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2012-01-23 14:14:16 -08:00

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* Copyright 2011 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var Hogan = Hogan || require('../lib/hogan')
, doc = this["document"]
function testScanTextNoTags() {
var text = "<h2>hi</h2>";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 1, "One token");
is(tokens[0]+'', text, "text is equal to first token");
function testScanOneTag() {
var text = "{{hmm}}";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 1, "One token");
is(tokens[0].n, "hmm", "First token content is variable name.");
function testScanMultipleTags() {
var text = "asdf{{hmm}}asdf2{{hmm2}}asdf3";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 5, "3 text tokens, 2 tag tokens.");
is(tokens[0]+'', "asdf", "first token is text");
is(tokens[1].n, "hmm", "second token is tag");
is(tokens[1].tag, "_v", "second token is a variable");
is(tokens[2]+'', "asdf2", "third token is text");
is(tokens[3].n, "hmm2", "fourth token is tag");
is(tokens[3].tag, "_v", "fourth token is a variable");
is(tokens[4]+'', "asdf3", "Fifth token is text");
function testScanSectionOpen() {
var text = "{{#hmm}}";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 1, "One token");
is(tokens[0].n, "hmm", "First token content is variable name.");
is(tokens[0].tag, "#", "First token is a section.");
function testScanSectionClose() {
var text = "{{/hmm}}";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 1, "One token");
is(tokens[0].n, "hmm", "First token content is variable name.");
is(tokens[0].tag, "/", "First token is a section.");
function testScanSection() {
var text = "{{#hmm}}{{/hmm}}";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 2, "One token");
is(tokens[0].n, "hmm", "First token content is variable name.");
is(tokens[0].tag, "#", "First token is a section.");
is(tokens[1].n, "hmm", "Second token content is variable name.");
is(tokens[1].tag, "/", "Second token is a section.");
function testScanSectionInContent() {
var text = "abc{{#hmm}}def{{/hmm}}ghi";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 5, "3 text tokens, 2 tag tokens.");
is(tokens[0]+'', "abc", "first token is text");
is(tokens[1].n, "hmm", "second token is tag");
is(tokens[1].tag, "#", "second token is a variable");
is(tokens[2]+'', "def", "third token is text");
is(tokens[3].n, "hmm", "fourth token is tag");
is(tokens[3].tag, "/", "fourth token is a variable");
is(tokens[4]+'', "ghi", "Fifth token is text");
function testScanNegativeSection() {
var text = "{{^hmm}}{{/hmm}}";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 2, "One token");
is(tokens[0].n, "hmm", "First token content is variable name.");
is(tokens[0].tag, "^", "First token is a negative section.");
is(tokens[1].n, "hmm", "First token content is variable name.");
is(tokens[1].tag, "/", "Second token is a section.");
function testScanPartial() {
var text = "{{>hmm}}";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 1, "One token");
is(tokens[0].n, "hmm", "First token content is variable name.");
is(tokens[0].tag, ">", "First token is a partial.");
function testScanBackwardPartial() {
var text = "{{<hmm}}";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 1, "One token");
is(tokens[0].n, "hmm", "First token content is variable name.");
is(tokens[0].tag, "<", "First token is a backward partial.");
function testScanAmpersandNoEscapeTag() {
var text = "{{&hmm}}";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 1, "One token");
is(tokens[0].n, "hmm", "First token content is variable name.");
is(tokens[0].tag, "&", "First token is an ampersand no-escape.");
function testScanTripleStache() {
var text = "{{{hmm}}}";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 1, "One token");
is(tokens[0].n, "hmm", "First token content is variable name.");
is(tokens[0].tag, "{", "First token is a triple-stache.");
function testScanSectionWithTripleStacheInside() {
var text = "a{{#yo}}b{{{hmm}}}c{{/yo}}d";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 7, "One token");
is(tokens[0]+'', "a", "First token content is correct text.");
is(tokens[1].n, "yo", "Second token content is correct text.");
is(tokens[1].tag, "#", "Second token is a section.");
is(tokens[2]+'', "b", "Third token content is correct text.");
is(tokens[3].n, "hmm", "Fourth token content is correct text.");
is(tokens[3].tag, "{", "Fourth token is a triple stache.");
is(tokens[4]+'', "c", "Fifth token content is correct text.");
is(tokens[5].n, "yo", "Sixth token content is correct text.");
is(tokens[5].tag, "/", "Sixth token is a close.");
is(tokens[6]+'', "d", "Seventh token content is correct text.");
function testScanSetDelimiter() {
var text = "a{{=<% %>=}}b";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 2, "change delimiter doesn't appear as token.");
is(tokens[0]+'', "a", "text before change delimiter is processed.");
is(tokens[1]+'', "b", "text after change delimiter is processed.");
function testScanResetDelimiter() {
var text = "a{{=<% %>=}}b<%hmm%>c<%={{ }}=%>d{{hmm}}";
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
is(tokens.length, 6, "8 tokens, delimiter changes don't count.");
is(tokens[0]+'', "a", "first token is correct.");
is(tokens[1]+'', "b", "third token is correct.");
is(tokens[2].tag, "_v", "third token is correct tag.");
is(tokens[2].n, "hmm", "third token is correct name.");
is(tokens[3]+'', "c", "fifth token is correct.");
is(tokens[4]+'', "d", "seventh token is correct.");
is(tokens[5].tag, "_v", "eighth token is correct tag.");
is(tokens[5].n, "hmm", "eighth token is correct name.");
function testSingleCharDelimiter() {
var text = '({{foo}} {{=[ ]=}}[text])';
var tokens = Hogan.scan(text);
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
s = t.render({foo: "bar", text: 'It worked!'});
is(s, '(bar It worked!)', "Hogan substitution worked after custom delimiters.");
function testSetDelimiterWithWhitespace() {
var text = "{{= | | =}}|foo|";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
s = t.render({foo: "bar"});
is(s, 'bar', "custom delimiters with whitespace works.")
function testParseBasic() {
var text = "test";
var tree = Hogan.parse(Hogan.scan(text));
is(tree.length, 1, "one parse node");
is(tree[0]+'', "test", "text is correct");
function testParseVariables() {
var text = "test{{foo}}test!{{bar}}test!!{{baz}}test!!!";
var tree = Hogan.parse(Hogan.scan(text));
is(tree.length, 7, "one parse node");
is(tree[0]+'', "test", "first text is correct");
is(tree[2]+'', "test!", "second text is correct")
is(tree[4]+'', "test!!", "third text is correct")
is(tree[6]+'', "test!!!", "last text is correct")
is(tree[1].n, "foo", "first var is correct");
is(tree[3].n, "bar", "second var is correct");
is(tree[5].n, "baz", "third var is correct");
function testParseSection() {
var text = "a{{#foo}}b{{/foo}}c";
var tree = Hogan.parse(Hogan.scan(text));
is(tree.length, 3, "three nodes at base");
is(tree[0]+'', "a", "correct text in first node");
is(tree[1].hasOwnProperty('nodes'), true, "second node is a section");
is(tree[1].tag, '#', "second node is a section");
is(tree[1].n, "foo", "correct name for section");
is(tree[1].nodes[0]+'', "b", "correct text in section");
is(tree[2]+'', "c", "correct text in last node");
function testParseIndexes() {
var text = "abc{{#foo}}asdf{{bar}}asdf{{/foo}}def";
var tree = Hogan.parse(Hogan.scan(text));
is(text.substring(tree[1].i, tree[1].end), "asdf{{bar}}asdf", "section text indexes are correct");
function testParseNegativeSection() {
var text = "a{{^foo}}b{{/foo}}c";
var tree = Hogan.parse(Hogan.scan(text));
is(tree.length, 3, "three nodes at base");
is(tree[0]+'', "a", "correct text in first node");
is(tree[1].hasOwnProperty('nodes'), true, "second node is a section");
is(tree[1].tag, '^', "second node is a negative section");
is(tree[1].n, "foo", "correct name for section");
is(tree[1].nodes[0]+'', "b", "correct text in section");
is(tree[2]+'', "c", "correct text in last node");
function testParseNestedSections() {
var text = "{{#bar}}{{#foo}}c{{/foo}}{{/bar}}"
var tree = Hogan.parse(Hogan.scan(text));
is(tree.length, 1, "one node at base");
is(tree[0].tag, "#", "open section is first node");
is(tree[0].n, "bar", "first section name is 'bar'");
is(tree[0].nodes.length, 1, "first section contains one node.");
is(tree[0].nodes[0].n, "foo", "correct name for nested section");
is(tree[0].nodes[0].nodes[0]+'', "c", "correct text in nested section");
function testMissingClosingTag() {
var text = "a{{#foo}}bc";
var msg = '';
try {
var tree = Hogan.parse(Hogan.scan(text));
} catch (e) {
msg = e.message;
is(msg, "missing closing tag: foo", "Error is generated");
function testBadNesting() {
var text = "a{{#foo}}{{#bar}}b{{/foo}}{{/bar}}c";
var msg = '';
try {
var tree = Hogan.parse(Hogan.scan(text));
} catch (e) {
msg = e.message;
is(msg, "Nesting error: bar vs. foo", "Error is generated");
function testBasicOutput() {
var text = "test";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
is(t.render(), text, "template renders one text node");
function testBasicOutputAsString() {
var text = "test";
var textFunc = Hogan.compile(text, true);
is(textFunc, "function(context, partials){this.buffer.push('test');};", "template renders correct text function.");
function testOneVariable() {
var text = "test {{foo}} test";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo:'bar'});
is(s, "test bar test", "basic variable substitution works.");
function testOneVariableAsString() {
var text = "test {{foo}} test";
var funcText = Hogan.compile(text, true);
is(funcText, "function(context, partials){this.buffer.push('test ');\nthis.buffer.push(this.find('foo', context));\nthis.buffer.push(' test');};",
"Function text is correct with variable substitution.");
function testRenderWithWhitespace() {
var text = "{{ string }}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
is(t.render({string: "---" }), "---", "tags with whitespace render correctly.");
function testRenderWithWhitespaceAroundTripleStache() {
var text = " {{{string}}}\n";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
is(t.render({string: "---" }), " ---\n", "triple stache surrounded by whitespace render correctly.");
function testRenderWithWhitespaceAroundAmpersand() {
var text = " {{& string }}\n";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
is(t.render({string: "---" }), " ---\n", "ampersand surrounded by whitespace render correctly.");
function testMultipleVariables() {
var text = "test {{foo}} test {{bar}} test {{baz}} test {{foo}} test";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo:'42', bar: '43', baz: '44'});
is(s, "test 42 test 43 test 44 test 42 test", "all variables render correctly.");
function testNumberValues() {
var text = "integer: {{foo}} float: {{bar}} negative: {{baz}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo: 42, bar: 42.42, baz: -42});
is(s, "integer: 42 float: 42.42 negative: -42", "numbers render correctly");
function testObjectRender() {
var text = "object: {{foo}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo: {}});
is(s, "object: [object Object]", "objects render default toString.");
function testObjectToStringRender() {
var text = "object: {{foo}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo: {toString: function(){ return "yo!"}}});
is(s, "object: yo!", "objects render supplied toString.");
function testArrayRender() {
var text = "array: {{foo}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo: ["a","b","c"]});
is(s, "array: a,b,c", "arrays render default toString.");
function testEscaping() {
var text = "{{foo}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render();
var s = t.render({foo: "< > <div> \' \" &"});
is(s, "&lt; &gt; &lt;div&gt; &#39; &quot; &amp;", "input correctly escaped.");
var ec ={ "'": "&#39;", '"': "&quot;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", "&": "&amp;"}
for (var char in ec) {
var s = t.render({foo: char + " just me"});
is(s, ec[char] + " just me", "input correctly escaped.");
function testMustacheInjection() {
var text = "{{foo}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
s = t.render({foo:"{{{<42}}}"})
is(s, "{{{&lt;42}}}", "Can't inject mustache");
function testTripleStache() {
var text = "{{{foo}}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo: "< > <div> \' \" &"});
is(s, "< > <div> \' \" &", "input correctly not-escaped.");
function testAmpNoEscaping() {
var text = "{{&foo}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo: "< > <div> \' \" &"});
is(s, "< > <div> \' \" &", "input correctly not-escaped.");
function testPartial() {
var partialText = "this is text from the partial--the magic number {{foo}} is from a variable";
var p = Hogan.compile(partialText);
var text = "This template contains a partial ({{>testPartial}})."
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo: 42}, {testPartial: p});
is(s, "This template contains a partial (this is text from the partial--the magic number 42 is from a variable).", "partials work");
function testNestedPartials() {
var partialText = "this is text from the partial--the magic number {{foo}} is from a variable";
var p = Hogan.compile(partialText);
var partialText2 = "This template contains a partial ({{>testPartial}})."
var p2 = Hogan.compile(partialText2);
var text = "This template contains a partial that contains a partial [{{>testPartial2}}]."
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo: 42}, {testPartial: p, testPartial2: p2});
is(s, "This template contains a partial that contains a partial [This template contains a partial (this is text from the partial--the magic number 42 is from a variable).].", "nested partials work");
function testNegativeSection() {
var text = "This template {{^foo}}BOO {{/foo}}contains an inverted section."
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render();
is(s, "This template BOO contains an inverted section.", "inverted sections with no context work");
s = t.render({foo:[]});
is(s, "This template BOO contains an inverted section.", "inverted sections with empty list context work");
s = t.render({ foo:false });
is(s, "This template BOO contains an inverted section.", "inverted sections with false context work");
s = t.render({foo:''});
is(s, "This template contains an inverted section.", "inverted sections with empty string context work");
s = t.render({foo:true});
is(s, "This template contains an inverted section.", "inverted sections with true context work");
s = t.render({foo: function() { return false; }});
is(s, "This template BOO contains an inverted section.", "inverted sections with false returning method in context work");
function testSectionElision() {
var text = "This template {{#foo}}BOO {{/foo}}contains a section."
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render();
is(s, "This template contains a section.", "sections with no context work");
s = t.render({foo:[]});
is(s, "This template contains a section.", "sections with empty list context work");
s = t.render({foo:false});
is(s, "This template contains a section.", "sections with false context work");
function testSectionObjectContext() {
var text = "This template {{#foo}}{{bar}} {{/foo}}contains a section."
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo:{bar:42}});
is(s, "This template 42 contains a section.", "sections with object context work");
function testSectionArrayContext() {
var text = "This template {{#foo}}{{bar}} {{/foo}}contains a section."
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo:[{bar:42}, {bar:43}, {bar:44}]});
is(s, "This template 42 43 44 contains a section.", "sections with object ctx and array values work");
function testFalsyVariableNoRender() {
var text = "I ({{cannot}}) be seen!";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render();
is(s, "I () be seen!", "missing value doesn't render.");
function testSectionExtensions() {
var text = "Test {{_//|__foo}}bar{{/foo}}";
var options = {sectionTags:[{o:'_//|__foo', c:'foo'}]};
var tree = Hogan.parse(Hogan.scan(text), options);
is(tree[1].tag, "#", "_//|__foo node transformed to section");
is(tree[1].n, "_//|__foo", "_//|__foo node transformed to section");
var t = Hogan.compile(text, options );
var s = t.render({'_//|__foo':true});
is(s, "Test bar", "Custom sections work");
function testMisnestedSectionExtensions() {
var text = "Test {{__foo}}bar{{/bar}}";
var options = {sectionTags:[{o:'__foo', c:'foo'}, {o:'__bar', c:'bar'}]};
var msg = '';
try {
var tree = Hogan.parse(Hogan.scan(text), options);
} catch (e) {
msg = e.message;
is(msg, "Nesting error: __foo vs. bar", "Error is generated");
function testNestedSection() {
var text = "{{#foo}}{{#bar}}{{baz}}{{/bar}}{{/foo}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo: 42, bar: 42, baz:42});
is(s, "42", "can reach up context stack");
function testDottedNames() {
var text = '"{{person.name}}" == "{{#person}}{{name}}{{/person}}"';
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({person:{name:'Joe'}});
is(s, '"Joe" == "Joe"', "dotted names work");
function testImplicitIterator() {
var text = '{{#stuff}} {{.}} {{/stuff}}';
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({stuff:[42,43,44]});
is(s, " 42 43 44 ", "implicit iterators work");
function testPartialsAndDelimiters() {
var text = '{{>include}}*\n{{= | | =}}\n*|>include|';
var partialText = ' .{{value}}. ';
var partial = Hogan.compile(partialText);
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({value:"yes"}, {'include':partial});
is(s, " .yes. *\n* .yes. ", "partials work around delimiters");
function testStringPartials() {
var text = "foo{{>mypartial}}baz";
var partialText = " bar ";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({}, {'mypartial': partialText});
is(s, "foo bar baz", "string partial works.");
function testMissingPartials() {
var text = "foo{{>mypartial}} bar";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({});
is(s, "foo bar", "missing partial works.");
function testIndentedStandaloneComment() {
var text = 'Begin.\n {{! Indented Comment Block! }}\nEnd.';
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render();
is(s, 'Begin.\nEnd.', "Standalone comment blocks are removed.");
function testNewLineBetweenDelimiterChanges() {
var data = { section: true, data: 'I got interpolated.' };
var text = '\n{{#section}}\n {{data}}\n |data|\n{{/section}}x\n\n{{= | | =}}\n|#section|\n {{data}}\n |data|\n|/section|';
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render(data);
is(s, '\n I got interpolated.\n |data|\nx\n\n {{data}}\n I got interpolated.\n', 'render correct')
function testMustacheJSApostrophe() {
var text = '{{apos}}{{control}}';
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({'apos':"'", 'control':"X"});
is(s, '&#39;X', 'Apostrophe is escaped.');
function testMustacheJSArrayOfImplicitPartials() {
var text = 'Here is some stuff!\n{{#numbers}}\n{{>partial}}\n{{/numbers}}\n';
var partialText = '{{.}}\n';
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({numbers:[1,2,3,4]}, {partial: partialText});
is(s, 'Here is some stuff!\n1\n2\n3\n4\n', 'Partials with implicit iterators work.');
function testMustacheJSArrayOfPartials() {
var text = 'Here is some stuff!\n{{#numbers}}\n{{>partial}}\n{{/numbers}}\n';
var partialText = '{{i}}\n';
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({numbers:[{i:1},{i:2},{i:3},{i:4}]}, {partial: partialText});
is(s, 'Here is some stuff!\n1\n2\n3\n4\n', 'Partials with arrays work.');
function testMustacheJSArrayOfStrings() {
var text = '{{#strings}}{{.}} {{/strings}}';
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({strings:['foo', 'bar', 'baz']});
is(s, 'foo bar baz ', 'array of strings works with implicit iterators.');
function testMustacheJSUndefinedString() {
var text = 'foo{{bar}}baz';
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({bar:undefined});
is(s, 'foobaz', 'undefined value does not render.');
function testMustacheJSTripleStacheAltDelimiter() {
var text = '{{=<% %>=}}<% foo %> {{foo}} <%{bar}%> {{{bar}}}';
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({foo:'yeah', bar:'hmm'});
is(s, 'yeah {{foo}} hmm {{{bar}}}', 'triple stache inside alternate delimiter works.');
/* shootout benchmark tests */
function testShootOutString() {
var text = "Hello World!";
var expected = "Hello World!"
var t = Hogan.compile(text)
var s = t.render({})
is(s, expected, "Shootout String compiled correctly");
function testShootOutReplace() {
var text = "Hello {{name}}! You have {{count}} new messages.";
var expected = "Hello Mick! You have 30 new messages.";
var t = Hogan.compile(text)
var s = t.render({ name: "Mick", count: 30 })
is(s, expected, "Shootout Replace compiled correctly");
function testShootOutArray() {
var text = "{{#names}}{{name}}{{/names}}";
var expected = "MoeLarryCurlyShemp";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({ names: [{name: "Moe"}, {name: "Larry"}, {name: "Curly"}, {name: "Shemp"}] })
is(s, expected, "Shootout Array compiled correctly");
function testShootOutObject() {
var text = "{{#person}}{{name}}{{age}}{{/person}}";
var expected = "Larry45";
var t = Hogan.compile(text)
var s = t.render({ person: { name: "Larry", age: 45 } })
is(s, expected, "Shootout Object compiled correctly");
function testShootOutPartial() {
var text = "{{#peeps}}{{>replace}}{{/peeps}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var partial = Hogan.compile(" Hello {{name}}! You have {{count}} new messages.");
var s = t.render({ peeps: [{name: "Moe", count: 15}, {name: "Larry", count: 5}, {name: "Curly", count: 2}] }, { replace: partial });
var expected = " Hello Moe! You have 15 new messages. Hello Larry! You have 5 new messages. Hello Curly! You have 2 new messages.";
is(s, expected, "Shootout Partial compiled correctly");
function testShootOutRecurse() {
var text = "{{name}}{{#kids}}{{>recursion}}{{/kids}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var partial = Hogan.compile("{{name}}{{#kids}}{{>recursion}}{{/kids}}");
var s = t.render({
name: '1',
kids: [
name: '1.1',
kids: [
{ name: '1.1.1', kids: [] }
}, { recursion: partial });
var expected = "";
is(s, expected, "Shootout Recurse compiled correctly");
function testShootOutFilter() {
var text = "{{#filter}}foo {{bar}}{{/filter}}";
var t = Hogan.compile(text);
var s = t.render({
filter: function() {
return function(text, render) {
return render(text).toUpperCase();
bar: "bar"
var expected = "FOO BAR"
is(s, expected, "Shootout Filter compiled correctly");
function testShootOutComplex() {
var text =
"<h1>{{header}}</h1>" +
"{{#hasItems}}" +
"<ul>" +
"{{#items}}" +
"{{#current}}" +
"<li><strong>{{name}}</strong></li>" +
"{{/current}}" +
"{{^current}}" +
"<li><a href=\"{{url}}\">{{name}}</a></li>" +
"{{/current}}" +
"{{/items}}" +
"</ul>" +
"{{/hasItems}}" +
"{{^hasItems}}" +
"<p>The list is empty.</p>" +
var expected = "<h1>Colors</h1><ul><li><strong>red</strong></li><li><a href=\"#Green\">green</a></li><li><a href=\"#Blue\">blue</a></li></ul>";
var t = Hogan.compile(text)
var s = t.render({
header: function() {
return "Colors";
items: [
{name: "red", current: true, url: "#Red"},
{name: "green", current: false, url: "#Green"},
{name: "blue", current: false, url: "#Blue"}
hasItems: function() {
return this.items.length !== 0;
empty: function() {
return this.items.length === 0;
is(s, expected, "Shootout Complex compiled correctly");
function testRenderOutput() {
if (doc) return
var fs = require('fs');
var inPath = 'test/templates';
var outPath = 'test/html';
fs.readdirSync(inPath).forEach(function (file) {
var i = fs.readFileSync([inPath, file].join('/'), 'utf-8');
var t = Hogan.compile(i);
var r = t.render({});
var o = fs.readFileSync([outPath, file].join('/').replace(/mustache$/, 'html')).toString();
is(r === o, true, file + ' should correctly render html')
function testDefaultRenderImpl() {
var ht = new Hogan.Template();
is(ht.render() === '', true, 'default renderImpl returns an array.');
function appendText(el, text) {
var textNode = document.createTextNode(text);
if (!this["output"]) {
var output = function (s) {
return doc ? appendText(doc.getElementById('console'), s) : console.log(s);
var passed = 0;
var failed = 0;
function is(got, expected, msg) {
if (got === expected) {
output("OK: " + msg);
} else {
output("FAIL: " + msg);
output("Expected |" + expected + "|");
output(" Got |" + got + "|");
function complete() {
output("\nTests Complete");
output("Passed: " + passed);
output("Failed: " + failed);
function runTests() {
output("Tests Starting");
if (doc) {
window.onload = runTests;
} else {