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XhmikosR 11037f8407
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docs: use urls.JoinPath in more places (#39778)
2024-03-22 11:50:03 +02:00

48 lines
2.1 KiB

<nav class="bd-links w-100" id="bd-docs-nav" aria-label="Docs navigation">
{{- $url := split .Permalink "/" -}}
{{- $page_slug := index $url (sub (len $url) 2) -}}
<ul class="bd-links-nav list-unstyled mb-0 pb-3 pb-md-2 pe-lg-2">
{{- range $group := .Site.Data.sidebar -}}
{{- $link := $group.title -}}
{{- $link_slug := $link | urlize -}}
{{- if $group.pages -}}
{{- $link = index $group.pages 0 -}}
{{- $link_slug = $link.title | urlize -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $group_slug := $group.title | urlize -}}
{{- $is_active_group := eq $.Page.Params.group $group_slug -}}
{{- if $group.pages }}
<li class="bd-links-group py-2">
<strong class="bd-links-heading d-flex w-100 align-items-center fw-semibold">
{{- if $group.icon }}
<svg class="bi me-2"{{- if $group.icon_color }} style="color: var(--bs-{{ $group.icon_color }});"{{- end }} aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#{{ $group.icon }}"></use></svg>
{{- end }}
{{ $group.title }}
<ul class="list-unstyled fw-normal pb-2 small">
{{- range $doc := $group.pages -}}
{{- $doc_slug := $doc.title | urlize -}}
{{- $is_active := and $is_active_group (eq $page_slug $doc_slug) -}}
{{- $href := urls.JoinPath "/docs" $.Site.Params.docs_version $group_slug $doc_slug "/" }}
<li><a href="{{ $href }}" class="bd-links-link d-inline-block rounded{{ if $is_active }} active{{ end }}"{{ if $is_active }} aria-current="page"{{ end }}>{{ $doc.title }}</a></li>
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
<li class="bd-links-span-all mt-1 mb-3 mx-4 border-top"></li>
<li class="bd-links-span-all">
{{- $href := urls.JoinPath "/docs" $.Site.Params.docs_version $group_slug "/" }}
<a href="{{ $href }}" class="bd-links-link d-inline-block rounded small{{ if $is_active_group }} active{{ end }}"{{ if $is_active_group }} aria-current="page"{{ end }}>
{{ $group.title }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}