mirror of https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git synced 2025-03-09 09:29:21 +01:00
XhmikosR fb4629f82e
Some checks failed
BrowserStack / browserstack (push) Has been skipped
Bundlewatch / bundlewatch (push) Successful in 56s
CodeQL / Analyze (push) Failing after 44s
cspell / cspell (push) Successful in 34s
CSS / css (push) Successful in 39s
Docs / docs (push) Failing after 12s
JS Tests / JS Tests (push) Failing after 33s
Lint / lint (push) Successful in 33s
CSS (node-sass) / css (push) Successful in 23s
Release notes / update_release_draft (push) Has been skipped
docs: move examples inline shortcode to a partial (#39829)
* docs: move examples inline shortcode to a partial

* Further tweaks
2024-04-01 22:00:09 +03:00

64 lines
3.1 KiB

{{ range $entry := $.Site.Data.examples -}}
<div class="bd-content">
<h2 id="{{ $entry.category | urlize }}">{{ $entry.category }}</h2>
<p>{{ $entry.description }}</p>
{{ if eq $entry.category "RTL" -}}
<div class="bd-callout bd-callout-warning small">
<strong>RTL is still experimental</strong> and will evolve with feedback. Spotted something or have an improvement to suggest?
<p><a href="{{ urls.JoinPath $.Site.Params.repo "issues/new/choose" }}">Please open an issue.</a></p>
{{ end -}}
{{ range $i, $example := $entry.examples -}}
{{- $len := len $entry.examples -}}
{{ if (eq $i 0) }}<div class="row">{{ end }}
{{ if $entry.external -}}
<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-3 d-flex gap-3">
<svg class="bi fs-5 flex-shrink-0 mt-1"><use xlink:href="#box-seam"></use></svg>
<h3 class="h5 mb-1">
<a class="d-block link-offset-1" href="{{ urls.JoinPath $.Site.Params.github_org $example.url }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
{{ $example.name }}
<p class="text-body-secondary">{{ $example.description }}</p>
{{- $indexPath := default "index.html" $example.indexPath -}}
{{- $stackBlitzUrl := printf "%s%s%s" (urls.JoinPath "https://stackblitz.com/github/twbs" $example.url) "?file=" ($indexPath | urlquery) }}
<a class="icon-link small link-secondary link-offset-1" href="{{ $stackBlitzUrl }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
<svg class="bi flex-shrink-0"><use xlink:href="#lightning-charge-fill"></use></svg>
Edit in StackBlitz
{{ else -}}
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3 mb-3">
{{- $exampleNameUrlized := $example.name | urlize -}}
{{- $exampleUrl := urls.JoinPath "/docs" $.Site.Params.docs_version "/examples" $exampleNameUrlized "/" }}
<a class="d-block link-offset-1" href="{{ $exampleUrl }}"{{ if in $example.name "RTL" }} hreflang="ar"{{ end }}>
{{ $imageBasePath := urls.JoinPath "/docs" $.Site.Params.docs_version "assets/img/examples" -}}
{{- $imgPath := urls.JoinPath $imageBasePath (printf "%s.png" $exampleNameUrlized) -}}
{{- $imgPath2x := urls.JoinPath $imageBasePath (printf "%s@2x.png" $exampleNameUrlized) -}}
{{- with (imageConfig (path.Join "/site/static" $imgPath)) -}}
<img class="img-thumbnail mb-3"
srcset="{{ $imgPath }}, {{ $imgPath2x }} 2x"
src="{{ $imgPath }}"
width="{{ .Width }}"
height="{{ .Height }}"
{{- end }}
<h3 class="h5 mb-1">
{{ $example.name }}
<p class="text-body-secondary">{{ $example.description }}</p>
{{- end }}
{{ if (eq (add $i 1) $len) }}</div>{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}