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synced 2025-03-10 10:29:23 +01:00
This changes the order of component variations throughout the repo (code and docs) to be more consistent. The order now used everywhere is the one most frequently found in the repo before: Default, Primary, Success, Info, Warning, Danger
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// Load core variables and mixins
// --------------------------------------------------
@import "variables.less";
@import "mixins.less";
// Buttons
// --------------------------------------------------
// Common styles
.btn-danger {
text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2);
@shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15), 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075);
// Reset the shadow
&.active {
.box-shadow(inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125));
// Mixin for generating new styles
.btn-styles(@btn-color: #555) {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: @btn-color; @end-color: darken(@btn-color, 12%));
.reset-filter(); // Disable gradients for IE9 because filter bleeds through rounded corners
background-repeat: repeat-x;
border-color: darken(@btn-color, 14%);
&:focus {
background-color: darken(@btn-color, 12%);
background-position: 0 -15px;
&.active {
background-color: darken(@btn-color, 12%);
border-color: darken(@btn-color, 14%);
// Common styles
.btn {
// Remove the gradient for the pressed/active state
&.active {
background-image: none;
// Apply the mixin to the buttons
.btn-default { .btn-styles(@btn-default-bg); text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; border-color: #ccc; }
.btn-primary { .btn-styles(@btn-primary-bg); }
.btn-success { .btn-styles(@btn-success-bg); }
.btn-info { .btn-styles(@btn-info-bg); }
.btn-warning { .btn-styles(@btn-warning-bg); }
.btn-danger { .btn-styles(@btn-danger-bg); }
// Images
// --------------------------------------------------
.img-thumbnail {
.box-shadow(0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.075));
// Dropdowns
// --------------------------------------------------
.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,
.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: @dropdown-link-hover-bg; @end-color: darken(@dropdown-link-hover-bg, 5%));
background-color: darken(@dropdown-link-hover-bg, 5%);
.dropdown-menu > .active > a,
.dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover,
.dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: @dropdown-link-active-bg; @end-color: darken(@dropdown-link-active-bg, 5%));
background-color: darken(@dropdown-link-active-bg, 5%);
// Navbar
// --------------------------------------------------
// Default navbar
.navbar-default {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: lighten(@navbar-default-bg, 10%); @end-color: @navbar-default-bg);
.reset-filter(); // Remove gradient in IE<10 to fix bug where dropdowns don't get triggered
border-radius: @navbar-border-radius;
@shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15), 0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.075);
.navbar-nav > .active > a {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: darken(@navbar-default-bg, 5%); @end-color: darken(@navbar-default-bg, 2%));
.box-shadow(inset 0 3px 9px rgba(0,0,0,.075));
.navbar-nav > li > a {
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.25);
// Inverted navbar
.navbar-inverse {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: lighten(@navbar-inverse-bg, 10%); @end-color: @navbar-inverse-bg);
.reset-filter(); // Remove gradient in IE<10 to fix bug where dropdowns don't get triggered
.navbar-nav > .active > a {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: @navbar-inverse-bg; @end-color: lighten(@navbar-inverse-bg, 2.5%));
.box-shadow(inset 0 3px 9px rgba(0,0,0,.25));
.navbar-nav > li > a {
text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.25);
// Undo rounded corners in static and fixed navbars
.navbar-fixed-bottom {
border-radius: 0;
// Alerts
// --------------------------------------------------
// Common styles
.alert {
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.2);
@shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.25), 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.05);
// Mixin for generating new styles
.alert-styles(@color) {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: @color; @end-color: darken(@color, 7.5%));
border-color: darken(@color, 15%);
// Apply the mixin to the alerts
.alert-success { .alert-styles(@alert-success-bg); }
.alert-info { .alert-styles(@alert-info-bg); }
.alert-warning { .alert-styles(@alert-warning-bg); }
.alert-danger { .alert-styles(@alert-danger-bg); }
// Progress bars
// --------------------------------------------------
// Give the progress background some depth
.progress {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: darken(@progress-bg, 4%); @end-color: @progress-bg)
// Mixin for generating new styles
.progress-bar-styles(@color) {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: @color; @end-color: darken(@color, 10%));
// Apply the mixin to the progress bars
.progress-bar { .progress-bar-styles(@progress-bar-bg); }
.progress-bar-success { .progress-bar-styles(@progress-bar-success-bg); }
.progress-bar-info { .progress-bar-styles(@progress-bar-info-bg); }
.progress-bar-warning { .progress-bar-styles(@progress-bar-warning-bg); }
.progress-bar-danger { .progress-bar-styles(@progress-bar-danger-bg); }
// List groups
// --------------------------------------------------
.list-group {
border-radius: @border-radius-base;
.box-shadow(0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.075));
.list-group-item.active:focus {
text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 darken(@list-group-active-bg, 10%);
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: @list-group-active-bg; @end-color: darken(@list-group-active-bg, 7.5%));
border-color: darken(@list-group-active-border, 7.5%);
// Panels
// --------------------------------------------------
// Common styles
.panel {
.box-shadow(0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.05));
// Mixin for generating new styles
.panel-heading-styles(@color) {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: @color; @end-color: darken(@color, 5%));
// Apply the mixin to the panel headings only
.panel-default > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-default-heading-bg); }
.panel-primary > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-primary-heading-bg); }
.panel-success > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-success-heading-bg); }
.panel-info > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-info-heading-bg); }
.panel-warning > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-warning-heading-bg); }
.panel-danger > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-danger-heading-bg); }
// Wells
// --------------------------------------------------
.well {
#gradient > .vertical(@start-color: darken(@well-bg, 5%); @end-color: @well-bg);
border-color: darken(@well-bg, 10%);
@shadow: inset 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.05), 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.1);