mirror of https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git synced 2025-03-03 03:29:21 +01:00
XhmikosR b46f05a948 Switch to Hugo
This commit includes all the needed workarounds and most changes from the main branch for everything to work, like:

* removing empty lines in raw HTML that break output
* read .browserslistrc, CSS variables from disk instead of duplicating it
* using Hugo mounts
* using Hugo for the docs CSS/JS
* move ToC Sass code to a separate file while adapting it for Hugo

Thus, this patch makes our npm scripts faster since lint runs on one step and there's no separate docs assets processing.
2020-11-19 11:22:22 +02:00

22 lines
686 B

// Example starter JavaScript for disabling form submissions if there are invalid fields
(function () {
'use strict'
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
// Fetch all the forms we want to apply custom Bootstrap validation styles to
var forms = document.getElementsByClassName('needs-validation')
// Loop over them and prevent submission
Array.prototype.filter.call(forms, function (form) {
form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
if (form.checkValidity() === false) {
}, false)
}, false)