Patrick H. Lauke 24abed1336 Fix keyboard handling of button-style checkbox/radio button groups (#28834)
- adds more defensive checks to make sure no unnecessary toggling happens on disabled buttons; this also fixes an up-to-now undiscovered bug where a toggle button with `.disabled` class would still have its `aria-pressed` toggled
- adds a set of explicit tests for the above case of disabled buttons and `aria-pressed`
- remove a now irrelevant (or at least very nonsensical) test for `<label>` containing both an actionable and a `hidden` `<input>`
- expand the test for disabled checkbox to also explicitly test starting conditions (used mainly in my debugging)
- ensure that `$btn[0].click()` is used to click checkboxes in tests, rather than the `click()` on the jquery object which is simply a shorthand for `trigger('click')` and does not actually trigger the browser default behavior
- remove the `preventDefault()` from the button handling, which was preventing correct keyboard functionality for checkboxes/radio buttons
- add extra logic to the button.js code to handle checkboxes correctly and avoid double-triggering as a result of mouse interactions (which saw the checkboxes being toggled twice, thus returning them to their original state)
- add logic that prevents the `checked` property from being added incorrectly for any inputs other than radio buttons and checkboxes
- added more tests (including the most basic test for a properly triggered fake checkbox button)
- work around Firefox bug #1540995 (which this code was hitting after removing the `preventDefault()`, due to Firefox's incorrect toggling of disabled checkboxes when programmatically (but not manually) activated with a `click()` event
2019-06-18 15:02:58 +03:00
2019-05-09 21:30:32 +03:00

How does Bootstrap's test suite work?

Bootstrap uses QUnit and Sinon. Each plugin has a file dedicated to its tests in unit/<plugin-name>.js.

  • unit/ contains the unit test files for each Bootstrap plugin.
  • vendor/ contains third-party testing-related code (QUnit, jQuery and Sinon).
  • visual/ contains "visual" tests which are run interactively in real browsers and require manual verification by humans.

To run the unit test suite via Karma, run npm run js-test.

To run the unit test suite via a real web browser, open index.html in the browser.

How do I add a new unit test?

  1. Locate and open the file dedicated to the plugin which you need to add tests to (unit/<plugin-name>.js).
  2. Review the QUnit API Documentation and use the existing tests as references for how to structure your new tests.
  3. Write the necessary unit test(s) for the new or revised functionality.
  4. Run npm run js-test to see the results of your newly-added test(s).

Note: Your new unit tests should fail before your changes are applied to the plugin, and should pass after your changes are applied to the plugin.

What should a unit test look like?

  • Each test should have a unique name clearly stating what unit is being tested.
  • Each test should test only one unit per test, although one test can include several assertions. Create multiple tests for multiple units of functionality.
  • Each test should begin with assert.expect to ensure that the expected assertions are run.
  • Each test should follow the project's JavaScript Code Guidelines

Code coverage

Currently we're aiming for at least 80% test coverage for our code. To ensure your changes meet or exceed this limit, run npm run js-compile && npm run js-test and open the file in js/coverage/lcov-report/index.html to see the code coverage for each plugin. See more details when you select a plugin and ensure your change is fully covered by unit tests.

Example tests

// Synchronous test
QUnit.test('should describe the unit being tested', function (assert) {
  var templateHTML = '<div class="alert alert-danger fade show">' +
        '<a class="close" href="#" data-dismiss="alert">×</a>' +
        '<p><strong>Template necessary for the test.</p>' +
  var $alert = $(templateHTML).appendTo('#qunit-fixture').bootstrapAlert()


  // Make assertion
  assert.strictEqual($alert.hasClass('show'), false, 'remove .show class on .close click')

// Asynchronous test
QUnit.test('should describe the unit being tested', function (assert) {
  var done = assert.async()

  var $tooltip = $('<div title="tooltip title"></div>').bootstrapTooltip()
  var tooltipInstance = $'bs.tooltip')
  var spyShow = sinon.spy(tooltipInstance, 'show')

    .on('', function () {
      assert.ok(true, '"shown" event was fired after calling "show"')
      assert.ok(spyShow.called, 'show called')