mirror of https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git synced 2024-12-13 01:08:58 +01:00
XhmikosR 545a650035
Some checks failed
BrowserStack / browserstack (push) Has been cancelled
Bundlewatch / bundlewatch (push) Has been cancelled
CodeQL / Analyze (push) Has been cancelled
cspell / cspell (push) Has been cancelled
CSS / css (push) Has been cancelled
Docs / docs (push) Has been cancelled
JS Tests / JS Tests (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / lint (push) Has been cancelled
CSS (node-sass) / css (push) Has been cancelled
Release notes / update_release_draft (push) Has been cancelled
docs: move fathom site to hugo config (#39781)
2024-03-13 11:43:02 +02:00

2 lines
119 B

<script defer src="https://cdn.usefathom.com/script.js" data-site="{{ .Site.Params.analytics.fathom_site }}"></script>