-link" href="#two">Two</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="three-link" class="nav-link" href="#three">Three</a></li>', ' </ul>', '</nav>', '<div id="content" style="height: 200px; overflow-y: auto;">', ' <div id="spacer" style="height: 100px;"></div>', ' <div id="one" style="height: 100px;"></div>', ' <div id="two" style="height: 100px;"></div>', ' <div id="three" style="height: 100px;"></div>', ' <div id="spacer" style="height: 100px;"></div>', '</div>' ].join('') const contentEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#content') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(contentEl, { target: '#navigation', offset: Manipulator.position(contentEl).top }) const spy = spyOn(scrollSpy, '_process').and.callThrough() let firstTime = true contentEl.addEventListener('scroll', () => { const active = fixtureEl.querySelector('.active') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() spy.calls.reset() if (firstTime) { expect(fixtureEl.querySelectorAll('.active').length).toEqual(1) expect(active.getAttribute('id')).toEqual('two-link') firstTime = false contentEl.scrollTop = 0 } else { expect(active).toBeNull() done() } }) contentEl.scrollTop = 201 }) it('should not clear selection if above the first section and first section is at the top', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<div id="header" style="height: 500px;"></div>', '<nav id="navigation" class="navbar">', ' <ul class="navbar-nav">', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="one-link" class="nav-link active" href="#one">One</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="two-link" class="nav-link" href="#two">Two</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="three-link" class="nav-link" href="#three">Three</a></li>', ' </ul>', '</nav>', '<div id="content" style="height: 200px; overflow-y: auto;">', ' <div id="one" style="height: 100px;"></div>', ' <div id="two" style="height: 100px;"></div>', ' <div id="three" style="height: 100px;"></div>', ' <div id="spacer" style="height: 100px;"></div>', '</div>' ].join('') const negativeHeight = -10 const startOfSectionTwo = 101 const contentEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#content') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(contentEl, { target: '#navigation', offset: contentEl.offsetTop }) const spy = spyOn(scrollSpy, '_process').and.callThrough() let firstTime = true contentEl.addEventListener('scroll', () => { const active = fixtureEl.querySelector('.active') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() spy.calls.reset() if (firstTime) { expect(fixtureEl.querySelectorAll('.active').length).toEqual(1) expect(active.getAttribute('id')).toEqual('two-link') firstTime = false contentEl.scrollTop = negativeHeight } else { expect(fixtureEl.querySelectorAll('.active').length).toEqual(1) expect(active.getAttribute('id')).toEqual('one-link') done() } }) contentEl.scrollTop = startOfSectionTwo }) it('should correctly select navigation element on backward scrolling when each target section height is 100%', done => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<nav class="navbar">', ' <ul class="nav">', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-100-1" class="nav-link" href="#div-100-1">div 1</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-100-2" class="nav-link" href="#div-100-2">div 2</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-100-3" class="nav-link" href="#div-100-3">div 3</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-100-4" class="nav-link" href="#div-100-4">div 4</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-100-5" class="nav-link" href="#div-100-5">div 5</a></li>', ' </ul>', '</nav>', '<div class="content" style="position: relative; overflow: auto; height: 100px">', ' <div id="div-100-1" style="position: relative; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 1</div>', ' <div id="div-100-2" style="position: relative; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 2</div>', ' <div id="div-100-3" style="position: relative; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 3</div>', ' <div id="div-100-4" style="position: relative; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 4</div>', ' <div id="div-100-5" style="position: relative; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 5</div>', '</div>' ].join('') const contentEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.content') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(contentEl, { offset: 0, target: '.navbar' }) const spy = spyOn(scrollSpy, '_process').and.callThrough() testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#li-100-5', targetSelector: '#div-100-5', scrollSpy, spy, contentEl, cb() { contentEl.scrollTop = 0 testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#li-100-4', targetSelector: '#div-100-4', scrollSpy, spy, contentEl, cb() { contentEl.scrollTop = 0 testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#li-100-3', targetSelector: '#div-100-3', scrollSpy, spy, contentEl, cb() { contentEl.scrollTop = 0 testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#li-100-2', targetSelector: '#div-100-2', scrollSpy, spy, contentEl, cb() { contentEl.scrollTop = 0 testElementIsActiveAfterScroll({ elementSelector: '#li-100-1', targetSelector: '#div-100-1', scrollSpy, spy, contentEl, cb: done }) } }) } }) } }) } }) }) it('should allow passed in option offset method: offset', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<nav class="navbar">', ' <ul class="nav">', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-jsm-1" class="nav-link" href="#div-jsm-1">div 1</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-jsm-2" class="nav-link" href="#div-jsm-2">div 2</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-jsm-3" class="nav-link" href="#div-jsm-3">div 3</a></li>', ' </ul>', '</nav>', '<div class="content" style="position: relative; overflow: auto; height: 100px">', ' <div id="div-jsm-1" style="position: relative; height: 200px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 1</div>', ' <div id="div-jsm-2" style="position: relative; height: 150px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 2</div>', ' <div id="div-jsm-3" style="position: relative; height: 250px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 3</div>', '</div>' ].join('') const contentEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.content') const targetEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#div-jsm-2') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(contentEl, { target: '.navbar', offset: 0, method: 'offset' }) expect(scrollSpy._offsets[1]).toEqual(Manipulator.offset(targetEl).top) expect(scrollSpy._offsets[1]).not.toEqual(Manipulator.position(targetEl).top) }) it('should allow passed in option offset method: position', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = [ '<nav class="navbar">', ' <ul class="nav">', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-jsm-1" class="nav-link" href="#div-jsm-1">div 1</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-jsm-2" class="nav-link" href="#div-jsm-2">div 2</a></li>', ' <li class="nav-item"><a id="li-jsm-3" class="nav-link" href="#div-jsm-3">div 3</a></li>', ' </ul>', '</nav>', '<div class="content" style="position: relative; overflow: auto; height: 100px">', ' <div id="div-jsm-1" style="position: relative; height: 200px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 1</div>', ' <div id="div-jsm-2" style="position: relative; height: 150px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 2</div>', ' <div id="div-jsm-3" style="position: relative; height: 250px; padding: 0; margin: 0">div 3</div>', '</div>' ].join('') const contentEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('.content') const targetEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('#div-jsm-2') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(contentEl, { target: '.navbar', offset: 0, method: 'position' }) expect(scrollSpy._offsets[1]).not.toEqual(Manipulator.offset(targetEl).top) expect(scrollSpy._offsets[1]).toEqual(Manipulator.position(targetEl).top) }) }) describe('dispose', () => { it('should dispose a scrollspy', () => { spyOn(EventHandler, 'off') fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div style="display: none;"></div>' const divEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(divEl) scrollSpy.dispose() expect(, '.bs.scrollspy') }) }) describe('jQueryInterface', () => { it('should create a scrollspy', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') jQueryMock.fn.scrollspy = ScrollSpy.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div] expect(ScrollSpy.getInstance(div)).toBeDefined() }) it('should not re create a scrollspy', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(div) jQueryMock.fn.scrollspy = ScrollSpy.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div] expect(ScrollSpy.getInstance(div)).toEqual(scrollSpy) }) it('should call a scrollspy method', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const scrollSpy = new ScrollSpy(div) spyOn(scrollSpy, 'refresh') jQueryMock.fn.scrollspy = ScrollSpy.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div], 'refresh') expect(ScrollSpy.getInstance(div)).toEqual(scrollSpy) expect(scrollSpy.refresh).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should throw error on undefined method', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>' const div = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') const action = 'undefinedMethod' jQueryMock.fn.scrollspy = ScrollSpy.jQueryInterface jQueryMock.elements = [div] try {, action) } catch (error) { expect(error.message).toEqual(`No method named "${action}"`) } }) }) describe('getInstance', () => { it('should return null if there is no instance', () => { expect(ScrollSpy.getInstance(fixtureEl)).toEqual(null) }) }) describe('event handler', () => { it('should create scrollspy on window load event', () => { fixtureEl.innerHTML = '<div data-spy="scroll"></div>' const scrollSpyEl = fixtureEl.querySelector('div') window.dispatchEvent(createEvent('load')) expect(ScrollSpy.getInstance(scrollSpyEl)).not.toBeNull() }) }) })