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synced 2024-12-01 13:24:25 +01:00
Fixes #21023. Uses some math functions to determine what the offset should be. This is helpful for those who customize the size of their indicators and still want them vertically centered.
263 lines
6.8 KiB
263 lines
6.8 KiB
// scss-lint:disable PropertyCount
// Embedded icons from Open Iconic.
// Released under MIT and copyright 2014 Waybury.
// https://useiconic.com/open
// Checkboxes and radios
// Base class takes care of all the key behavioral aspects.
.custom-control {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
padding-left: $custom-control-gutter;
cursor: pointer;
+ .custom-control {
margin-left: $custom-control-spacer-x;
.custom-control-input {
position: absolute;
z-index: -1; // Put the input behind the label so it doesn't overlay text
opacity: 0;
&:checked ~ .custom-control-indicator {
color: $custom-control-checked-indicator-color;
background-color: $custom-control-checked-indicator-bg;
@include box-shadow($custom-control-checked-indicator-box-shadow);
&:focus ~ .custom-control-indicator {
// the mixin is not used here to make sure there is feedback
box-shadow: $custom-control-focus-indicator-box-shadow;
&:active ~ .custom-control-indicator {
color: $custom-control-active-indicator-color;
background-color: $custom-control-active-indicator-bg;
@include box-shadow($custom-control-active-indicator-box-shadow);
&:disabled {
~ .custom-control-indicator {
cursor: $custom-control-disabled-cursor;
background-color: $custom-control-disabled-indicator-bg;
~ .custom-control-description {
color: $custom-control-disabled-description-color;
cursor: $custom-control-disabled-cursor;
// Custom indicator
// Generates a shadow element to create our makeshift checkbox/radio background.
.custom-control-indicator {
position: absolute;
top: (($line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size) / 2);
left: 0;
display: block;
width: $custom-control-indicator-size;
height: $custom-control-indicator-size;
pointer-events: none;
user-select: none;
background-color: $custom-control-indicator-bg;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center center;
background-size: $custom-control-indicator-bg-size;
@include box-shadow($custom-control-indicator-box-shadow);
// Checkboxes
// Tweak just a few things for checkboxes.
.custom-checkbox {
.custom-control-indicator {
@include border-radius($custom-checkbox-radius);
.custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-indicator {
background-image: $custom-checkbox-checked-icon;
.custom-control-input:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-indicator {
background-color: $custom-checkbox-indeterminate-bg;
background-image: $custom-checkbox-indeterminate-icon;
@include box-shadow($custom-checkbox-indeterminate-box-shadow);
// Radios
// Tweak just a few things for radios.
.custom-radio {
.custom-control-indicator {
border-radius: $custom-radio-radius;
.custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-indicator {
background-image: $custom-radio-checked-icon;
// Layout options
// By default radios and checkboxes are `inline-block` with no additional spacing
// set. Use these optional classes to tweak the layout.
.custom-controls-stacked {
.custom-control {
float: left;
clear: left;
+ .custom-control {
margin-left: 0;
// Select
// Replaces the browser default select with a custom one, mostly pulled from
// http://primercss.io.
// Includes IE9-specific hacks (noted by ` \9`).
.custom-select {
display: inline-block;
max-width: 100%;
$select-border-width: ($border-width * 2);
height: calc(#{$input-height} - #{$select-border-width});
padding: $custom-select-padding-y ($custom-select-padding-x + $custom-select-indicator-padding) $custom-select-padding-y $custom-select-padding-x;
padding-right: $custom-select-padding-x \9;
color: $custom-select-color;
vertical-align: middle;
background: $custom-select-bg $custom-select-indicator no-repeat right $custom-select-padding-x center;
background-image: none \9;
background-size: $custom-select-bg-size;
border: $custom-select-border-width solid $custom-select-border-color;
@include border-radius($custom-select-border-radius);
// Use vendor prefixes as `appearance` isn't part of the CSS spec.
-moz-appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
&:focus {
border-color: $custom-select-focus-border-color;
outline: none;
@include box-shadow($custom-select-focus-box-shadow);
&::-ms-value {
// For visual consistency with other platforms/browsers,
// supress the default white text on blue background highlight given to
// the selected option text when the (still closed) <select> receives focus
// in IE and (under certain conditions) Edge.
// See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/19398.
color: $input-color;
background-color: $input-bg;
&:disabled {
color: $custom-select-disabled-color;
cursor: $cursor-disabled;
background-color: $custom-select-disabled-bg;
// Hides the default caret in IE11
&::-ms-expand {
opacity: 0;
.custom-select-sm {
padding-top: $custom-select-padding-y;
padding-bottom: $custom-select-padding-y;
font-size: $custom-select-sm-font-size;
// &:not([multiple]) {
// height: 26px;
// min-height: 26px;
// }
// File
// Custom file input.
.custom-file {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
max-width: 100%;
height: $custom-file-height;
cursor: pointer;
.custom-file-input {
min-width: $custom-file-width;
max-width: 100%;
margin: 0;
filter: alpha(opacity = 0);
opacity: 0;
&:focus ~ .custom-file-control {
@include box-shadow($custom-file-focus-box-shadow);
.custom-file-control {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 5;
height: $custom-file-height;
padding: $custom-file-padding-x $custom-file-padding-y;
line-height: $custom-file-line-height;
color: $custom-file-color;
user-select: none;
background-color: $custom-file-bg;
border: $custom-file-border-width solid $custom-file-border-color;
@include border-radius($custom-file-border-radius);
@include box-shadow($custom-file-box-shadow);
@each $lang, $text in map-get($custom-file-text, placeholder) {
&:lang(#{$lang})::after {
content: $text;
&::before {
position: absolute;
top: -$custom-file-border-width;
right: -$custom-file-border-width;
bottom: -$custom-file-border-width;
z-index: 6;
display: block;
height: $custom-file-height;
padding: $custom-file-padding-x $custom-file-padding-y;
line-height: $custom-file-line-height;
color: $custom-file-button-color;
background-color: $custom-file-button-bg;
border: $custom-file-border-width solid $custom-file-border-color;
@include border-radius(0 $custom-file-border-radius $custom-file-border-radius 0);
@each $lang, $text in map-get($custom-file-text, button-label) {
&:lang(#{$lang})::before {
content: $text;