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synced 2025-03-11 11:29:26 +01:00
138 lines
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Executable File
138 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable File
Chili is the jQuery code highlighter plugin
LICENSE: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
WEBSITE: http://noteslog.com/chili/
Copyright 2008 / Andrea Ercolino
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* this recipe uses a little trick for highlighting php code
* 1: replace each php snippet with a placeholder
* 2: highlight html without php and php snippets apart
* 3: replace each placeholder with its highlighted php snippet
* the trick is not perfect only if the html without php is broken
* however, in such a case many highlighters get fooled but Chili does not
* ---
* this recipe has been adapted for working with Safari
* in fact, Safari cannot match more than 101236 characters with a lazy star
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
_name: "php"
, _case: true
, _main: {
all: {
_match: /[\w\W]*/
, _replace: function( all ) {
var placeholder = String.fromCharCode(0);
var blocks = [];
var that = this;
var no_php_1 = all.replace( /<\?[^?]*\?+(?:[^>][^?]*\?+)*>/g, function( block ) {
blocks.push( that.x( block, '/block/php_1' ) );
return placeholder;
} );
var no_php_2 = no_php_1.replace( /^[^?]*\?+(?:[^>][^?]*\?+)*>|<\?[\w\W]*$/g, function( block ) {
blocks.push( that.x( block, '/block/php_2' ) );
return placeholder;
} );
if( blocks.length ) {
var html = this.x( no_php_2, 'html' );
var count = 0;
return html.replace( new RegExp( placeholder, "g" ), function() {
return blocks[ count++ ];
} );
else {
return this.x( all, '/php' );
, block: {
php_1: { // --- <? +++ ?> ---
_match: /(<\?(?:php\b)?)([^?]*\?+(?:[^>][^?]*\?+)*>)/
, _replace: function( all, open, content ) {
return "<span class='start'>" + this.x( open ) + "</span>"
+ this.x( content.replace( /\?>$/, '' ), '/php' )
+ "<span class='end'>" + this.x( '?>' ) + "</span>";
, _style: {
start: "color: red; font-weight: bold"
, end: "color: red;"
, php_2: { // +++ ?> --- <? +++
_match: /([^?]*\?+(?:[^>][^?]*\?+)*>)|(<\?(?:php\b)?)([\w\W]*)/
, _replace: function( all, content, open2, content2 ) {
if( open2 ) {
return "<span class='start'>" + this.x( open2 ) + "</span>"
+ this.x( content2, '/php' );
else {
return this.x( content.replace( /\?>$/, '' ), '/php' )
+ "<span class='end'>" + this.x( '?>' ) + "</span>";
, _style: {
start: "color: red; font-weight: bold"
, end: "color: red;"
, php: {
mlcom: {
_match: /\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/][^*]*\*+)*\//
, _style: "color: gray;"
, com: {
_match: /(?:\/\/.*)|(?:[^\\]\#.*)/
, _style: "color: green;"
, string1: {
_match: /\'[^\'\\]*(?:\\.[^\'\\]*)*\'/
, _style: "color: purple;"
, string2: {
_match: /\"[^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*\"/
, _style: "color: fuchsia;"
, value: {
_match: /\b(?:[Nn][Uu][Ll][Ll]|[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee])\b/
, _style: "color: gray; font-weight: bold;"
, number: {
_match: /\b[+-]?(\d*\.?\d+|\d+\.?\d*)([eE][+-]?\d+)?\b/
, _style: "color: red;"
, const1: {
, _style: "color: red;"
, const2: {
, _style: "color: red;"
, global: {
_match: /(?:\$GLOBALS|\$_COOKIE|\$_ENV|\$_FILES|\$_GET|\$_POST|\$_REQUEST|\$_SERVER|\$_SESSION|\$php_errormsg)\b/
, _style: "color: red;"
, keyword: {
_match: /\b(?:__CLASS__|__FILE__|__FUNCTION__|__LINE__|__METHOD__|abstract|and|array|as|break|case|catch|cfunction|class|clone|const|continue|declare|default|die|do|echo|else|elseif|empty|enddeclare|endfor|endforeach|endif|endswitch|endwhile|eval|exception|exit|extends|extends|final|for|foreach|function|global|if|implements|include|include_once|interface|isset|list|new|old_function|or|php_user_filter|print|private|protected|public|require|require_once|return|static|switch|this|throw|try|unset|use|var|while|xor)\b/
, _style: "color: navy; font-weight: bold;"
, variable: {
_match: /\$(\w+)/
, _replace: '<span class="keyword">$</span><span class="variable">$1</span>'
, _style: "color: #4040c2;"
, heredoc: {
_match: /(\<\<\<\s*)(\w+)((?:(?!\2).*\n)+)(\2)\b/
, _replace: '<span class="keyword">$1</span><span class="string1">$2</span><span class="string2">$3</span><span class="string1">$4</span>'
} |