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* Add a data array to the table, creating DOM node etc. This is the parallel to
* _fnGatherData, but for adding rows from a Javascript source, rather than a
* DOM source.
* @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
* @param {array} aData data array to be added
* @returns {int} >=0 if successful (index of new aoData entry), -1 if failed
* @private
function _fnAddData ( oSettings, aDataSupplied )
var oCol;
/* Take an independent copy of the data source so we can bash it about as we wish */
var aDataIn = ($.isArray(aDataSupplied)) ?
aDataSupplied.slice() :
$.extend( true, {}, aDataSupplied );
/* Create the object for storing information about this new row */
var iRow = oSettings.aoData.length;
var oData = $.extend( true, {}, DataTable.models.oRow, {
"_aData": aDataIn
} );
oSettings.aoData.push( oData );
/* Create the cells */
var nTd, sThisType;
for ( var i=0, iLen=oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
oCol = oSettings.aoColumns[i];
/* Use rendered data for filtering/sorting */
if ( typeof oCol.fnRender == 'function' && oCol.bUseRendered && oCol.mDataProp !== null )
_fnSetCellData( oSettings, iRow, i, oCol.fnRender( {
"iDataRow": iRow,
"iDataColumn": i,
"aData": oData._aData,
"oSettings": oSettings
} ) );
/* See if we should auto-detect the column type */
if ( oCol._bAutoType && oCol.sType != 'string' )
/* Attempt to auto detect the type - same as _fnGatherData() */
var sVarType = _fnGetCellData( oSettings, iRow, i, 'type' );
if ( sVarType !== null && sVarType !== '' )
sThisType = _fnDetectType( sVarType );
if ( oCol.sType === null )
oCol.sType = sThisType;
else if ( oCol.sType != sThisType && oCol.sType != "html" )
/* String is always the 'fallback' option */
oCol.sType = 'string';
/* Add to the display array */
oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.push( iRow );
/* Create the DOM imformation */
if ( !oSettings.oFeatures.bDeferRender )
_fnCreateTr( oSettings, iRow );
return iRow;
* Read in the data from the target table from the DOM
* @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
* @private
function _fnGatherData( oSettings )
var iLoop, i, iLen, j, jLen, jInner,
nTds, nTrs, nTd, aLocalData, iThisIndex,
iRow, iRows, iColumn, iColumns, sNodeName;
* Process by row first
* Add the data object for the whole table - storing the tr node. Note - no point in getting
* DOM based data if we are going to go and replace it with Ajax source data.
if ( oSettings.bDeferLoading || oSettings.sAjaxSource === null )
nTrs = oSettings.nTBody.childNodes;
for ( i=0, iLen=nTrs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( nTrs[i].nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TR" )
iThisIndex = oSettings.aoData.length;
oSettings.aoData.push( $.extend( true, {}, DataTable.models.oRow, {
"nTr": nTrs[i]
} ) );
oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.push( iThisIndex );
nTds = nTrs[i].childNodes;
jInner = 0;
for ( j=0, jLen=nTds.length ; j<jLen ; j++ )
sNodeName = nTds[j].nodeName.toUpperCase();
if ( sNodeName == "TD" || sNodeName == "TH" )
_fnSetCellData( oSettings, iThisIndex, jInner, $.trim(nTds[j].innerHTML) );
/* Gather in the TD elements of the Table - note that this is basically the same as
* fnGetTdNodes, but that function takes account of hidden columns, which we haven't yet
* setup!
nTrs = _fnGetTrNodes( oSettings );
nTds = [];
for ( i=0, iLen=nTrs.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
for ( j=0, jLen=nTrs[i].childNodes.length ; j<jLen ; j++ )
nTd = nTrs[i].childNodes[j];
sNodeName = nTd.nodeName.toUpperCase();
if ( sNodeName == "TD" || sNodeName == "TH" )
nTds.push( nTd );
/* Sanity check */
if ( nTds.length != nTrs.length * oSettings.aoColumns.length )
_fnLog( oSettings, 1, "Unexpected number of TD elements. Expected "+
(nTrs.length * oSettings.aoColumns.length)+" and got "+nTds.length+". DataTables does "+
"not support rowspan / colspan in the table body, and there must be one cell for each "+
"row/column combination." );
/* Now process by column */
for ( iColumn=0, iColumns=oSettings.aoColumns.length ; iColumn<iColumns ; iColumn++ )
/* Get the title of the column - unless there is a user set one */
if ( oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].sTitle === null )
oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].sTitle = oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].nTh.innerHTML;
bAutoType = oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn]._bAutoType,
bRender = typeof oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].fnRender == 'function',
bClass = oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].sClass !== null,
bVisible = oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].bVisible,
nCell, sThisType, sRendered, sValType;
/* A single loop to rule them all (and be more efficient) */
if ( bAutoType || bRender || bClass || !bVisible )
for ( iRow=0, iRows=oSettings.aoData.length ; iRow<iRows ; iRow++ )
nCell = nTds[ (iRow*iColumns) + iColumn ];
/* Type detection */
if ( bAutoType && oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].sType != 'string' )
sValType = _fnGetCellData( oSettings, iRow, iColumn, 'type' );
if ( sValType !== '' )
sThisType = _fnDetectType( sValType );
if ( oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].sType === null )
oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].sType = sThisType;
else if ( oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].sType != sThisType &&
oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].sType != "html" )
/* String is always the 'fallback' option */
oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].sType = 'string';
/* Rendering */
if ( bRender )
sRendered = oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].fnRender( {
"iDataRow": iRow,
"iDataColumn": iColumn,
"aData": oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData,
"oSettings": oSettings
} );
nCell.innerHTML = sRendered;
if ( oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].bUseRendered )
/* Use the rendered data for filtering/sorting */
_fnSetCellData( oSettings, iRow, iColumn, sRendered );
/* Classes */
if ( bClass )
nCell.className += ' '+oSettings.aoColumns[iColumn].sClass;
/* Column visability */
if ( !bVisible )
oSettings.aoData[iRow]._anHidden[iColumn] = nCell;
nCell.parentNode.removeChild( nCell );
oSettings.aoData[iRow]._anHidden[iColumn] = null;
* Take a TR element and convert it to an index in aoData
* @param {object} s dataTables settings object
* @param {node} n the TR element to find
* @returns {int} index if found, null if not
* @private
function _fnNodeToDataIndex( s, n )
var i, iLen;
/* Optimisation - see if the nodes which are currently visible match, since that is
* the most likely node to be asked for (a selector or event for example)
for ( i=s._iDisplayStart, iLen=s._iDisplayEnd ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( s.aoData[ s.aiDisplay[i] ].nTr == n )
return s.aiDisplay[i];
/* Otherwise we are in for a slog through the whole data cache */
for ( i=0, iLen=s.aoData.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( s.aoData[i].nTr == n )
return i;
return null;
* Get an array of data for a given row from the internal data cache
* @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
* @param {int} iRow aoData row id
* @param {string} sSpecific data get type ('type' 'filter' 'sort')
* @returns {array} Data array
* @private
function _fnGetRowData( oSettings, iRow, sSpecific )
var out = [];
for ( var i=0, iLen=oSettings.aoColumns.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
out.push( _fnGetCellData( oSettings, iRow, i, sSpecific ) );
return out;
* Get the data for a given cell from the internal cache, taking into account data mapping
* @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
* @param {int} iRow aoData row id
* @param {int} iCol Column index
* @param {string} sSpecific data get type ('display', 'type' 'filter' 'sort')
* @returns {*} Cell data
* @private
function _fnGetCellData( oSettings, iRow, iCol, sSpecific )
var sData;
var oCol = oSettings.aoColumns[iCol];
var oData = oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData;
if ( (sData=oCol.fnGetData( oData, sSpecific )) === undefined )
if ( oSettings.iDrawError != oSettings.iDraw && oCol.sDefaultContent === null )
_fnLog( oSettings, 0, "Requested unknown parameter '"+oCol.mDataProp+
"' from the data source for row "+iRow );
oSettings.iDrawError = oSettings.iDraw;
return oCol.sDefaultContent;
/* When the data source is null, we can use default column data */
if ( sData === null && oCol.sDefaultContent !== null )
sData = oCol.sDefaultContent;
else if ( typeof sData == 'function' )
/* If the data source is a function, then we run it and use the return */
return sData();
if ( sSpecific == 'display' && sData === null )
return '';
return sData;
* Set the value for a specific cell, into the internal data cache
* @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
* @param {int} iRow aoData row id
* @param {int} iCol Column index
* @param {*} val Value to set
* @private
function _fnSetCellData( oSettings, iRow, iCol, val )
var oCol = oSettings.aoColumns[iCol];
var oData = oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData;
oCol.fnSetData( oData, val );
* Return a function that can be used to get data from a source object, taking
* into account the ability to use nested objects as a source
* @param {string|int|function} mSource The data source for the object
* @returns {function} Data get function
* @private
function _fnGetObjectDataFn( mSource )
if ( mSource === null )
/* Give an empty string for rendering / sorting etc */
2011-11-26 18:51:45 +00:00
return function (data, type) {
return null;
else if ( typeof mSource == 'function' )
return function (data, type) {
return mSource( data, type );
else if ( typeof mSource == 'string' && mSource.indexOf('.') != -1 )
/* If there is a . in the source string then the data source is in a nested object
* we provide two 'quick' functions for the look up to speed up the most common
* operation, and a generalised one for when it is needed
var a = mSource.split('.');
if ( a.length == 2 )
2011-11-26 18:51:45 +00:00
return function (data, type) {
return data[ a[0] ][ a[1] ];
else if ( a.length == 3 )
2011-11-26 18:51:45 +00:00
return function (data, type) {
return data[ a[0] ][ a[1] ][ a[2] ];
2011-11-26 18:51:45 +00:00
return function (data, type) {
for ( var i=0, iLen=a.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
data = data[ a[i] ];
return data;
/* Array or flat object mapping */
2011-11-26 18:51:45 +00:00
return function (data, type) {
return data[mSource];
* Return a function that can be used to set data from a source object, taking
* into account the ability to use nested objects as a source
* @param {string|int|function} mSource The data source for the object
* @returns {function} Data set function
* @private
function _fnSetObjectDataFn( mSource )
if ( mSource === null )
/* Nothing to do when the data source is null */
return function (data, val) {};
else if ( typeof mSource == 'function' )
return function (data, val) {
return mSource( data, val );
else if ( typeof mSource == 'string' && mSource.indexOf('.') != -1 )
/* Like the get, we need to get data from a nested object. Again two fast lookup
* functions are provided, and a generalised one.
var a = mSource.split('.');
if ( a.length == 2 )
return function (data, val) {
data[ a[0] ][ a[1] ] = val;
else if ( a.length == 3 )
return function (data, val) {
data[ a[0] ][ a[1] ][ a[2] ] = val;
return function (data, val) {
for ( var i=0, iLen=a.length-1 ; i<iLen ; i++ )
data = data[ a[i] ];
data[ a[a.length-1] ] = val;
/* Array or flat object mapping */
return function (data, val) {
data[mSource] = val;
* Return an array with the full table data
* @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
* @returns array {array} aData Master data array
* @private
function _fnGetDataMaster ( oSettings )
var aData = [];
var iLen = oSettings.aoData.length;
for ( var i=0 ; i<iLen; i++ )
aData.push( oSettings.aoData[i]._aData );
return aData;
* Nuke the table
* @param {object} oSettings dataTables settings object
* @private
function _fnClearTable( oSettings )
oSettings.aoData.splice( 0, oSettings.aoData.length );
oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.splice( 0, oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.length );
oSettings.aiDisplay.splice( 0, oSettings.aiDisplay.length );
_fnCalculateEnd( oSettings );
* Take an array of integers (index array) and remove a target integer (value - not
* the key!)
* @param {array} a Index array to target
* @param {int} iTarget value to find
* @private
function _fnDeleteIndex( a, iTarget )
var iTargetIndex = -1;
for ( var i=0, iLen=a.length ; i<iLen ; i++ )
if ( a[i] == iTarget )
iTargetIndex = i;
else if ( a[i] > iTarget )
if ( iTargetIndex != -1 )
a.splice( iTargetIndex, 1 );